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3rd person pov

Alexis turned to her side in front of the bathroom mirror she was getting ready for a shower she was just in her under garments now

Her baby bump was becoming much more noticeable from her count she was maybe 6 months along she swore she could feel some movement now

Harry still didn't acknowledge the baby but since he proved he did care about the baby's well being she decided not to shun him for her gestation period

"You hopping in the shower?" She looked toward the voice Harry had opened the bathroom door and was now leaning on the door frame

"Yeah you wanna get in with me?" She offered he nodded and stood straight closing the door behind him she looked back in the mirror and held the underside of her bump admiring it he looked in the mirror to see what she was looking at he rolled his jaw looking away

"Come on baby" he mumbled and undressed as he stepped around her to get into the shower

She undressed completely stepping in after him he stood under the water his back to the stream his head slightly tilted forward she ran her hand through his hair his eyes were closed as he enjoyed the steamy water he sighed deeply

"How long now?" he whispered

"Mmmm?" She hummed needing clarification

"How long left...?" he skimmed his hand on the side of her extended stomach

"3 more months I think" Alexis answered dreamily "I think it's a girl"

He nodded and grabbed her hips "I'm not ready to lose you" he pressed his forehead into the valley of her chest finally reopening his eyes

"Lose me? Why would you lose me?" She asked skillfully dragging her nails on his neck and back making chills surge through him

"Because you won't love me anymore once they are here" he looked up at her gazing into her eyes "I won't be your all anymore"

She frowned deeply "that's not true Harry"

He nodded tearing up "yes, yes it is true, you won't love me"

She shook her head "Harry I love you so much and I love my baby so much"

He shook his head back and pressed his forehead to hers "Alexis it won't be like this you won't want me"

"Who did this? Who made you think like this?" She pet his hair gently wondering what he saw or read to make him so standoffish

"No body I just-"

"It was somebody Harry don't lie to me" she sighed and closed her eyes trying to relax but she felt like she was being eaten alive "I don't understand how something so wonderful could make you feel this way to me this baby is an absolute miracle"

"But I can't lose you" he squeezed her tightly with more urgency making her open her eyes again

"And you aren't" she squeezed him back "if anything this baby would tie me me to you that's usually how it works"

"Really?" He whispered sounding unconvinced

"Women have children to trap men alllll the time and other way around a man will sabotage protection methods to trap women" She sighed deeply "most people don't wanna be a single parent including me"

"So... a baby would make you wanna stay with me?" He could now feel something for them knowing the baby was helping to keep Alexis

"Well I love you that's why I'd stay but yes also that" she rolled her eyes

He nodded and looked at her bump "you're very pretty with a big bump like this" he placed a hand on the side of her bump "vulnerable and adorable" he smiled and kissed her cheek lightly

Speaking of vulnerable Harry had taken it upon himself to hunt humans for Alexis he didn't wanna risk letting her go by herself to kill anymore he came along and while he'd let her kill if he deemed it too dangerous he'd kill for her it's to the point he'd completely desensitized to it that night after Lucifer used her when he brought home an angel and a human he killed them and threw up

He became violently ill with guilt and from the sight he'd seen Alexis do it that didn't matter though he'd seen humans do it for thousands of years as well but he himself had never plunged a knife into the flesh of another being

But now it's routine she's got to have blood or the pains would start again and for him that's not an option but she was needing less and less blood

Harry felt like this is the time to tell her what he's realized "You barely have demonic aura anymore"

She looked at her stomach "I know" she hugged Harry softly barely holding onto him "that's why I'm so weak"

He wrapped his arms around her "I'll protect you baby girl you know that"

They washed and stepped out Alexis left his room to hers to get dressed and Harry just dried off pulled on a pair of boxers before trailing behind her stepping into her room with her

She was still getting ready he sat patiently waiting on her bed facing the opposite way from her while she got dressed

"Harry..." he turned his head toward her


She sat next to him "I've been thinking" she put her hand on his thigh "if... if you don't want to father our child..." she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "I'll find someone who will" finally she said it


She nodded "I know I know what I said and I don't want to leave you really I don't but I need a father for my child"

"SEE THIS IS WHY I CANT LOVE THEM YOU'RE PICKING THEM OVER ME" he stood up and she stood up with him angry tears in her eyes


He shook his head "I'd pick you over anything I love you" he was stone cold and straight faced "you damn well know that"

"And if it was just me then that would be perfect but it's not just me anymore" she hastily wiped her tears "its us our baby and me" she looked away "if it comes to it I will find a man willing to raise my baby with me and give them love I'm sorry I love you I love you with all my heart Harry but I will be a good mother no matter what it takes"

He grabbed her chin making her look at him "he could never love you like I could"

"But he could love my baby" she pushed his hand away and turned reaching under her pillow she pulled out the daddy's girl onesie and shoved it to his chest "think about it" she walked around "I'm going out don't look for me" she left

Harry just sat on her bed the small onesie in his hands he stared at the words and felt a sting in his eyes "... my baby"

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