52:Thinking of You

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3rd person

Alexis stepped in bloody from her last job she kicked off her shoes and walked down the hall she opened Harry's door he had also just gotten home just a 2 hours ago he had driven a few hours away to help out a church

She walked into Harry's room taking her shirt off it was covered in blood she pulled her shorts off and crawled into his bed hoping she wouldn't get blood on his bed she slipped under his covers with him she wrapped an arm around his waist

He turned over and looked at her "I missed you" he rasped sleep thick in his voice he kissed her softly

But she didn't smile how she normally would

"What's wrong?" He pet her hair immediately noticing the difference

"I-I was too late" she whimpered "h-he killed her seconds before I made it there, she was 7 months pregnant and he sliced her open" she sniffled "s-she was beautiful Harry he kill them"

Harry frowned deeply "I'm so sorry you had to see that" it must have been horribly gruesome for it to have effected her how it did

She let out a small cry "She was going to be a wonderful mother she was so close and if I had been there sooner... I could have saved her and her Baby"

"Alexis you know it's not your fault" he shook his head "he killed her not you"

"But I could have saved them" she had such a soft spot for mothers and babies it killed her when pregnant woman and babies were involved with her work

"Well she's probably in heaven now with her baby" he attempted to comfort her

She looked up at him "yeah? she'd get to have her baby?" Alexis fiddled with the collar of Harry's white shirt he didn't even have the energy to undress before he got in bed

"Usually they have them sometimes the babies are too small but she should have hers" Harry nodded

She licked her lips "I hope she does" Alexis wiped her face "I've always wanted a Baby it hurts my heart seeing wonderful mothers and innocent children being harmed that's like my one weak spot "

"I can see that darling" he cooed then cupped her cheek "why don't you have a child? or adopt one?"

She shrugged "I-I dunno what kind of mother would I be? I mean I'm dead and I'm a demon"

"Well you'd be a wonderful mother we both know that" he smiled "I've seen you with children, perfect example that time that little girl got lost you comforted her and explain how you were gunna help her find her mum you were so calm and so motherly it was amazing so let's not pretend you'd be a fish out of water in the situation"

"Well I'm pretty sure I can't have kids cause I'm dead and I'm sure all those systems doesn't function anymore... I don't get a period so" she frowned "and they don't let unmarried people adopt children"

"Oh" he frowned "well we could get married then"

She raised an eyebrow "just to adopt a kid?"

"Sure yeah I mean that's a perk to it"

She laughed "thanks for the offer babe"

He shrugged "I was close" she mumbled a soft sure he rubbed her cheekbone with his thumb "have you ever made an orphan? Like kill a mother and father? Or Single parent?"

"Of course not" she frowned deeply "I'd never put a child in that situation"

"Well if that ever did happen... based on the people you usually deal with Im sure the kid would be better off with you"

She smiled "we'll see I'm not exactly above it" she bit her lip "do you like children? I mean I know you do but like ever thought about being a father?"

"Honestly? No the thought never crossed my mind but..." he paused only now thinking it over he shrugged slightly "it sounds enjoyable"

"You'd be a great father really you've got amazing patience that's one of the vital assets to being a good parent" she kissed him lightly just a small peck "can you reproduce?"

He furrowed his eyebrows "I dunno I don't think it's even been tested I'm the first angel in more than 100 years to have an extended stay in earth"

Alexis puckered "mm seems like you're the little rebel then aren't you?"

He laughed "no one has ever called me a rebel before"

She smirked "you are though you're living on the edge angel boy" she laughed a little "you're adorable really you are... I'm so glad Im stuck with you" she scooted closer and kissed him again "did you get in trouble with daddy?"

Harry had never really told her what happened when Owen came he sighed and ghosted his lips over hers "he said he was gunna tell father but... I'm still here so I must not been in very much trouble"

"Really you shouldn't be in trouble at all we aren't doing anything bad" she rolled her eyes

"Uh premarital s*x Alexis we're very guilty"

"Ugh oo my god k so we are guilty but whatever there are worse sins"

"A sin is a sin weight doesn't matter" he laughed

"Oooookay fuck well that's bullshit stealing a loaf of bread and raping someone aren't nearly the same level of horrible... just saying" she sassed

"Well if you had made the rules maybe you'd be happier but then justice wouldn't be equal"

"That's not the kind of equality needed though yes both are wrong I agree but a thief and a rapist are not the same crime something small should be equally treated as something large like rape, it should be thieves are punished on their own equal playing field where as a rapist is treated equal as another rapist"

"Why is it you always bring up rape?" He frowned deeply

"Because it happened to me and I kill so many rapist it's not fucking funny they deserve life of eternal damnation but if someone stole to feed their hungry family that's wrong but in some way right isn't it?"

Harry stared for a second "well... I-I no but..."

"Harry think about it don't just see black and white there is grey zones and I know you've never explored those zones but they exist" she knew he'd never been given a question that didn't fill his black and white mind set

"I-I wouldn't blame him" He whispered

"See I knew you'd understand" she sighed "you're a great guy babe" she hugged him tightly "and I'm so damn tired"

He held her back rubbing her sides "you're a good girl" he kissed her hair "I could see you in heaven"

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