1:Blue Skies

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Harry's pov

I smiled widely as I passed a playground darling little children, little miracles every last one

I stopped I had a sense something was about to happen I turned looking around the jungle gym, the slide, in the trees... no not them

then I saw a mother feeding her little toddler I knew it was her I started walking over to her very slowly casually I knew my reason when the toddler started coughing but the bit of food wasn't coming up she panicked throwing down the spoon and grabbing him

The little boy was very red but on the edge of a tinge of purple I kneeled next to him she pulled him from me I shook my head "it's okay madam I can help" she let me pick him up I patted his back with only a touch of force and seconds later the bit flew out I smiled and sat him next to her on the bench as he cried "there we are" I pulled his shirt down she hugged him and kissed his head repeatedly

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She chanted

"No need to thank me" I shook my head she looked up at me teary eyed

"You are a wonderful man" she shook her head "I owe you anything here! here!" She grabbed her purse I shook my head

"No thank you saving him that had no monetary value" I tilted my head "but may I have a bit of that sandwich" I pointed to the baggy on the bench she looked it as if she'd never seen it before

"Yes... if that's what you want" she held the whole thing up to me

"Thank you" I smiled nodding to her I patted the boys head and walked away

I walked back on my path the same path I'd been on before a small detour

I'd gotten into the city now I passed an ally and I knew the man there the homeless one whom I'd seen the 2 years I'd been on earth I stepped in and walked behind the dumpster where he was sleeping "Frank" I leaned down he glanced up at me I held the sandwich to him he smiled

"Mister I just I can't thank you enough" he was grateful his eyes watered with joy this man took the sandwich as if I'd given him the hope diamond I pulled out my wallet I know humans get money from performing tasks and services for other humans but not me my wallet just seemed to always be full when I needed to buy something I'm thankful for it but it does baffle me

I pulled out a 20 dollar bill passing it to him "You don't have to, sleep well Frank see you soon" he nodded I smiled and turned back I glanced at people as they past me I don't recall being taught a lot of things for one about jobs, about average human activities, some other mundane things I've still yet to figure out, but also things like fashion that may sound like it'd fall in the mundane category but it's a very important part of fitting in, blending in with humans but from what I do recall women's fashion has changed and men's too but certainly not as much as women's

Theres a lot more skin to say the least...

There are things I've still yet to learn that I know I've gotta find a way to educate myself on see I'm not entirely sure I even blend in well I catch odd glances thrown my way quite often, from females especially

I've got to be on my way home now I feel a little sore I can feel I am running a bit low on energy if I stayed out much longer I'd probably collapse

I got into my house it's pretty small from what I understand it's the classical 2 bedroom 2 bath that humans look for

I walked straight into my kitchen I opened my fridge I pulled out a tubby of grilled chicken I need only eat protein so chicken, beef, steak that's it I don't eat more than that

but sometimes I enjoy some warm tea it makes me warm inside I love that feeling

I ate the piece and I ate it cold ,the temperature?, that made no difference to me I sighed and grabbed another large grilled breast eating it as I ate I rolled my shoulders I miss my wings there's an unwanted absence there along with that I miss my unlimited abilities

now I'm so limited I could tell if something was wrong but now I had to wait around to figure out what, I could heal but I can't bring people back to life, I can't see past nor see futures, I can't see heaven or hear those up above

I can't tell you why I was selected to be sent down here not that I'm complaining no humans are pretty nice just I do miss father, miss my brothers and sisters my home was nice I was needless then now when I came here it took the whole first year just to get adjusted

I walked into my bathroom it's also weird to have to do human things like use the lou, sweat, have to take a shower, sleep it's so unusual to have to do things like that

I tugged off my white shirt and black skinny jeans along with boxers I turned around I started the water waiting for it to get warm once it was warm I stepped in

This is one of those human things I don't mind like I said I really like warmth that's something not found in heaven it's never particularly warm it's cool always just past being cold

I hummed silently my eyes closed to feel the heat to be engulfed in it I don't understand why we didn't have it

That's another thing I think a lot more now than I used to in heaven I was never concerned with anything my brothers and sisters either there was nothing worth milling over

I wonder why

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