16:I'm Not a Bad Guy

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3rd person pov

Harry had gone out and bought a snack for Alexis he set out chips and a spicy cheese dip he'd seen Alexis eating before and he knew she really liked it he didn't want her hungry for their night he planned on funny videos on YouTube and lots of laughs

Harry looked at his phone Alexis hadn't texted back and he groaned no wonder Alexis always called him a needy puppy

Me:Hey are you on your way?

Alexis:had to make a stop I'm on my way now chill out babe

Me:I'm not cold I'm fine

Alexis:point being Im coming

Me:okay I'm here

Harry huffed and pulled out one of the chairs at the dining room table sitting down he clicked on his gallery he'd saved every picture Alexis sent him

She'd do her makeup put on something cute and have to share it with Harry and he'd save it most of the time the pictures were appropriate too so what's better than that?

He smiled widely he wanted more pictures of himself with her

But what he wasn't getting was the fact all his pictures were of her but the few he'd taken of himself to send to her it was all leading to the fact the only thing he could think of was Alexis all the time he didn't realize that yet but Alexis did she found it cute like a little boy with his first crush she didn't think he knew what he was feeling

He debated on texting Alexis again but didn't wanna annoy her

Harry shot up hearing a scream it sounded like Martha he ran out the front door and saw Alexis leaned over the white picket fence of Martha's yard

She killed Martha Harry was sure of it

"ALEXIS!" Harry ran over and grabbed Alexis's hips then he saw Martha stand up she was completely fine no cuts, no bruises, no blood he stopped

Alexis turned "what are you doing?" Harry jumped back Alexis had a snake head cupped in her hand the body wrapped around her arm be it the snake was normal size nothing big

"What are you doing!?" Was she gunna use the snake to hurt Martha?

"I'm getting a snake out this lady's garden" she walked across the road to some bushes and let it go she walked back looking between Harry and the woman

"Oh Harry she came just in time I didn't even see it coming" Martha sighed wiping her forehead off with her forearm "I-I didn't get your name hun"

"Alexis" she smiled

Martha looked at Harry "you must know each other?" She asked Harry ,who was still quite shaken up

"Yes very good friends" he mumbled

"You okay babe?" Alexis frowned "you're like really really pale and I mean like not your normal pale..." she put her hand on his cheek

"Fine, can we go?" He stepped around Alexis leaving her to follow behind him

Alexis waved Martha goodbye Martha thanking her one last time before she joined Harry in his house

"Are you okay?" Alexis repeated hoping for a real answer now that they were alone

"Uh yeah just-" he laughed "shaken up" he put a hand on his heart

"Snakes scare you?" She furrowed her eyebrows

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