28:Playing with Fire

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Harry's pov

Why am I cold? I patted the bed and sighed

She's not here

I whined and rolled over pushing my face into the pillow I spread my arms and legs out like a star fish annoyed she wasn't in my bed

I leaned up hearing something

"Cause I'm a creep yeah I'm a weirdo what the hell am I doing here!" I sat up completely she's in my shower I smiled and got up I creeped over and opened the door as quiet as I could I leaned on the sink counter listening

She started to sing another song and after that I heard the water shut off she opened the curtain and I glanced over her body quickly then back at her face "I liked your singing" I passed her the towel that was next to me

She wrapped herself up and nodded "thanks mmm can you go get out eggs and the pans so I can make us breakfast?" I nodded

"On it" I stepped out walking to the kitchen I furrowed my eyebrows seeing one of the largest knives I own out on my counter blade pointed down the hall I picked it up my brows scrunching together in curiosity

Maybe Alexis played with it I saw a glass of water on the nightstand I dunno if it's new or not but maybe she was in here with this

I turned away getting out the pans and the eggs

"How'd you sleep?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen her hair wet in clumps in one of my shirts and pair of my boxers I smiled

"Mm well up until you crawled out of bed" She smiled

"Sorry babe" she laughed rolling her eyes then looked at what I pulled out I pointed to the knife

"Did you take that out ,Baby girl?" She glanced and shook her head

"Nope first time in the kitchen today" she turned back to the stove "oh babe make me a glass of orange juice pretty please" she hummed as she buttered the pan

I poured but nodded and walked to the fridge getting out the carton shaking it pulling out a glass for her

"Have any dreams?" She asked as she cracked an egg

"Uh no" I shook my head

"Is something wrong?" I looked over at her she was frowning

I shrugged and handed her the glass "knife thing is just weird" I mumbled

"Okay well uhh" she walked over to it picking it up she shrugged "let's just put it up okay? No biggie" she smiled sipping the orange juice walking back to the stove

I nodded that's best forget it I smiled "can I brush your hair?"

She looked at me smiling wider than before "I'd love that very much babe" I nodded and kissed her cheek

"I'll retrieve the brush" I laughed walking to her room grabbing it from her dresser I walked back and started to comb through her coffee brown hair

"Any plans today?" I asked

"I gotta go out later" she plates one of the eggs "have to kill a man before he drowns his toddler in a tub" she explained farther

"Don't have to kill him" I murmured

"But you know very well that I do" she corrected me I bit my inner lip sighing

She really made me second guess a lot

"Okay umm what do I do?" I mumbled

She plated the last egg "mm church or something you like church huh?" She started to make the eggs into sandwiches

"I dislike church some priest do not preach the word of god in an honest moral way and that infuriates me" I leaned forward putting my forehead on the top of Alexis's head

"Well I can preach to that churches never treated me right" she went about her actions

I wrapped my arms around her in a small kinda hug "I'm sorry you were sent to hell"

"Don't be please I would never be this, I would have never got to kill my parents and Ricky, and I would have never got to meet you angel boy" she cooed softly I smiled

I tightened my arms "I dunno if I'd ever really become a real person without you"

"Probably not I'm really great" she shrugged I laughed and kissed the top of her head "okay okay go sit it's ready" she wiggled I groaned as I let go she walked to the bar setting down the plates

I sat next to her and picked up my sandwich I raised it then... then lowered it back down frowning

"What? What's wrong?"

I tilted my head "I sense... I sense another dark entity" I looked at her "you expecting anyone?"

She shook her head "hang on give me a sec" she closed her eyes I watched her I noticed her pupils moving behind her eyelids "it's just Grim" her eyes popped back open

"Who?" I glanced out the window

"Grim reaper babe he's chill doing his thing he's got an appointment a few houses down" she shrugged taking a bite that got me thinking

"Do other demons ever look for you?"

She shook her head "no because I'd kill them"

"Why?" I asked taking my first bite

"I'm Lucy's favorite I imagine that's why" she laughed

"Oh right..." I trailed off

She nudged me softly "what about you angel boy? Angels ever visit?"

"Uhh yeah sometimes for a report"

"Hey I have a question" I looked at her because she really sounded serious


She frowned "so angels are like brothers and sisters? Are there ever any baby angels? I mean cherubs?"

I sighed "uhh yeah we are all siblings under one father but cherubs I dunno I've ever met one see a-angels we have classes I wasn't like the bottom but I was no where near the top so I don't know much didn't see much my job was mainly guarding heaven that's it"

She put her sandwich down "damn doesn't daddy tell y'all anything he seems like he's purposely trying to keep you ignorant"

I shook my head "no no father tells us all we need to know"

She shook her head "I'm only saying... Lucy has no secrets he's completely honest with everything don't you think that's a tad... strange?"

I looked away "no father is always right"

"Sure babe" she patted my shoulder "you think that all you like"

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