Volunteering isn't as Bad as it Seems Pt. 2

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Dan walked through the doors and made his way to Phil's room quickly. He smiled at Dr. Aleah as he passed her and quickly shoved through Phil's door. Once he got in, Phil looked up at him with a very happy smile.

"Did you bring it?" Phil asked hopefully. Dan raised his eyebrows sneakily as he pulled out the McDonald's bag from his coat.

"Your meal awaits you, sir," Dan said. He dramatically pulled out Phil's meal and Phil happily snatched it up and dug in. McDonald's definitely wasn't supposed to be on Phil's diet plan, but he had told Dan that he was craving it, so Dan found a way to sneak it in.

"Why, thank you." Phil grinned.

They caught up as they talked, not that there was much to catch up on. Dan saw Phil every day basically. Most times he showed up and hung out with Phil almost the whole day. Some days he would even stay past visiting hours, which wasn't supposed to happen, but whatever. Yesterday happened to be a day that Phil had to do some check-ups and Dan couldn't actually see him. Phil gave him his number, so at least they could text in between doctor visits.

"So, what did the doctors say?" Dan wondered. He hoped that Phil was getting out of the hospital room sometime soon. Phil talked about how much he hated it. Plus, it would be nice to go spend time with Phil where there weren't loud heart monitors to interrupt their conversations.

"I'm dying," Phil said sadly. Dan punched him lightly on the arm, careful to avoid the still broken places.

"Shut up." Dan laughed and rolled his eyes. "What did they really say?" He pleaded. Phil sighed, threw away some wrappers and sat up in his bed.

"You're no fun," He pouted. Dan tilted his head at Phil, still waiting for Phil to answer his damn question. "They said that I'm out of here in a week!" Phil said happily. Dan cheered, just barely refraining himself from bringing Phil into a hug.

"Congrats, Phil!" Dan decided to do an awkward pat on the hand instead of a hug. It wasn't much better, but at least it was some type of touch.

"Yeah..." Phil trailed off. Dan looked into Phil's eyes, he could tell that Phil wanted to say more, but he waited for Phil to be the one to make that decision. "I need a favor, though... if it's not too much to ask..." He said quietly. Dan could hear the steady beat of the heart rate monitor slowly go up, but, for Phil's sake, Dan ignored it.

"Sure, what's up?" Dan wondered. He pulled his chair closer to Phil. He leaned forward too, just to make it easier for him to speak to Dan.

"Well... I need a ride from the hospital. The doctors suggested my mum... but... uh..." He sighed and trailed off. He hadn't told Dan much about his mum, but Dan knew him and his family didn't get along.

"You need a ride?" Dan asked. Phil nodded slowly. "I'll give you a ride, no problem." Dan smiled at the relieved look on Phil's face.

They went about another day of talking and chatting and... well... a little bit of flirting, it was always flirting when it came to Phil. Dan couldn't do it back no matter how hard he tried. There would be times when he could just barely get a few compliments out, but the next thing he knew, Phil was showering him with more compliments than Dan had even thought possible. Phil loved to compliment Dan. Dan would walk through the room and Phil might compliment his nose just to see Dan blush.

Even as Dan was leaving, Phil had stopped him. "You know, I look forward to seeing that face of yours every day." Dan tried to hide his smile along with trying not to let his blush get too bad.

"Just my face?" Dan narrowed his eyes at Phil. Phil took an exaggerated look at Dan's figure, starting from his feet and stopping at his face.

"Not just your face," Phil smirked. Dan scoffed and rolled his eyes at Phil's lack of filter. "Your personality is pretty great, too," Phil suddenly said. "And that laugh..." he smiled and shook his head, "music to my ears." Dan looked down at the floor for a long time as he thought about Phil's words.

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