Chapter 50

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Phana and Mr. Mew talks seriously in the tent, they don't know what's going on out there.

"So, I'm P'Art son?" Phana asked to be make sure again. Mew nodded.

"So, Mae Mia isn't my mother?"

"Phana ..."

"I had expected that Pho." Phana words startled Mew. Phana just smiled thinly.

"Mae once said that I would find the person who gave birth to me. Although for Pho, Mae might be a bad person but to me Mae is still Mae, the person I love. She raised me when Pho only cared about yourself." Mew feels guilty, it's true that I only focused on myself at that time. Forgetting Phana who is his child.

"Are you going to reject Art?" Ask Mew cautiously. Art will be very hurt once again if Phana rejects him as his parents.

"P'Art? Of course not. He blessed my relationship with Wayo. Besides Wayo also loved him. It's not bad if P'Art is my mom."

"What do you see from that child? Obviously Gukgai is better than him." Until this moment, Mew still did not understand what Wayo charm was so binding on Phana, other than Wayo is his mate.

"Pho, you will understand later why I chose Wayo." Mew shrugs a gesture up.

"Avoid him from your grandfather." Mew warned.

"Sure, Pho doesn't have to worry, there will be many people in front of Wayo to protect him."

"Well ... yes ... I know. I can already estimate who."

Phana smiled at the answer from the father. Yes ... that has become general news.


"Hik ... hik ... hik ... P Yo foot cramps." Wayo said, who was sentenced to kneel in front of the tent while raising his hands up, not to mention many people see him.

"Lift you hands high." Arthit orders that saw Wayo hand begin to lower. While Ming was punished standing one foot while grabbing his own ears.

"It's Ming fault P ... He is the one who deceived Wayo ..." Wayo whined.

"Wayo !! Yourself want to go along." Ming said irritably, unconsciously he lowered his feet.

"Lift your legs." Once again the order from Arthit. Inevitably, Ming raised his legs again while trembling from exhaustion.

"Er ... P they have been punished for 10 minutes." Kit words.

"Then ?" Arthit asked.

"Poor them." Kit said once more.

"Oo ... do you want to replace them?" Arthit question made Kit shake and move away.

Beam, Forth, and Neem just watched, didn't dare to interfere. Phana and Mew out of the tent and see the unusual incident. Wayo, who saw the patron coming, immediately whined for help.

"P'Pha ... Father-in-law ... Yo's legs cramp... hik ..." Wayo whined.

"P'Kong ... Ming tired ..." Ming started whining. Kongpop just shook his head, couldn't help otherwise he will get punishment from his wife.

"HAHAHA feel you absurd child ..." Mew said with a laugh.

"FATHER IN LAW....... HIKKK ..... EVIL ..... LIKE DEMON HIKKK ..." Even though the child is being punished again, he is still annoying. Mew thought. Mew won't reply to the boy words like that.

"Arthit ..." Phana called trying to release his lover.

"What ?" Arthit said curtly.

"What is Yo fault?"

"Ask him." Arthit once again answered curtly.

"Yo ... yo only acted as a ghost P'Pha ... that Ming told me to do so." Said Wayo.

"Hey ... you.. you offered yourself." Defend Kit, if not later Ming can be raw meat by Phana.

"Phana, don't interfere." Whispering Forth. Forth knew Phana feelings, he must be unwilling to see Wayo in pain. But he also had to know that the one who punish wayo is his brother not anyone else

"But ..." Phana said softly.

"But what?  You want to fight with P'Arthit?" this time the Beam said curtly to Phana.

Small Arthit. Same fierce. Think Phana.

"Shhh ..." said Neem, disturbing the interesting show.

"Why, what's this? How come no one haven't slept yet?" Asked Art who returned because he had bought beer at a mini mart outside the campsite.

"Mother-in-law ... hik ... please help Yo ..." all eyes looked at Art confused why Wayo called Art with his mother-in-law.

"Whats wrong Yo?" Ask Art.

"P'Arthit is evil ... he punished Yo ... but Yo just acted as a rich ghost ... Yo also didn't jump around like a Chinese vampire." Obviously Yo who made everyone confused except for Ming who already understood the meaning of Wayo and someone else.

Art walked over to Arthit and whispered something.

"Enough. You are free. If you are naughty once again, I will throw you into the lion den." Said Arthit, leaving them to his tent, Kongpop also followed Arthit.

"Mother-in-law  you so great ..." Wayo said happily running to hug Art. While Kit began to tell Ming to sit and massage his legs.

"P ... What did P say so P'Arthit obeyed?" Neem asked curiously. Art laughed out loud, making others confused and curious.

"I just said ... be careful later the baby can be like Wayo and Ming."

"MOTHER-IN-LAW..." Wayo shouted.

"P'ART ....." Ming shouted.

And they all laughed together except the sullen ones, Wayo and Ming.

Finally everything returns like before. A beautiful night plan will be done soon. Beammie I'm coming. Forth thought smiling.

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