41:You Got Me

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Alexis pov

I'd found Harry a girl like promised her name is Angelica I found her at a church fundraiser it's been about a month since to told Harry I'd find him a girl and I've found 4 in that time but I think this girl is the winner by far

It wasn't hard to convince her to go on a date with Harry, mostly because I brainwashed her to be okay with it but I mean whatever she'll have free will on the date

I saw Harry walk out from his room into the living room where I was chillin "I don't wanna do this" he whined

"I know you don't" I nodded he crossed his arms

"Then why do I have to?"

I stood up "so you're more worldly she's a pretty girl Harry very religious also so you can talk about your goodie two shoes daddy all night" I combed his hair back behind his ear with my fingers

His phone buzzed and he read it "Well she's at the restaurant... what's her name again?"

"Angelica" I nodded "go go go don't keep her waiting too long" I shooed him out

Harry's pov

I pulled up and got out I'd never been here before Angelica picked it, it's a seafood place I guess cause the ceiling is covered in hanging nets and plastic fish


I looked around then peeked at my phone I'm looking for a girl with white blonde hair and blue eyes

It was very convenient Alexis pick out a girl that looked nothing like her I mean complete opposite to what I find attractive

I sat down and she said "hello you must be Harry"

"That I must be" I agreed and set my phone down on the table "so that makes you Angelica"

She nodded "the one and only" she giggled her giggle was very high pitched

"Well lovely to meet you... why'd you agree if you don't mind me asking?" I wonder what Alexis told her

"A woman said a friend of hers needed a date she said you were Christian, young, handsome, sweet, and nice those are all very good traits I like" she shrugged

Mhm well that's a lot not many guys fit that refinement...

"Have you looked at the menu?" I asked as I took my own glance at it

"Oh uh yeah" she looked down at hers "um oysters"

Alexis hates seafood therefore I've never eaten it

"Mmm" I hummed and sighed "shrimp Alfredo" Alexis likes Alfredo

"What can I start you 2 off with?" I looked up at the waiter


"I'll have sweet tea" she beamed cutting me short

"Unsweet" I mumbled lowly after
He nodded writing that down "we're also ready to order Shrimp Alfredo and...?" I pointed at her

"Oysters" she passed him her menu I passed him mine and he walked off

"So..." she smiled putting her elbows on the table putting her hand under her chin

That smile kinda irritated me she had no reason to smile it's not special if she just smiles for nothing

Alexis only smiles when something makes her happy that's special her smile is worth something

"How old are you?" She continued seeing as I didn't respond

Alexis told me to say "I'm 32"

She raised an eyebrow "really?" I nodded she sat back in her chair

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