56:Some Kinda Parasite

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Alexis's pov

I clawed my nails into Harry's hand I was covered in sweat the room smelled of decay and iron all the blood I've thrown up was partly digested so it was congealed and rotting in the trash next to my bed

It's been 19 hours now and the pain has only gotten worse Harry hasn't left my side but maybe twice the whole time

He was just laid behind me spooning me rubbing my stomach he fell asleep a few times but he didn't let me go

I leaned over throwing up again but it was just stomach acid I whined and fisted my bed sheets and continued to gag to no avail

"Hey hey it's okay" he sat up rubbing my back

I lowered back onto the bed he grabbed the rag from the nightstand and wiped my mouth "I'm so sorry you're not feeling well" he cooed

He'd been apologizing the whole time I grabbed his hand putting it back on my stomach and rubbed his arm I was so warm in his arms

Suddenly I had a very bone deep chill ran down my spine I groaned "Grim"

As if on que he appeared in smoke he stared at me for a moment ,even after his smoke cleared, finally he walked over and I felt Harry's grip get tighter "I came because I felt death here..." a completely placid tone made that statement as emptying sounding as if he were declining a beverage as a guest in someone's house

He could see my unamused face and continued

"you're dying" he tilted his head "I didn't think you could die"

"I-I can't I already died" I sat up slowly still clutching my stomach feeling the bed shift behind me letting me know Harry sat up with me his hand stayed on the small of my back

"That was my understanding but... from what I can see your holding on by a thread" he scanned me over then looked at Harry I peeked over my shoulder Harry was glowing with his angelic aura

I'd love to know why Harry didn't like Grim but now isn't the time

"How am I dying?" I asked

"I can tell you what's wrong but I want the angel out"

I looked at Harry he had a very apprehensive face brows furrowing in deep concern but he ultimately took his hand back getting off my bed glaring at Grim on his way out "yell if you need me" Harry added sternly before closing my bedroom door

Grim waited until Harry's footsteps stilled before he stepped to my bed side he looked in the trash can full of blood I'd thrown up "mm" he put his skeleton hand to my forehead "chilled" he put a hand on my chest "slow" he commented then moved his hand down till he was over my stomach "lay back perfectly flat" I laid back even moving my pillow so I would be flat enough for his liking "this will be painful" he glanced at my face but I didn't answer I didn't care about pain now I'd been through so much pain it wouldn't matter

I prepared myself by pre-locking my jaw he put his hand on my stomach again and it phased through my skin but all I could feel was a tearing sensation similar to the cramps I've been having I fisted the sheets and panting slightly trying to keep flat

"Found it" he muttered

"W-what?" I'm surprised I could still speak with how lock jawed I was

He stared where his hand was "I'll take it out"

My limbs shook I felt like this wasn't just him helping me he wouldn't just help me I'm not stupid I know better than to expect any act of kindness... maybe he was sent to kill me?

"W-what is it?" I whispered

"I'll take it out" that was almost eager, if he could express emotions more than sure his tone of voice would be excited

"What is it?" I insisted I wanted to back away from him but he had a hand in me who knows what kinda damage that would do

"A parasite"

My jaw dropped "a parasite? Where would I get a parasite from? S-something like this shouldn't effect me" it shouldn't effect me as a demon... but am I really as good as a human right now?

He moved his hand inside me I bit my knuckle not to scream bloody murder

"From that filthy angel" he sneered

"H-Harry?" I muffledly whispered as my knuckle was still held between my teeth

He nodded "I'll take this" he leaned closer to my stomach

"Get your hand out" I squinted he didn't flinch I sat up on my elbows he was unfazed by me and my movement "get your hand outta me!" I yelled

He looked up at me and squeezed his hand inside me I hunched over gagging from the pain "OH GOD" I cried it was worse than the cramps

I only just barely heard the door as it flung open I heard talking slowly, agonizingly slowly Grim pulled his hand out of me when it was fully out I laid back and gasped for air like he'd been choking me this whole time

"I'm telling Lucifer of this, of that parasite" he told Harry looking him dead in his eyes

"Parasite?" Harry mumbled back

Grim pushed Harry out the way and leaned down to my ear so close his foul breath moved the smaller bits of my bangs "last chance I can take it and he'll never know what you did"

"W-why are you trying to help me?" I didn't dare look at him I just looked blankly at the ceiling

"I'm not helping you... why would you ever think I'd help you?" He leaned even closer his half lip skimmed the skin of my ear "I love the souls of the unborn"

He just vanished

I brought a hand up and covered my mouth shaking violently tears slipping "help me"

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