Chapter 48

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Two men looked at each other in the middle of darkness, one of them staring not believe from what his heard and other trying to convince that which he said is truth.

"I don't believe ...." said Art after hearing Mew said that Phana is his son.

"Believe it or not but that is fact." Clear Mew with calm.

"You ... you ... said he had died, you say my baby dead ..." Art shout to surprise birds was perch on trees.

"I'm sorry Art ... I don't want to lie but I have too because the condition." Mew try approaching Art but the more approached the more Art getting away.

"Explain to me ..." demand Art. Mew sighed before tell memories bitter and open old wounds among them.

"You know that I love ...."

"skip that part ..." said Art short but firmly. Mew not disappointed, he knew that Art will be like this.

"After we did that night ..."

"Skip that part also. I don't want to hear."

"Arggh .... fine ... after you're pregnant, pregnant my son. My father was furious. He wanted to destroy your family even he wanted to kill our children."

"Don't call him our children. Call him Phana."

"Alright ... whatever you wish." Mew should never be upset to Art, but because it was his basic nature is arrogant, makes him so annoyed because Art cut the story.

"Immediately to the point."

"Okay, I lied. I lie to you that Phana dead when he was born. I lied to take care of you, take care of you to stay alive."

"Take care of me ? to stay alive? You know Mew. I tried suicide many time to following my baby. What you know how suffering and hurt I am when I heard baby which in my womb for 9 months, that baby I love with all my my heart, pronounced dead for granted." Shouted Art in view of how the destruction of him when doctor says that the baby died shortly after the birth.

"Art ...." Mew try hugging art however Art move away.

"Why? Why you did not say to me. 25 years Mew. Already 25 years. Why you told me now ?"

"All for your good Art. I do for your good. My father too cruel, he always impose his will for the sake of the triumph of family khotinan. Even Roy (father kongpop and Sun) also know." (Zyzy will explain the relationship three here, Roy and Mew is cousin, who attended the same school with Art. So three of them is school friends.)

"Don't said it was for the sake of me, it is for Mia right,Mia your wife." Art vibrate hold anger.

"She lied to me art. Mia lied to me. In fact I believe her. Mia says will help to speak on my father that I could be with you but she actually working with my father to kill you. She even take phana to treath me. Mia could not pregnant, so she took phana to cover her weakness. She .. she ... she persuade my father to make you disappeared." Mew cry kneeling in the presence of Art. "I'm sorry ... i'm sorry I am so weak ..."


"My life destroyed, I was drunk every night, sometimes I be rude to anyone. Until Mia sick, she said that I had to be strong for the sake of you Art. Mia feel guilty the end of her life. Even phana hate me thinking I don't considering his mother. Please art ... i'm sorry .. i'm sorry that cowardly like this ..."

"Did phana know?"

"No. I never told him."

"Give me time Mew." Mew nodded agree, it is too heavy for acceptable for granted by Art. Art need the time.

"Why you blocking the relationship Phana and Wayo?"

"In order Phana not suffer like me."


"My father can eliminate Wayo."

"What are you still a coward? Are you still afraid of your father?" Mew shake his head. One by one business his father was fall into Mew hand. Half the power of his father was gone. Mew build Foundation strength little by little to fight his father.

"Bless them. That's my request." Said Art firm. Not want to hear refutation of Mew.

"Mother-in-law.... huaa .... Hua ...." Wayo shot of hiding ran hugging Art. It makes Mew and Art surprised, beside behind Wayo there Phana that reveal himself.

"Phana ... this ...." Art bite lips in doubt, his baby in fornt of him, his baby which he believe pass away, standing in front of him now. Well-built, tall and grow well being a doctor.

"Sorry ... I need time .." said Phana slowly. Art nodded. "Pho must explain all to me." Demand Phana. Mew nodded, indeed it is time Phana know it all.

"Mother-in-law .... father-in-law is so evil to me ..." said wayo that makes Mew surprised. Moreover wayo further words that makes Mew frozen in his palce.

"Anyway ... father-in-law is my affair Mother-in-law ...."


"Ming ... what you did to Kit? You destroy my beautiful night, you know ..." said Forth upset, should he is in the tent both with Beam but now even in the tent with Ming. Sucks.

"P ... does P think only P night are destroyed, I also. I prefer to sleep with Kit not you P." said Ming out from his heart.

Bugg .... Forth hit Ming head.

"If you to be good at Kit, Kit will not complain to Beam. And we will not be suffer this way."

"That's all because P'Kong ..."

"What to do with Kong?"

"Because P'Kong making out with P'Arthit in the forest. I saw it P. I saw themselves. Then I be horny ..."

"It's your fault, why carry out me."

"Let P also feel what I feel." Mock Ming.

"Arghhh ...." shouted Forth more upset.

"P ... don't let the other relax while we miserable. It's not fair P." proposal Ming minded sneaky.

"OK. We disturb them." Operation no enjoy partner midnight will begin ...


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