2:Grey Clouds

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Alexis's pov

I rolled my jaw as I walked through the slums hearing crying of neglected infants and toddlers along with the click of my black heels

Woman as skinny as bean poles with children even skinner I know that pain I know that pain very well

I remember that, I remember those pains fuck those pains and those who inflicted that pain upon me

But those memories aren't my concern not at this moment I know exactly where I'm going and who I'm going to meet

I smirked seeing the little girl who tried to follow me home the dirty skinny little blonde girl she knew my face just as well as I knew hers she walked toward me as I kept on my way "Hi" she mumbled

"Where's your father?" I asked pulling out a cookie from my pocket holding it to her I think I could hear the saliva flash flooding into her mouth

"O-On sofa" she stutters reaching for the cookie I lowered it to her

"If you can stay out here sit on that crate right there count your fingers and toes till I come back I've got 2 more cookies for you" I smiled pointing to the crate across the street she skipped over

"I-I give one to mommy too" she said as she sat down

"Sure now remember count your fingers and toes till I come back" she started counting

I stepped in her house the door wasn't even on 2 hinges I closed it I heard a tv blaring and yelling "STUPID BITCH I SAID 7 PM 7 WHEN DID 9 BECOME 7?!"

"J-Jeremy p-please I h-had t-to work over time my boss- AHHH" I heard that sound that sound that I felt as I heard it flesh on flesh

He'd slapped her I rolled my jaw and looked into the living room the woman is on her knees in front of him he's holding his hand up for another hit I leaned on the door frame "I'm the only man you listen to and that little bitch she bit me again" he hit her again

I know why the little girl bit him he'd raped her she's 4 he'd done this to that toddler and made himself the victim that woman ,her mother, had no idea this was happening she works 15 hour days and comes home to abuse I know that I walked over she looked at me cupping her face to hold back blood

He turned to see what she was looking at "who the fuck are you?!" He screamed he looked back down at the woman "WHO IS SHE?!"


"She doesn't know me" I said calmly and kept walking he bucked up but I wasn't stopping

"You're gunna make for some fun tonight" he smirked he swing at me and I caught his fist he froze I bent his hand back at first he didn't understand why until there was popping I broke his wrist he dropped to his knees

"Yes I will" I dropped his limp wrist "look at her look at that woman" I fisted his hair forcing him to look at her "tell her what you did to that little girl"

She looked between us still holding her nose shivering "Malory?" She whispered he didn't say anything I put my hand on his cheek I started to slowly dig  in my nails

"Tell her" he grunted as I forced my nails into his flesh

"What did you do?" She crawled closer "what'd you do to Malory?" She moved her hand from her nose "Jeremy ANSWER ME!" She begged

I started to tear back he screamed "I-I fucked her" he hissed I stopped momentarily looking at her she stopped being so weak I saw fury in her eyes

"Y-You said you wouldn't touch her" she shook her head "YOU SAID YOU BEAT ME TO KEEP HER OUT OF IT" she screamed "how many times? How many times did you hurt my little girl?"

"6" he grumbled

"6... 6! SHE'S 4 YEARS OLD" she got up and stumbled over to me I smiled

"Make him pay for it he deserves it's okay really make him suffer" I encouraged she looked a bit unsure until she lifted up her foot taking off her heel I stepped back he looked up at her

"Wait! Wait baby I love you don't do this" he begged

She shook her head "die" she hit him with the shoe over and over and over until the heel broke off I walked to her rubbing her shoulder

"I've got him don't you worry he's not coming back" I grabbed the collar of his shirt ready to drag him out

"Wait" I turned looking over my shoulder

"Thank you" she dropped the shoe "who are you?"

"I'm no one you need be concerned with wipe your face your daughter will be back in in a few seconds she'll have cookies I gave them to her" I turned back dragging him behind me my heels muted by his loud droopy sloth body I walked out the front door

"16... 17... uh 18" she was counting her toes she looked up seeing me then looking down at the dead body "where's he going?" She pointed

"Where bad people go darling straight to hell" I pulled out the cookies holding them to her

"He's going to hell?" She asked to clarify I nodded "he's not coming back?"

"Never ever" I smiled "mommy is waiting for you darling"

"Mommy mommy he's going to hell!" She screamed holding up the cookies "an' I have cookie for you!" She ran inside

I dragged his body out the area of the homes then stopped at a ditch I dropped him then kicked him rolling him into it until he was covered in brown muddy sludge

Then hummed going on my merry way home ,home being an old abandoned warehouse, from what I could tell they made soft drinks  the bottom half of the building is assembly lines and machines but second story was lockers and offices lucky me the biggest office had all windows intact that's my room also I hijacked power and cable from a neighboring factory that's still in business

So I had tv, a fridge, oven, and microwave I bought a lot of things to change this place up the next room over was a lab of some kind it's all white title with a drain in the center it had a hazardous chemical shower which I used as a regular shower and the sinks as a regular sink the shelves to hold towels and things I added a large mirror on there but I don't have a toilet in there, there's one off my room with a sink though

But my washing machine and drying machine are also provided but are down the hall more

I walked into my bathroom ,the lab, standing in front of the mirror to judge if my clothes were ruined luckily they weren't

I smirked fluffing my slightly matted down with blood coffee brown hair that touched my collar bones against my caramel skin the ends almost touching my large double D bust I've got a fit hourglass waist with thick thighs and a semi-bold looking bum

My golden green eyes glared darkly into the reflective glass then dark lush eyeshadow only making them brighter my plump lips held black lipstick ,my favorite color, which only stressed the look of my naturally large lips and the natural Cupid's bow I had

Too bad I'm not tall I'd like to tower over people but I'm only 5'7 not anything crazy I smirked showing my large sharp canines they are almost like fangs I like crazy

I peeled off my blood stained clothes that had would have to be washed stepping into the glass case with a shower head as the warm water hit me I thought

wonder who I can find tomorrow

One Hell of An Angel जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें