35:Getting Soft?

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Alexis's pov

I heard my door I know that sound distinctly I groaned Harry had woken up and noticed I didn't crawl into bed with him

I got in late from a killing and I just climbed in my own bed but I'm sure he's got something to say about

I rolled over and sure enough there was the boxer clad Baby I could see him in the light that peeked through my blinds I sighed "yes?"

He didn't say anything I sat up "what Harry?" I cocked an eyebrow but nothing he didn't even move he just stood at the end of my bed I frowned deeply "heyyy you okay?" I took my blanket off "Harry? Did you have a bad dream babe?" I crawled down "Harry?" I put my hand on his chest and he was really warm I tilted my head taking my hand back

"Who are you?" I whispered

"What makes you say that?" It was his voice but not his tone

"I asked who you are"

He leaned forward and I saw red blood shot eyes "I swear you're no fun Hell cat" I knew now

"Lucy?" I furrowed my eyebrows

He nodded "the one and only"

"Is Harry okay? You didn't kill him did you? Like you aren't hurting him?" I cocked an eyebrow

"No he's fine he's sleeping inside" he shrugged

"W-why are you possessing angel boy?"

His smile dropped "why are you with angel boy? Grim snitched on you" he grabbed my throat "you know how I feel about you with other men, Let alone a fucking angel and you obviously care"

"Im not with angel boy he's a roomie cops took over my place" his hand didn't faze me

"Grim caught you in his bed" he snapped starting to squeeze much harder on my throat

"He had a bad dream Harry is an actual child Lucy he couldn't touch me in a nasty way even if he tried nor himself for that matter his daddy dearest taught him nothing" maybe I told a little white lie it doesn't matter I'm a great liar he stared at me just to see if I was lying too but to no avail

"I still don't like it"

"I don't have to pay for anything Harry pays for it all" I smirked "I'm corrupting him Lucy" I giggled a little "he curses like a sailor Lucy it's so funny"

His stern face kinda cracked "what really?"

I nodded and giggled again "he likes fuck that's his favorite"

Lucy shoved be back onto my bed "taking them down from the inside you sneaky devil you?" he chuckled

"Always I'm for the winning team" I held my arms out to him welcoming him to pin me down and straddle me he gladly took the invite crawling over me

"What's your master plan?" He asked intertwining our fingers, Harry's thick yet slender fingers fit my hand perfectly

"Corrupt him, take down some of his angel buddies ooh ohh the other day I ruined a whole church"

He gasped "you did? How?" I nodded

"Yeah I busted the pastor and they can't find another cause the church is sooo far in debt"

"Look at you that's why your my favorite" he leaned down and kissed me I moaned those lips were so soft... Harry's lips "my best girl causing beautiful chaos" he pulled away and smirked

It was Harry but it wasn't, those were Harry's lips Harry's teeth that was Harry's face but it wasn't he never smiled like that he never used such snide when he talked his tone doesn't drop in the way Lucy makes it

Harry wasn't this warm

I grabbed his neck and rolled us so I was on top of him "I'm a big girl Lucy I can handle myself you know that" I tucked a lock of brown hair behind his ear "I follow the rules, when beneficial to me" I giggled he leaned up and kissed my chest kneading and cupping them as his mouth worked I ran my hands through his hair moaning a little

"You're right you can be such a good girl when you wanna be" he praised

I gasped when I felt something sharp I looked down and he'd made a long cut across the top of my chest with a nail he'd grown out "ow Lucy come on Baby we're not in hell that won't heal" I whined

He reached up and pinched my jaw "hush" he growled and licked over the cut wiggling his tongue in the open wound I groaned but I'll admit I kinda liked it

"Be careful with angel blood hell cat" he pulled away licking his lips "it will fuck you up" he forced me down to be level with him so he could look me dead in the eyes "don't you ever drink it again I don't wanna taste it on you are we clear?"


He shoved my head to the side and huffed "you really piss me off you know?! I give and I give to you and what do you do? Go suck on an angel you're a whore!"

"I know I know and you love it" I leaned to his neck kissing "I only drank his blood as punishment he didn't like it Lucy it wasn't like us it wasn't for pleasure"

"Then come up with something better than that you think I'm stupid Alexis I know you I know you love to suck blood you can tell me it was strictly punishment but you got something out of it just the same as I would have don't play me a fool hell cat" he grunted

"I'll be good Lucy come on baby you can't stay mad at me" I nibbled his neck a bit he moaned softly and yanked me away I wasn't allowed to drink from him I don't know why but I know he's told me not to

He rolled his shoulder "get off me Alexis"

I pushed him back down and kissed him deeply "you can't be mad at me" I whined

He rolled his eyes "Blow me" he grumbled

"Yes Lucy" I chirped I know he only meant it as a sarcastic remark but I took him seriously and crawled down he sat up watching me

"Now there's a good girl"

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