31:In Your Dress

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Harry's pov

Why was she taking such a long time?

She'd already missed 1 whole song and half of this one

I hope that asshole didn't drag her off somewhere I started in the direction where she walked I felt so weird things were a little blurry and shaky the pink and blue lights were horrible it was so dark which didn't help either I felt like I was in some kinda fun house I inched through people glancing at faces

People looked tired eyes were closed, heads were rolling on their necks, hands were ups, and girls were rolling their bodies sometimes against me which only made me wanna squirm away

I saw Alexis she was sitting in a booth... with that guy I tilted my head she was moving kinda like she was bouncing on his lap I walked over squinting

"oh shit Hansel!" She yelled

"Alexis what are you doing?!"

She quickly sat up going wide eyed her hands flat on the table in front of her "uh... I-I um" she stuttered

"What's wrong?" I stepped closer and she looked like she sat stiffer I looked over the table his hand was up her dress I rolled my jaw "W-Why is he touching you there!?"

"Harry calm down okay it's fine nothing wrong" she smiled

"Yes it is his hand is up your dress near your... feminine parts" I angrily whispered the last bits

"She's fine bud okay promise I'm not hurting her" he talked slowly like I was stupid my upper lip twitched

"Alexis get up" I watched his hand

"Well um I can't be-" I cut her off before any kind of excuse I grabbed her arm closest to me pulling her up

She fell into me because of the sudden tug I went wide eyed seeing he was exposed he quickly covered himself up

"W-were you..." I looked down at Alexis "were you having intercourse?"

"W-what no no no omg Harry h-he was just..." she looked at him trailing off

"Just? Just penetrating you?" I growled

"Look hey she's a big girl she can do as she pleases" he held up one of his hands because he'd successfully gotten himself back into his jeans

"Pre-marital sex is a sin" I grabbed Alexis arm tighter

"Yeah so are a lot of things" he sassed this wasn't a conversation worth having I just pulled Alexis away with me

I walked straight to the door pushing her out I walked down the street to the car and instead of getting in the front I pushed her into the back seat getting in after her

"Harry I can't believe you did that"

"Me! ME?! You were having intercourse out in public! With a man you've never met!" She crossed her arms

"Yeah yeah I did but I need a man Harry I NEED SOMEONE TO FUCK ME!" She growled darkly

I rolled my eyes "so some stranger in a club?"

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