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*Dans point of view*

It all started when Louise and Phil made a video together. I didn't really mind, I mean they were just friends and all, and I knew that.

It wasn't until I saw hundreds of comments talking about them being an adorable couple, and how cute they looked at each other that I started to think they weren't just friends.

My mind got wrapped in an envelope of jealousy, I couldn't believe him. I mean, we weren't dating or anything, but I had the biggest crush on him. It's not like I could go ask him either, he was my friend, not my boyfriend.

Plus, Louise was sleeping over, and if they were dating, I didn't want to make it awkward. We were all going hang out and eat pizza for dinner. Yay.

I came out when I heard the doorbell ring. Louise and Phil were sitting in the couch doing what I could've sworn was flirting.
"You get it!" She laughed, they were, of course tickling each other.
"No you!" They argued back and forth.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door grabbing the pizza. I walked over to them and dropped the pizza on the table.
"I got it." I said, I probably had anger in my voice, but I honestly couldn't give less fucks. They both laughed nervously.

They turned on some movie they wanted to watch while we ate pizza. I had no idea what was on though, I could only watch them. I narrowed my eyes at them, I couldn't believe it. Phil, for not realizing he belonged with me. And Louise, for pretty much stealing my man.

I got up, I couldn't stand watching them.
"I'm going to go to my room." I said starting to walk away.
"What why?" I could hear Phil getting up, I kept walking. "Dan?" He asked gently.
"I don't know, why don't you ask Louise what's wrong with me huh?" I turned to look at him with my arms crossed. A look of realization settled over his face and I looked down at the ground. I could feel my face get bright red.

*Phils point of view*

"Dan?" I asked gently. I knew something was off with him. Ever since Louise and I filmed our video together he just seemed... distant and a little angry. He barely touched the pizza and didn't even watch the movie. And now he was going to his room?
"I don't know, why don't you ask Louise what's wrong with me huh?" He turned around with his arms crossed and a look on his face. It was an angry look. Realization settled over me once I realized what it was mixed with.

It was the look Dan gave his ex- girlfriends new boyfriend when he saw him attached to her hip. It was the look he gave that guy who wouldn't stop hitting on me.
It was jealousy.

He avoided my gaze and a bright red blush crept up his face.
"Oh my god.. you're jealous." He scoffed.
"What? No! No I'm not.." he looked into my eyes and I could tell he was even more mad. I then watched him storm off into his room.

"I should leave." I heard from behind me. I saw Louise standing up from the couch.
"What? Nonono, you don't have to leave. It's a long drive to your house." I said standing in her way.
"I know, but I'll be fine. And.. I don't want to be the reason your friendship was ruined." She shrugged.
"You think this'll ruin our friendship?" I asked, my voice cracking.

I couldn't even stand the possibility of those words.

"If you don't go get him he will." She smiled. "Tell him I'm sorry too. I.. I wasn't thinking." She walked out the door.
"Why can't you?" I asked as she reached the door.
"I think the only person he wants to see right now is you." She said walking out.

I knocked on his door, I could hear the sound of piano. He played it sometimes when he was angry or stressed.
"Dan?" I called out.
"Is Louise with you?" He asked, the sound of the piano stopped.
"No.. she left." I said, he opened the door.

He of course had the jealous look on his face, but he also had a sad one. It kind of looked like he'd been crying. He was looking down at his feet.

"Why'd you get jealous?" I asked quietly.
"I just.. I don't know. After you guys made your video I read the comments. They all talked about how you were a couple and how cute you'd be. And I also kind of thought.. never mind." He shrugged.
"No what?" I whispered, I could see the tears in his eyes.
"I thought that you were.. replacing me." He looked into my eyes.
"What?!" I shouted a little. I placed my hands on his arms and got quite. "Why would you think I'd replace you?"
"I don't know.. I guess I just thought about how I started out as a fan and she didn't. You were finally starting to realize that your best friend basically stalked you for a year of his life and thought it was weird. And now you have this perfect girl that you started dating." He looked back down at his feet.
"You thought Louise and I were dating?! Dan you know I'd tell you if I was. You're my best friend. I tell you everything." I wrapped my arms around him.

We sat there for a minute, I heard him take a deep breath.
"Phil.. there's another reason I was mad." He whispered as he pulled away.
"I've always had a... well I guess I've just had.. feelings for you. That's why I got jealous. Well.. mostly." I don't know why, maybe it was just the shock of this guy I've liked for years liking me back, but I said something very stupid after. Something along the lines of:
"LOUISE THINKS YOU'D LOOK CUTE IN A PANDA SUIT!" I shouted and immediately clamped a hand of my mouth.
"I'm sorry." I whispered through my hand.

He gave me a confused look and then scratched the back of his neck.
"Shit.. um.. it's ok.. I get it." He nodded. "I'm sorry." He went to shut the door. I grabbed it before he could.
"No I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I was just surprise to hear you liked me back." I smiled up at him. "I don't like Louise, I like you." He bit his lip and nodded, and then a bright smile popped up on his face too.

"Oh." He said smiling at the ground. 
"Yeah." I smiled.. and then got all flustered. "Would you like to be my- if it isn't too awkward or anything, I know that we're best friends and all. Plus-"
"Yes." I looked up to see him smiling at me. "I would love to be your boyfriend.. if that's what you were asking."

I nodded, I didn't really realize how close we'd gotten until our lips touched.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too." He whispered.
"Louise is sorry by the way."
"It's ok, I ended up with the boyfriend I've wanted since 2009, I'm the happiest I've ever been." He said as he leaned in once more.

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