22:Sleeping Demon

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Alexis's pov

I yanked my wrists hard the rope cutting deeper in my raw wrists I tried to kick but there was leather straps on my ankles I heard the basement door and snapped my head toward the stairs

My father descended holding a pot I clench my jaw at the sight "I figured you were hungry" that smirk could curdle milk

I could smell the dog food from here usually when he fed me dog food he'd put something in it to make me sick so not only did I have to eat dog food but it'd have to come back up and out again

"Piss off and eat shit" I growled he stirred the pot not even reacting to my comments because this was just a replay no matter what I said, what I did the same things were going to happen that happened while I was alive

"Open up" he had a spoon of nasty foul smelling dog food to my lips I refused to open my mouth "I said open Little pig" still nothing I flinched as he threw the dog food all over my face taking another scoop "eat it bitch" he growled and rammed the spoon at my mouth making my lips and teeth ache but I still didn't open my mouth

"You have to the count of 3" he scooped more "1..." he raised it "2..." he put it to my mouth "3!" He screamed and threw the food on me then hit me in the temple with the metal spoon he put the pot on my lap and he pinched my nose "you've gotta breathe sometime"

I'd rather suffocate I held my breath and peeked at me lap I looked up at him and thrusted my body up the pot went flying through the air hitting the wall

"TAKE A BITE" I looked down and there the pot was full again it had just come right back he shoved the spoon at my mouth again and I was about to break I couldn't hold my breath forever I gasped for air and I felt the spoon hit the back of my throat

I gagged squeezing my eyes closed thrashing around screaming I kept gagging as it kept hitting the back of me throat

"God Alexis right there yes" I snapped my eyes open and saw Ricky on top of me and I wasn't gagging on spoon anymore I gagged one last time as he finished he pulled out and I spit at him put second before it hit him the mess filled my mouth again

I didn't spit in real life I growled darkly and spit again then again and again and again ,anger and pride mixing together making me make a fool of myself, finally I swallowed and he got up from the bed "like I promised I'll bring you water"

I yanked my wrist that were cuffed to be attached to his bed post if I only had my demon strength now I'd break my way free I looked up at my hand I remembered this how purple they were from lack of circulation it wouldn't be long from now that they'd be dead and start rotting no

No I'd die before then

"Here" he walked in with a glass of water a bright pink straw in it for me to drink from he let me sip but it only lasted 10 seconds he climbed back on the bed crawling right between my forcefully opened legs "you can have another sip after round 2 if you behave" he grabbed my hips which were still raw and bloody from the last abortion mission every other week he beat me in the lower stomach so just incase I was pregnant it'd just die

He rammed in and I screamed yanking myself back trying to get away from him but my ankle cuffs kept me from moving

I went completely ballistic saying things I wish I had said to him before he killed me "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF GET OFF ME GET OOOOOOFFFFF MEEEEE"

Harry's pov

She was asleep she had to be she wasn't dead she may be ice cold completely chilled but every few minutes I could hear a single heart beat so she's alive

Her lips are blue now along with the tips of her fingers but she hadn't even flinched for 4 days I dunno how much longer she could keep this up

I couldn't use any angelic light to heal her I'm sure she'd die if I gave her anymore light

I added yet another blanket this would be her 4th I was concerned I'd bake her under the layers but at this point I think she's cold enough that she could do well with a little sweat

I'm surprised more angels haven't shown up to finish the job they may think she's already dead but there will surely be a report about me going to father

Aiding and abetting a demon it's unheard of

Well technically she's not completely demon she was not made by Lucifer she's man made so she's still got a human soul deep down some where that's why she's capable of compassion and friendship I suppose

She's nice to me she's my only friend though sometimes she can be ,put nicely, rude she always still acts pleasantly and actions speak louder than words at least that's what I've heard humans say

I couldn't understand what I was feeling sad of course that's a basic human feeling but depression... I'm depressed and heavens I've never shed a tear before this I've never had such a bond with anyone to feel strong emotions for except Alexis

I missed her

physically I missed her heat that warm wave I'd get when I touched her, I missed her touch the way her long black nails skimmed along my skin with her finger tips, I missed the way her lips felt on mine so soft so natural it felt like it was something we'd always done but we've hardly known each other 5 months, but I think most selfishly out of all I missed the way her lips tasted that was one taste I couldn't stand to live without strawberries had never crossed my mind more than twice since I'd been on earth but now anytime I see them or smell I think of Alexis's full velvety pouting lips pressed against mine and I understand those thoughts aren't pure but to be fair she's not pure so anything I thought having to do with her would be impure automatically

But I missed her more than just physically her voice for instance the melody with which she'd sass me or anyone else, the sing song sound of her cursing it made as though the words leaving the lips I longed for weren't so bad but aside for her voice I love the sweet side of her the side that came out when she was happy the dimple in her cheek being the sign of when this Alexis was out she was my favorite I imagine that's the Alexis that shows me affection

I laid back down next to her "I'm back and I took an extra hot shower to keep you extra warm" I whispered in her ear earning no response of course

"I'm here when you're ready to wake up Baby girl I'll be right here"

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