37:I Care Deeply

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3rd person pov

Harry frowned feeling something wet he sat up and palmed the mattress the pitch black room made the liquid void of color

Alexis's side of the bed was empty he saw the bathroom light was on the pale light peeked under the door and he could hear talking he got up practically tip toeing over he opened the door the first thing to greet him was the color red

Blood was pooling over the tiles it was spilling from a large laceration on Alexis's thigh

"W-What happened?" He dropped to his knees helping to try to apply pressure on the towel she had over the cut

"J-just another past injury and my enteral damnation you know?" She groaned "f-fuck"

"How long have you been bleeding?" He asked wide eyed

"I dunno 20 minutes maybe" she shrugged and laid her head back on the wall "I'm gettin dizzy" she whispered

He put more pressure seeing she wasn't pressing as hard as she could have been "go get the duct tape" she ordered Harry followed her instructions and got up he ran to the kitchen and grabbed the roll then ran back he got where she was going with the idea and he wrapped her leg up with the towel still on the wound he made a cocoon type wrapping with the duct tape to hold constant pressure

"How did this happen?" He asked and he got another towel up wiping up blood before it stained the off white tiles

"Mm Ricky cut me because I didn't wanna have s*x with him it was the week before he cuffed me up to his head board" she answered her eyes still closed

Harry threw the towel in the hamper and sat himself next to her "are you okay?"

"I'm a little light headed but I'm alright"

"I'll go get you something water? Food?" Harry asked eager to force wellness on her

"No" she shook her head

"I heard you talking..."

She sighed "I was cursing Ricky it got pretty bad" she spoke so lazily Harry was afraid she might faint and fall he pulled her to lean on him so she couldn't fall over

"Why didn't you wake me?" He frowned

"Well I was more concerned about my bleeding I have no idea how long I was cut for... the bed is soaked in blood I could have been cut for an hour and just been laying there I have no idea" she made herself comfy on his shoulder

He wrapped an arm around her waist "as long as you're okay" he kissed her head

"I'm so tired" she muttered her head kinda falling forward as her eyes drooped

"S-should you be going to sleep? Isn't that bad?" She didn't answer well at least he knew she wasn't gunna die from whatever option he picked he stood up and picked her up gently holding her bridal style he brought her out his room to her own laying her in her bed then got in with her

"What was it like? Your childhood I mean" he asked seeing if that could be a way to keep her awake and it seemed to catch her attention because she lifted her head up and laid it on his chest

"From what I can remember they didn't start resenting me till I was 5... w-we were very poor I mean I'm talking people got killed in my unfenced backyard no joke" she sighed "then one day they got a large amount of money I'm still not sure from who or what but I'm talking about 10,000 dollars and they started spending and spending and spending..." she trailed off

"My mother started to call me nasty names if I asked for anything ,I really only asked for food, then my father said that we shouldn't waste money on a kid" she paused again as if the flashbacks gagged her

Harry rubbed her side "then what? I-if you don't mind"

"They took my stuff and started to sell it, even my favorite toy a stuffed chicken plush, then I started to out grow my clothes so my mother would steal from lost and founds for me that's if she felt like it then they took my room away, that's when I lived in the basement they hadn't been feeding me regularly this whole process but it got worse when I was in the basement and if I went up for anything not school related they'd hit me that's what started the hitting smacks became slaps, slaps became punches, punches became kicks, kicks became full body assault" she sighed heavily

"I'm so sorry that happened to you" he squeezed her side lightly as a comfort

"For a long time I wondered what I had done wrong had I not been grateful enough? Not said thank you the way I should have then she started calling me a fat pig and an obese bitch that's when she stopped feeding me and I thought it was for the best she was gunna fix me then the basement I was an embarrassment, a waste of space just like she said... I was so self loathing it sometimes physically hurt me in a genuine sense I felt like I was being ripped apart"

"You're none of those things in fact your the opposite you're perfect and I couldn't think of a more self confident person even if I knew a billion people" he kissed her head "you should never feel bad about yourself you did nothing wrong in your life"

"I know that now" she sighed and started to rub Harry's chest slowly watching as her finger tips grazed over his tight muscles "what's Heaven like?"

He thought she'd never ask "well um it's always bright even at night it's never pitch black, it's kept pretty cool never goes above I think 75 degrees, all the houses are the same and everything in them is white I mean for the angels at least I dunno about the humans... it's nice to feel your warmth" he kinda trailed off on to another topic

She nodded "I know" she closed her eyes "I'm so terribly tired Harry"

"Then go to sleep I'll be here if you need me"

"You sleep too don't stay up all night just watching me" she knew what he was up to

"I only wanna make sure you get to sleep okay then I promise I'll sleep" he swore to her she squinted and nodded

"Mm well okay good night babe"

"Good night Alexis sleep well love"

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