36:2 of a Kind

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Harry's pov

I slipped out of bed careful not to wake Alexis it was pretty cold after leaving the blankets she'd warmed up with her body heat so I pulled on boxers I stepped out of the room as quietly as I could manage to let Alexis sleep

I went to the kitchen I started on some tea to try and replace some of the heat I lost leaving the bed I put the pot of water on the burner just as I heard a knock

I walked to the door and opened it I was very surprised at who I saw

"Melonie?" I mumbled she was a fellow angel

"Hello Harry, may I come in?" I nodded and stepped aside letting her in shutting the door behind her

"What are you doing here? Did father place you on earth as well?" I asked and motioned her to have a seat at the bar so we could talk

"No I didn't come at the request of father" she said as she sat

"Oh? Then why have you visited me?" I frowned

"I've only come to talk with you" it was nice to know I wouldn't have to jump into action "You attacked Quill" she frowned back

"Quill was out of line" I defended

"He was here to vanquish the demon, she's still here too alive and well I see" she could sense Alexis's demonic aura

"He didn't need to vanquish her, especially not while she was vulnerable how he did she was in a towel for Christ sake" I threw up my hands

"Harry you know we have no tolerance for demons they must be slain"

"She's not a true demon she's man made her sins are not all her own"

"And that makes it better how?" Melonie raised an eyebrow

"She's not all bad she loves children and she does help ,at least she sees it that way" I shrugged

"Harry what's come over you you talk with such emotion as if you care for the girl?" She titled her head

I remember when I woke up on earth and I'd gone out I saw someone smile like a real happy genuine smile I copied them and it felt weird but after while all I did was smile because I am happy, I'm happy with Alexis

"Melonie I'm changing her I-I've purified her in a different way"

"Demons can't be saved nor can man made demons they are not worth all the effort just purify them and send them to hell where they belong" she shook her head

She sounded so strikingly similar to Alexis too much effort just end it I mean they were on the opposite ends of the spectrum obviously but had the same mentality

"You don't understand" I rubbed my face "Mel s-she's not all bad god she was sent to hell because of attempting ,and key word there attempting, to hurt her kidnapper rapist she didn't even kill him first of all and second of all he killed her, raped her, tortured her"

Melonie furrowed her eyebrows for a moment but then it all melted back into a very placid face "father doesn't make mistakes"

I sighed deeply there was no point in arguing with her "no" I huffed and turned away pouring the boiling water into my cup I put in the tea bag and looked back at her "would you like some tea?"

She was watching me intensely "oh uh no" she looked at the bar top curiosity was forbade for angels and I only give in to such things because I'm in the human world and I had to adapt to their ways

"We just feel you're becoming hostile and losing sight of your mission" she brought us back to the main issue

"I was only hostile because he was taking advantage of her in a vulnerable state purposefully"

"And what would you rather he did Harry? Go at her while she was capable of defending herself? She would have won" that's exactly my point

"Don't you think that's underhanded and conniving?" I set down my tea

"Maybe but so are they" she shrugged

"And since when do we bring ourselves to their level?" I was shocked to be hearing such things from an angel

"Harry why are you defending them?"

"What kind of hypocrisy is this?! You say you're better you're above but then you turn around and do things that would be qualified as immoral for what you want to claim is the greater good, that greater good you speak of should be good enough it doesn't need such sketchy actions" I lectured she stood from the stool

"That greater good is heaven it's home Harry it's not foreign to you so don't speak of it like some mythical faceless entity" I hit a chord if she could feel emotion I'm sure she'd be furious

"And I didn't say it was" I frowned deeply

She licked her lips "at any rate we didn't tell father of your misconduct but now I'm not feeling as if that was the best course of action"

I took a long sip of tea just collecting my thoughts "why?"

"Because you've never been disorderly there has never been an issue with you before Harry but maybe the humans are corrupting you"

"I'm learning, I'm only conducting myself according to the guidelines father gave me I am to be a human walk, talk, eat, and act like a human I'm only doing as I've been asked to do"

"Fraternizing with demons was requested if you?" She rolled her jaw

"No but I've become more worldly in the 9 months I've spent with her than the whole 2 years I've been on earth I do my job she does hers I don't know what more you expect of me?"

"We expect you to do your duty as an angel"

"I have been given a task directly from father that was my duty that and only that, I do as I am asked"

"And why is she here?" We both turned to Alexis she was braless in a black tank top and boxers her hair down caressing her face

"I was just leaving" Melonie answered

"I think that's for the best" I nodded Alexis kept walking until she was beside me

Melonie stared at us as she slowly disappeared

"You okay?" Alexis hummed kissing my cheek going about finding herself some breakfast

" 'M fine" I mumbled

"Don't sound so fine" she pulled out the milk pouring it into a bowl of cereal she made

"Just I feel like I'm going astray from father" she set her bowl down and hugged me I wrapped my arms around her

"You're only being human Harry you have humanity and it's what drives you your morals, your conscience the more you experience the more you develop and if other angels were plopped in your place the same would happen for them" I nodded and kissed her head squeezing her tightly

"Thank you"

"Always Harry"

One Hell of An Angel Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora