48:Why Try

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3rd person pov

Alexis fluttered her lashes making sure her lashes were glued on securely

She smiled her raspberry red lips were so soft she was wearing a short black skirt and a ribbed long sleeve low v-neck shirt with thigh high black heels her hair curled tightly and soft makeup

She pulled on her black Aeropostale jacket and grabbed her purse she stepped out her room "HARRY YOU READY?!"

He stepped out closing his door behind him he was in a light blue long sleeve shirt and grey jeans "yes let's go" he smiled

They were going to Frankie Valli concert it was an outdoor concert both Alexis and Harry liked his music so it was great bonding she grabbed his hand and they walked out to the car Harry said he'd drive

They pulled up about 20 minutes later Alexis got out Harry taking her hand again swinging them gently they got in line Alexis give the guard their tickets and they got bracelets and walked in "let's get toward the middle" she looked up at him he nodded in response Alexis smoothly weaseled through where as Harry took jagged sharp turns to avoid people then still some how managed to hit someone

She stopped "oh I like it right here" she smiled widely "I hope he sings 'My Eyes Adore You' I really love that one"

"He's with the 4 seasons or...?" Harry cocked an eyebrow

"Um yes I think so" she bit her lip trying to remember

"'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' then I love that one" she smiled widely at his answer

"Oh I do loooooove that too 'Big Girls Don't Cry' is a classic too" Harry nodded happily she leaned on him wrapping her arms around his waist "I love you" he purred and she just hummed in a happy confirming way

He would take that it's most certainly better than nothing

She closed her eyes and sighed "you're shivering"

"I'm not" he was but really just barely

"You're a terrible liar" she smiled and rubbed his side

"How much longer until he's on?" Harry practically whined Alexis shrugged

"I dunno Babe"

After another 15 minutes the lights turned on people started to cheer emerging on the stage was Frankie and the 4 seasons Alexis and Harry clapped Harry was shivering much worse now though

He started to sing but Alexis focused on Harry "you want my jacket?" she offered

"N-No" he bit his lip to stop his teeth from chattering she rolled her eyes and unzipped her jacket she passed it to him "oooh god I'm freezing!" He greedily snatched it and pulled it on "you-you sure you're not cold?"

"I'm fine" she laughed and faced the stage again she smiled widely when Harry wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly his arms under her bust and his chin on the top of her head she smiled widely putting her arms over his

"So damn warm" he moaned softly

2 songs then Alexis gasped "My eyes adored you though I never laid a hand on you my eyes adored you like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I adored you so close, so close and yet so far!" She sang whole heartedly with Frankie

Harry leaned down and reached up turning her head so she kissed him she giggled and kissed back playfully he started to laugh back they were a bubbly mess he kissed her lips, then the tip of her nose, then her cheek, then back to her lips

"My eyes adored you" he cooed softly to her

"Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I adored you" she sang back

"So close, so close and yet so far" he finished and kissed her deeply again

They spent the remainder of the song kissing swaying slightly

Another song and Harry still had a bit of a bone chill "I'm gunna go get a hot drink do you want anything?" He asked

"No I'm okay" she smiled he kissed her head then wondered off

She looked back at the stage

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" Alexis turned and saw maybe a mid-20ish looking guy

"Listening to music" obviously

He laughed "I got dragged here with my mom this is her music"

Alexis cocked an eyebrow "I love Frankie's music, he's very talented"

He was a bit lost for topic all he had planned was his mom's music and for her to agree then go from there this isn't what he had rehearsed in his head

"Oh but... you're so young" he frowned

"Good music is good music it doesn't matter" she shrugged

He nodded and looked her over "you're not cold? You don't have a jacket" He saw the almost mini skirt she had on and no jacket but he wasn't gunna bring up the mini skirt

"I'm fine" she had her arms crossed but it wasn't an I'm cold thing it was an I'm very uninterested in you thing

Alexis frowned realizing Frankie had sung Big Girls Don't Cry while she had been talking to this jackass Frankie moved on to Sherry and she wasn't missing this song

He kept talking though she started to get really aggravated she noticed steam started to roll off her body she was getting hotter the more annoyed she got

"I have a boyfriend" she hissed at him

He rolled his eyes "I didn't ask if you did I'm only making friendly conversation with you"

"Well you obviously want something from me! I've ignored you for 2 minutes you're in my ear and I only wanna listen to Sherry so shut the fuck up ya dumb prick" she flipped him off

He jolted back "woah you're a bitch!"

"What'd you say?" Harry asked as he came back his hot coco in hand but it still wasn't steaming as bad as Alexis

"Oh who are you the 'boyfriend'?" He made quotation marks

"I am actually" Harry growled "Baby girl has he been talking to you this whole time?"

"Yes!" She snapped

Harry glared at him "we came to enjoy music together so get away from her to let her do so"

"She started it she called me names"

"We're not 4!" Alexis commented

"And I'm ending it so move along" Harry waved the guy off and wrapped his arm around Alexis the guy went to step around Harry toward Alexis but Harry caught him by his shirt faster than the guy could blink Harry flung him like a rag doll onto the cold, muddy ground

"Don't get near her a*shole" Harry growled

"it's your song babe!" Alexis smiled "can't keep my eyes off you you'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much" she sang for Harry pulling him down by the hoodie to kiss him

The guy got up scuffing mumbling curse words and Alexis slipped her foot out tripping him again so he landed face first she giggled into the kiss

"Naughty girl" Harry whispered playfully scolding her

"Your foots was out too" she snickered

He smirked "didn't think you'd notice"

"Naughty boy"

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