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Alexis's pov

I'm so weak I really feel like I'm alive again I was this weak when I was killed

I can barely walk, I can't hold myself up I need help to even get up from my bed

But my Baby seems like it's visibly growing and I can feel them now they swim around and kick so I know at least they are healthy

I sigh heavily I was drawing I've been drawing a lot there's really nothing else to do I'm not useful anymore but at least Harry tells me he's being productive and he's not killing people anymore he's buying bags of blood from who or from where I'm not sure but he comes home with them for me

Harry's had a lot of progress saved a lot of people angels have been popping up and they can't even sense me anymore Harry's said they've forgotten about his affiliation with me they probably think I'm dead

I think Lucy does too I haven't killed anyone in months I haven't been out of the house in about 3 weeks and he hasn't come to see me, called me, or even checked up on me via Grim

I'm not sure why when he left after our deal he seemed fine

I heard the front door I smiled and looked at my bedroom door waiting for Harry to come in

After a few moments he still hadn't come in I put my sketch book down and put my feet on the floor I stared blankly listening I heard rummaging

I stood up and walked to my door slowly holding the underside of my bump I opened my door as silently as I could I peeked out a crack only big enough for 1 eye to see

I saw things falling into the floor but... not the thing that was doing it

I gasped when a saw a demon jump over the sofa and looking down the hall directly toward me his black eyes only glanced my way though before he jumped onto the coffee table I quickly closed the door and waddled as fast as I could toward my closet I opened the door and wedged myself between the back wall and my clothes my bump was smashed against the wall I covered my mouth

I heard my door open I put my other hand over my mouth I had to control my heart beat and my breathing he could mistake me for an animal if I was muffled and quiet

I closed my eyes and waited my muscles tensed and my heart spiked when I heard things being knocked over

It was maybe 40 minutes before the demon gave up but I just sat down my back against the wall and I was gunna wait for Harry right here


I had almost fallen asleep until I heard his voice


"Baby!?" I heard his frantic footsteps my door opened "Alexis!" I hit the closet door

"I'm in here!" He opened the closet and dropped to his knees

"Baby! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" He felt over my face and arms before helping me up

"A demon came in" I gripped his arms for dear life as he slowly lead me out the closet

"But you're okay right?" He asked again giving me a quick scan

"I'm okay" I nodded I saw my room my dresser was knocked over my bed was thrown around and my full length mirror was busted

"I'll clean it up I'll clean this all up okay you don't worry about it I bought you some blood" he looked at my bed and frowned "let's move you to the sofa for now my love" he scoped my legs up and carried me out he sat on on the sofa and grabbed the bag he had dropped on his way in he passed it to me it had 3 blood bags

He grabbed the scissors and passed them to me then started to clean I cut off a corner and drank from it

I rubbed my bump the Baby woke up as soon as I got the first gulp down "Harry?" I whispered

He looked at me "yeah?"

"Can you come sit with me? Just for a minute"

He paused but nodded "yeah baby" he put the bag down and walked over he sat next to me I leaned my head on his shoulder

"You sure you're okay?" He asked once more

I laughed softly "I'm fine" I grabbed his hand and put it where the baby was kicking "baby just woke up" I mumbled and looked up at him "not much longer now"

He nodded he wasn't even looking at me just looking at the wall ahead of him

"Harry I don't think you'll be able to feel this way toward our baby when it's born" I sighed "at least I really hope not"

He rolled his jaw and looked down at me then toward my bump he sighed "I was thinking about what you said... about finding another man" his lip twitched "I don't think I'm capable of letting you leave me really I thought about it but I think I'd hate that man I think I'd do something to him" he frowned deeply "I'd want to hurt him"

I was a little surprised Harry was still so innocent, I mean on the inside, everything he did he did with good intentions he had come along way from the black and white rules he had when I first met him he understands a lot more he isn't as stiff either especially not with me he acts more human like everyday and I felt like this might be the last straw

He's felt want, lust, greed, envy, but now he admits he'd want blood he's never murdered anyone for any reason other than for me which I wouldn't count as a murder it's more like hunting

"Why does that make me even more attracted to you?" I laughed a little he laughed back the same half assed way

"Because you're a demon and you like chaos"

"Oh right" I laughed and rolled my eyes I drank more blood relaxing against Harry he could clean up another time

"They are really kicking in there" he whispered his hand still in place even though I wasn't holding it there anymore

"They are happy for the blood" I hummed licking my lips

He nodded and looked down at my bump "what do you think it is again?"

"A girl" he nodded

"I guess we'll see soon" he got up "I'll finish cleaning" he walked away from me

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