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He woke up to loud beeping. His head throbbed, and each long, steady beat seemed to make it worse. He slowly opened his eyes. Everything was blurry and bright, causing him to close them seconds after. He opened his mouth, but it felt scratchy. He tried to open his eyes a few more times. Eventually, he succeeded. As he sat there, he realized where he was- a hospital room. He looked around, there were hundreds of get well soon cards and balloons. He wondered where they came from. He wondered how he even got to the hospital.

He tried his best to sit up, his whole body hurt though, not really helping. He could barely move it. Once he did he noticed a person in the chair next to him. She had short red hair and pale skin. Her eyes were closed, but even in her sleep she looked worried. There weren't many thoughts in his head until he saw her, the only thing he could think was mum. That was his mother: Kathryn Lester. That made him Phil Lester. That was all the information he could gather at that moment.

"Mum?" His voice was croaky and quiet, but she immediately opened her eyes wide.
"Phil!" She sat up and immediately wrapped him in a hug. "Thank God! I was so scared!" She whispered, Phil could hear her starting to cry. He felt bad, how long had she been there?

It wasn't long before doctors and the rest of his family entered the room. He recognized his brother and his father right away. He didn't know who the red-headed girl next to Martyn was, but she looked familiar. The doctors seemed to notice his confused face, one of them took out a clipboard and started to ask questions.

"Do you know your full name?" She asked. Phil thought for a few moments.
"Phil..lip... Micheal.. Lester," He answered, she nodded. His family looked worried though.
"Do you know what year it is?" She asked. Phil thought, but had no idea. He shook his head. The questions continued, along with the the worried looks. Phil had no idea why everyone was freaking out.

"Do you remember what happened?" Was the final question. It felt like someone took the information from the past fiveish years, chopped it up, left some broken pieces in his head and then took the rest out of his brain- pain enduring. He shook his head, the last thing he remembered... he didn't even know.

"You were in a car crash," She spoke calmly. "A drunk driver ran into the side of your car three days ago. You hit your head really hard, causing amnesia," She explained, his mother seemed to be tearing up again. "We don't know if it will last a few hours, days, weeks, months... or if you'll ever get your memory back."

The next few days were spent in the hospital- with no memory gain. He learned some things about his life before the crash. He was 18 years old- a few months away from graduating high school. He learned some stuff about his friends, most of them played football. He was told he had girlfriends, although the red haired girl said that if he was nicer that he would keep one (she got an elbow in the side from Martyn for that one). He found out that the girl next to Martyn was his girlfriend, apparently they didn't get along very well.

Some of his friends came in too. His best friend was a boy named George Hamick.  He was kind. He talked about how he hoped that Phil would get better and made jokes with Phil's mum. The boy that came with him was named Noah Andrews. He talked about some of the things that Phil missed- school activities, how the football games were going, how he got a new girlfriend. Phil was satisfied, his friends seemed nice, his life seemed good.

Phil was wrong. Phil was so wrong. He figured that out on the first day of school. His brother gave him a ride and he was met by his friends. Once they had left the car park, he was bombarded by people. People were constantly asking what was going on. They were asking if he was ok.

"Who are all these people? Phil asked George. He raised his eyebrows.
"You really can't remember anything?" He chuckled, Phil innocently shook his head. There was a group of about three girls who had their eyes narrowed at Phil, along with a group of ten girls obsessing over him.
"Why are they so mad?" Phil frowned.Noah burst out laughing.
"See the one on the left?" He asked, Phil nodded. "Yeah you dated her for a few days and then broke up with her for the one in the middle. Then the one in the right- who is fucking heaven in bed- started texting you so you cheated on the one in the middle with her. Which nobody blames you for," Noah shrugged. Phil almost stopped in his tracks.
"And the ones obsessing over you want to date you. Or at least one of us," George shrugged.
"What?!" Phil asked as they walked to one of their lockers. Who would want to date him based off of that information.
"Welcome to your life," Noah smiled brightly.
"Trust me, it's great. Our whole grade would take your spot hands down!"

They kept talking about how great Phil's life was, but all Phil wanted to do was throw up. How could anyone live like this? His "friends" were huge dicks, and it sounded like he was too. He went from girl to girl, cheating on them, disrespecting them in about any way possible. By the time his second class started, he couldn't sit by them anymore. All they talked about was drinking, girls asses/boobs, partying, football, or made dick jokes.

Not only that, but people were constantly coming up to him. Some were angry- talking about how upset they were when he dumped them. Some were excited- talking about how happy they were that he was back and alive. Asking him if he could make it to the next party. The worst of all though, some were scared. Kids in the hallways cowered in fear when he walked by, only causing the boys around him to laugh. Phil didn't even recognize himself, how could this be the person he was?

"Hey, I'm gonna go sit in the back. I need a breather," Phil said to all the people trying to sit by him. He just needed a break from everything. Especially all of these jerks.
"Are you sure?" George asked. For a moment Phil thought he was worried about him, he was touched. At least these guys were sort of nice. But then George continued. "Only the losers sit back there," He finished. Phil faked a smile, nodded and walked to the back of the room.

He sat down and laid his head on the desk. This had all been way to much for him. The hospital made everything sound so nice, like his friends were kind, he had a nice girl, and once he would get back to school everyone would miss him. It seemed to be the opposite though. Once he looked up, he noticed he sat down next to someone. He had a black hoodie on, black skinny jeans and a pair of black chucks. Earbuds were hanging out of his ears as he sat on his phone. He barely even glanced at Phil- very different from everyone else.

"Um... hi," Phil smiled at him. The boy's brown eyes met his and his chapped lips formed into a frown. He then immediately looked back down at his phone. "Hello?" Phil repeated. The boy looked back up, taking out his earbuds.
"What?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "Did you lose a bet? Why are you talking to me? Or sitting back here?" He raised his eyebrows at him, Phil frowned.

"Am I not allowed to?" He asked nervously. Was there some sort of assigned seats? The boy narrowed his eyes and glanced at Phil's "friends". They all appeared to be laughing.
"Seriously, Lester, is this another fucked up joke of yours? Cause I'm really not in the mood to fight you today," He rolled his eyes.
"Why would you fight me?" Phil asked innocently. What was wrong with the people in this school?
"You've been fighting me since grade eight. What, are you questioning it now?" He scoffed. Phil swallowed hard.
"That's awful," He muttered. "I'm sorry." He looked at the boy's eyes, they softened.

"Fuckin' hell, the rumors are true. You actually forgot everything?" He laughed.
"I... um. Yes," Phil bit his lip. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Well, you usually call me either Twat or Howell, depends on your mood." He shrugged. Phil eyes widened, he was realizing that he was an awful human being.

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