7:Found you

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Alexis's pov

I stared into my fridge I'm hungry I mean I think I am but I don't see anything I want I groaned and slammed the door closed

I kicked the counter then clapped I ran to my pantry I pulled out jalapeño cheese-its I threw a few in my mouth then froze even pausing chewing as I heard something I put the box on the counter and walked down the hall to the stairs

I leaned over the wall there was a guy looking around at my factory floor he long curly hair gave him away ,Harry, "breaking and entering is illegal!" I yelled he jumped and looked up I kinda laughed I scared the poor baby

"It is" he agreed I rolled my eyes he obvious didn't see himself in that case

"Why are you in my home mm?" He walked over to the stairs to come see me

"You saw my house I was curious about yours" he hummed as his boots sounded like a full on army coming up my steel stairs

"Is it what you expected?" He finally reached me but over looked me completely

"No but it's you" he stepped around me peeking into rooms

"You're gunna need a search warrant to go any farther" I crossed arms he turned around he looked worried I laughed "it was a joke" he smiled again

"Oh okay" he turned and went back to scrounging through

I went into the break room aka my kitchen and ate my cheese-its he stepped in I held a square to him

"What's that?" He asked not even reaching for it

"Jalapeño" He looked even more confused "it's a cheese-it that is jalapeño flavor" I explained and his creased brow looked ironed flat

"Oh no no thank you" he shook his head I ate it

"So you found me" I shrugged "how?"

"I followed you home the other day after you killed that girl ,which I was not happy with, but I forgive you because it's not totally your fault" he spoke to me like a child

"Wow thanks" I rolled my eyes again "so you followed me isn't that a bit creepy?" I teased him

"Creepy? No I only wanted to see my friend"

I swallowed hard and started to choke I coughed the piece free and he was still just smiling at me "friend? Since when are we friends?!"

"You haven't tried to kill me... and I held your hand" he pointed to my hand "you don't wanna be my friend? You'd be my only one... ever" his big puppy green dog eyes

I groaned "isn't guilt tripping someone a sin? is that a thing?" He shook his head no "fine say we're friends are you gunna stop moving in my targets?"

"No" he shook his head

"Okay well are you gunna stop with the whole forgiveness push?" He shook his head no again I couldn't help the smile tugging at my lips "I do like your honesty and you're nice to look at do I have to do anything to be your friend?"

"Hold my hand... play with my hair I really like when you do that" his perfect pearly whites escaped in his smile

"Selfish boy maybe I am having a tinge of affect on you but I've got my own requests"


"You've gotta let me get you more worldly you don't know a whole lot and I wanna help"

"Yes alright"

"And!" I put one finger up "you've gotta get a cellphone you can't just be showing up"

"Uhh will you help me get one?" He asked nervously

"Yeah" I nodded he clapped

"Then yes we're friends!" He hugged me I gasped and whined

"YOU'RE SMASHING MY BOOBS!" He dropped me and my box was crushed it'd been what was smashing against me "you're strong" I commented he shrugged

"I suppose"

"big hands and strong..." I grabbed his hand and put it around my neck "perfect fit" he looked confused I smirked "one day Baby not today" I let his hand go he looked at his hand then my neck

"I don't wanna hurt you" he frowned

"It wouldn't hurt promise" I looked round then just plopped myself onto my counter top I don't have many chairs Harry leaned on the counter next to me

"You have a job?" I asked sitting criss cross

"No my wallet just seems to have money... do you?" He was looking at my leg

"I used to and I'm living off that, in hell I was a dominatrix" I hummed only now did he face me

"A dominatrix what's that?"

"Mmm well I dominated men for sexual pleasure, they paid me to spank them, demean them, give them rules, and punish them for not following them" Harry was wide eyed "they never got with me all the way I mean I never touched their-" I gestured to my crotch area

"Who would want that? That's bad those are all bad things people don't like" he shook his head jaw dropped "I don't understand are you lying to me?"

"Harry I'm not lying promise if you spanked me I'd moan, if you called me a needy whore I'd moan, if you give me rules I'd defy them to have you angry enough to pound me mercilessly and hell I'd moan"

His cheeks became flush "y-you get pleasure from that?"

"Big time BDSM is a wonderful pass time" I nodded he of course didn't know what that was either "If we're gunna be friends you are gunna need to do some homework" I patted his shoulder

"Alexis I think that's a bit strange do people really enjoy things like that?" Harry was highly confused

"I do I can't speak for other people"

"So it's a demon thing?"

"No Baby it's a human thing" I corrected

He looked back down at my thigh "hearing that makes me feel weird" is he embarrassed?

"I'll quit for now" I nodded he nodded back and tilted his head

"can I lay with you?" He looked up at me "I see men and woman sitting together, holding hands, and on a tv in the store I saw them laying in a bed together can we do that?"

I didn't have the heart to tell them those were couples and friends didn't do that normally "yeah my bedroom is straight down the hall come on we'll even watch tv together" I hopped down walking with him as I lead us to me room I opened the door and he looked around

He took his shoes off then walked to my bed sitting looking at me to follow him so I walked around the other side crawling on I grabbed my remote and put on a pg princess movie he stared intently at the tv while I just watched him

Half way through I got tired I put the remote on his leg "watch what you want babe" he looked at it then at me he didn't say anything but his face was unsure regardless he just turned back to the tv I leaned my head on his shoulder relaxing I closed my eyes and that was it

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