34:People are Evil

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3rd person pov

"I don't understand why I have to come" Alexis growled as Harry pulled up at a church

"I told you Alexis this seems fishy and I need your help I really think something is wrong like possibly demons that and I could really use your ability to read people's sins"

"Well I can't kill anyone so what's the point" she crossed her arms

"Alexis really" for once Harry sounded like the parent and Alexis the child

"But this is an actual church I'll get weak" she tried to reason

"Then... we'll get you blood"

"I don't want animal blood" she stopped that thought short

"You can have my blood" he shrugged

She licked her lips at the thought "mmm?" She'd never had angel blood before "fine lets go"

She got out quickly strolling to the building leaving Harry behind he quickly scrambled out the car following her

She stopped at the intricately  carved wooden doors Harry held his hand to her she took it and he pulled the door open letting her step in first

A painful shiver ran down her spine she started to cough a bit people turned to look at her mostly older ladies dressed in their Sunday best

"I c-can't believe I w-woke up early for this" Alexis growled between coughs after a few minutes the coughs subsided and they mingled with the crowd before church officially started

"What's wrong with this place?" Alexis asked not feeling another demonic presence nor anyone with an abnormal amount of sins

"I heard the priest collets money and stuff but I've been checking and the church hasn't given any money" he mumbled furrowing his eyebrows 

"Mmm" she nodded and felt eyes boring into her very flesh she turned looking at the older women who's eyes were burning her they judged her merely because of the fact she was in all black, black lips and black sharp liner included

Alexis hissed at them making them gasped and whisper worriedly among themselves

"Alexis" Harry grumbled "the are conservative you're in church in all black give them a break it's shocking to them"

"They can take those big fucking hats and shove them up their asses" Alexis grumbled Harry ignored the comment

"Come sit" they sat down together Harry looking around at the decorative windows "Mary would love these" he mumbled

Alexis felt queasy she laid her head on his shoulder to steady herself but he saw it as a cute, nice gesture

The priest walked in and Alexis head perked up "my my my aren't you about as black as coal" she made a country accent before giggling "he's a fucking liar he has a wife, a girlfriend, 2 bastard children, and steals money from these people to pay for his home" she read off his list to Harry

"S-so he's human?" He mumbled

Alexis nodded "sorry to disappoint but people can be very evil Harry"

"That's vile it really is just..." he was speechless

"Well look I'm sorry but does that mean we can leave now?"

"No I wanna see if he can at least interpret the Bible correctly for these people "

"Bet my left horn he can't" she sassed still mad she had to stay she crossed her arms and tried to get comfy on the pew

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