Chapter 41

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Phana and Wayo sat opposite each other in front of Phana father. Phana and his father stared at each other to make the atmosphere very bleak, Wayo thought this tradition they are staring at each other sharply, as a good prospective son-in-law Wayo then stared fiercely into Phana and his father.

"What do you see ?" Phana father said that he does not like to be looked at by Wayo.

"Seeing Uncle." Wayo said casually.

"So that's your attitude toward an older person." Phana father said annoyed.

"This is an uncle family tradition." Wayo said still defiantly relaxed.

"What do you mean my family tradition?" Phana father said in a louder voice.

"Uncle stared at P'Phana sharply and vice versa, so I just followed." Obviously Wayo with his kid style.


"Pho stop !!" This time Phana prevented his father from crossing the line.

"Leave him." Phana father orders.

"Do not want." Phana said firmly.

"I do not want either uncle." Wayo said.

"You do not have to interfere, it's our family business."

"But I'm an uncle candidate son-in-law."

Fir the first time Phana father faced a boy who was not afraid of him, what else always denied his orders. He is the owner of the largest hospital in Bangkok, and now this boy challenges him.

"Pho has been looking for the right partner for you, you must be engaged to her."

"Uncle This P is Wayo boyfriend." Wayo refused Phana father orders.

"I do not want Pho. I've found my true mate." Phana's words took hold of Wayo's arms.

"He's the kid." Said Phana father.

"I'm not a kid, I'm Wayo Rojnapat, 12th grade at XXX, I like ice cream and lobster, you want me to recommend a good restaurant." The longer Phana heard what Wayo said the more his feel dizziness. The boy is absurd.

"Father does not care. Fiance with Gukgai or your name will father removed from the list of inheritance." Threaten Phana father.

"It's up to dad, my answer still no." Phana words tightened the grip of his hand that made Wayo a little painful.

"Phana ..." his father said softly. "You can still get in touch with him but you have to marry Gukgai and you want to get a worthy lineage." Persuade Phana father.

"WHAT'S ME TO BE AN AFFAIR ?" Wayo shouted loudly. Fortunately their hearts are still strong until Wayo shouts do not make them heart attack. Phana stroked Wayo head soothing him.

"Pho ... does not Pho want an alpha grandson." Phana word is confirmed by Phana father.

"And Pho knows that only an omega can give birth to an alpha, so only Wayo can give birth to an alpha from my descendants."

"So dad says you can still keep in touch with him, but Gukgai remains your official wife."

"I do not want." Discuss Phana.

"You have to agree, I do not think Wayo will mind as long as you keep giving him money." Who does not melt if there is a bundle of money in front of him.

"Okay." Wayo said that made both of them shocked. Apparently not as difficult as imagine Phana father thought while Phana shocked stared at not believe why Wayo easily accept the proposal from his father. Is it because Wayo is afraid I'm poor? Think Phana. Phana shook her head to get rid of his bad thoughts.

"Do you agree?" Ask Phana's father.

"Sure on one condition." Wayo said steadily.

"Yo ... P do not want Wayo be my affair." Phana said slightly angry to Wayo.

"P take it easy." Wayo blinked. Phana could only sigh roughly waiting for what Wayo plan next.

"What are your conditions?" I will fulfill whatever your request is, and I am Mew Kongthanin will do what I say. "

"Right? Uncle promise?"

"Of course."

"Should not break it?"

"You can hold my word."

"Okay, the requirement is that Wayo may also cheat and wayo can choose by myself." Wayo said that made Phana eyes wide open. Angry, irritated and disbelieving raged in Phana heart. Phana wanted to kidnap Wayo and lock him up somewhere until he alone owns Wayo.

"Hahahaha ...." Phana father laughed out loud. "It is only your requirement, of course, but the blood of Kongthinan descendants must be pure, the child you give birth should not be mixed with other blood, let alone the blood of a lowly man."

"I can keep the blood of Kongthinan." Wayo said. "You have not heard my affair name?" Wayo said that prevented Phana father from rising to his feet.

"I do not care who your choice is." Phana father snort was rude.

"Uncle should care."

"Why ?"

"Because my affair is yourelf uncle."

"WHATTTT ????" Said father and son startled surprise together.

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