11:Killer Tastes

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Alexis's pov

I'd seen her face too many times I'd seen her list of crimes getting longer and longer and I couldn't stand it I couldn't let her live another day

She abuses old people at a nursing home she kicks them, calls them horrible names, pushes them from their chairs and in 2 cases she's killed them she overdosed an old man and suffocated his wife I'd seen her in town she walks a lot and every time I see her she makes my blood boil

"Hi I'm here to see my Nana" I smiled to the receptionist

"Oh okay lovely here you are" she gave me a visitors tag "when you make it to visiting room please sign your name on the log"

"Of course" I cheered clipping my pen on my shirt as soon as I turned my smile dropped I walked right through the visiting room down the hall to the laundry room where she was smoking like the disgusting ugly bitch she is the cliche looking villain in a tv drama frizzy white blonde hair thrown in a sloppy low pony tail, yellow crooked teeth, with barely enough lips to wrap around a cigarette, drooping brown eyes sunken in to purple bags, a very short and stout woman

I knocked on the door she spun around flicking the lit bud out the window blowing smoke out with it before spinning my way seeing me through the small rectangle window in the steel door she walked over to the door opening it "yes can I help you?"

"Hi can I come and get some towels for my Nana?" She opened the door and I stepped in

"Who's your Nana?" She asked taking out wet towels plopping them in the drier

"Ruth" she froze that was to be her next victim and the main target of her teasing and bullying for awhile now

"Ruth oh a lovely girl there sad about her delusions" she tsked

"Delusions? She doesn't have delusions" I smirked at her clear attempt to cover her own ass she was so busy trying to cover a crime she didn't even notice I wasn't grabbing any towels yet

"Oh no no honey she does it's a side effect from her medication so sorry she says some horribly wild things" she shrugged "she's been falling a lot too"

Oh yes don't forget to cover those bruises with bullshit lies too

"Aww no really shame" I pouty and leaned on the washer next to her "you mean she was pushed right? By you right?" I corrected

She went wide eyed "w-what? what no I am a caregiver I love these people" she stopped shoveling towels

"Yes" I stood straight and grabbed her throat I jumped when there was a knock but smirked it was only Harry he wiggled the handle but it didn't open the door automatically locks when it closes

He was saying something but I didn't hear him though I'm sure it's along the lines of don't kill her

I laughed and looked back at the struggling woman trying to dig her fingers into my hand to get it off her I squeezed harder digging my nails in she screamed but no one would hear her

Harry pounded on the door "why do you hurt the elderly?" I asked

"I don't" she choked out

"Don't lie bitch why tell me why!" I urged

"Fuck you" she coughed

"So be it" I spun her around taking her neck into my inner elbow then gripped her hair tugging it snapping her neck her arms fell limp and I dropped her her head hit the floor with a loud thud then slowly a little red puddle started to form I picked up a towel putting it over her face then stepped over her walking to the door opening it


"Yeah well I did"

"You didn't have to kill her!" Harry pointed to her as I pulled the door closed behind me

"She was just lucky you're here and I had to make it quick I planned on beating her like she does the old people in this home"

"What about her family? her kids?"

"She doesn't have any but the couple she killed they had 3 kids and 7 grandchildren so thats 10 people just there suffering from the murders she committed and she was gunna do it again tonight but she won't be doing anything for awhile now" I smirked

"All you had to do was talk her out of it Alexis" I stopped and turned back to him

"Look I know you've gotta problem with when I kill but you need to realize it doesn't bother me when you're upset about it I don't care and I don't talk that's bullshit too much effort for too little a reward" I turned back we stomped through the visiting room and I stopped at the desk giving the woman my clip

"You can be not very friendly sometimes Alexis" he frowned deeply

"Nothing personal honey I'm a demon sometimes I snap" he walked in front of me

"I forgive you I know you need to kill to remain in good health it's not all you" he smiled

That smile that fucking smile it forced a smile on my face too "what did I do to get a sweet little thing like you?"

He shrugged then grabbed my hand "you wanna come over tonight?"

"Sure why not" I shrugged back

"I went out and got a computer can you help me fix it?" I nodded

"Yeah and you're gunna get anti-virus software" lord only knows what this man would click on "I'll show you how to get Netflix on your computer too" he smiled widely

"It has movies too?!" He gasped

"Yeah and something called YouTube which you're just gonna love" I laughed "and now that you have a computer maybe I could get you to study up on somethings..." I trailed off

"I'll do some homework" he nodded "if it'll help me be more worldly"

"Oh it will" I nodded "it will first things first though I'll get you Netflix after that I'll see what you can handle"

"I can handle a lot promise" he laughed

I laughed back poor guy "totally babe"

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