70:God Forbid

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3rd person pov

Alexis sighed deeply throwing the shovel she had a sizable hole ready she climbed out and wiped her forehead going straight to the sink washing her hands

She walked to the living room giving Celeste a kiss as she passed her then down the hall she opened the door closing her eyes trying her best to not gag at the smell she closed the door silently she walked over and laid on the opposite side of the bed and looked at him well she looked at him under the sheet she'd give anything for his arms to be wrapped around her his forehead against hers light sweet pecks on the lips

She thought of that lovely young man down the street ,the one that cheats on his girlfriend, he'd be lovely for a sacrifice Harry could have all of his youth and life she rolled onto her side and rubbed his cheek "you wouldn't want that would you" her eyes welled with tears he did what she would want him to do so she'd follow suit

She pressed her forehead to his cheek "It's no fair" she cried "it's not fair!" She screamed and angrily wiped her face she felt how stiff and cold he was and it made her ill she cried maybe 30 more minutes just holding him and sniffling before she forced herself up to check on her daughter who was asleep

Alexis walked back into the room and looked at Harry she was going to do something she'd ever done before

She was going to pray

She felt sick about the idea every fiber of her being was repelled at the thought but she kneeled down

"God I dunno much about you but I know you're supposed to be watching and listening" she couldn't be very civil "I can't fathom you knowing all and being Mr.Righteous I've been fucked over my whole life and you let it happen if it's part of the plan then me not believing it you was part of that but I know you're there and I know you didn't want me and Angel boy around each other but..." more tears stung her eyes "you took him from me" she squeezed her hands together "he was so wonderful he was just the best guy I've ever known, probably the best guy to ever walk on earth I know I corrupted him and not saying I didn't but... You fucked him over too maybe that's what you do you fuck people over some less than others I suppose is that how it works?" She paused as if something would happen she sighed deeply "please let Harry come home if he can't be with me I don't want him anywhere else he deserves heaven he deserves everything he's ever wanted-" her voice cracked knowing he wanted her it wasn't a selfish thought either she cried because she knew Harry wanted her and now he couldn't have her ever again

She had to work a bit to swallow over the lump in her throat "if you watch then you know me and... you'd know I've never been so heart broken after everything that's happened to me I'd go through it all again for him... for-for just a moment" she shook her head "all for a moment with him" she looked up at the ceiling "if I didn't have a daughter I'd send myself back to hell just to get out of you hair..." she looked back at Harry "treat him good please, please I just-" she covered her mouth holding back a choking cry "please PLEASE" something in her snapped everything flowed forward all at once "YOU CAN'T PUNISH HIM YOU CAN'T HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT HE'S PERFECT HE'S SO PERFECT"

She gasped for air and stood up feeling completely overwhelmed she had to leave she had to have a moment

She ran out of the room and slammed the bedroom door she pressed her back against it and grabbed the bottom of her shirt wiping her face feeling like she was going to hyperventilate she walked into the living room she scooped up Celeste and walked out she didn't even pull on shoes she just left

She walked for hours people giving her weird looks someone even asked her if she was okay to which she replied that she lost the love of her life and is trying her best not to lose her damn mind they hastily walked away after that she only returned home when the sun started to go down

She stood at the end of her own walkway staring at the house Celeste started to cry a little Alexis forced herself down the grey path she opened the door stepping in Leah came running she bounced on Alexis

Alexis shook her head "down" Leah whined jumping clawing at her stomach and thighs "I said down" Alexis pushed her away she didn't stop though she nudged Alexis continuously Alexis sat down but Leah followed still whining

"WHAT?" Alexis yelled causing Celeste to let out a screaming sob in response

Leah backed up Alexis had never yelled at her before she sat down and put her head down a little letting out small huffs every few seconds

Alexis hushed Celeste but was getting more and more pissed because of Leah's persistence Alexis stood up and rolled her jaw grabbing her collar "outside! outside now!" Alexis dragged her out to the backyard slamming the door

She sat back down finally Celeste was calm enough Alexis pulled her away from her chest and laid her the sofa Alexis hunched over rubbing her face she's put this off long enough several hours have passed there are no more excuses

She got up checking on Celeste one more time, one more last minute distraction, before she walked down the hall she opened the door and closed it she held her breath in anticipation of the horrid smell but once she took a breath she realized the smell was gone

She turned the bed was empty the white sheet was on the floor she went wide eyed and glanced toward the bathroom

The light was on she was shaking she walked closer she could hear the water


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