66:Mother Dearest

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3rd person pov

Harry was asleep but even in his sleep something felt wrong

He shifted and realized something was different... something was missing

He jolted awake jerking up into a seated position he immediately looked onto the other side of the bed expecting to see Celeste swaddled up sleeping but she wasn't there not even her blanket

His heart stopped he jumped up from the bed looking at his side and on the floor before taking off  out of the room his body hitting the door frame as he tried to think about what he could do he felt his heart beat in his throat, his mouth was dry, and everything was spinning around him he ran towards the living room he frantically turned on the light ready to keep running not excepting anyone or anything to be here but he was stopped hearing a loud growl

His eyes went wide as a large wolf like dog met him where he stood rooted to the ground in fear

"You took good care of her" the grips of pure terror had no hold on him once that silky voice streamed through the air he tore his eyes away from the horrific dog and saw what he'd dreamed of

There was Alexis breastfeeding Celeste on the sofa her legs tucked up under her Celeste cradled in her arms her eyes completely black she smiled showing prominent fangs she put a hand out to Harry her black finger nails beckoning him closer he stepped forward earning another growl

"Down Leah" Alexis corrected sternly making the dog immediately sit "friend" Alexis stated then looked at Harry again "come"

Harry rounded the dog cautiously and walked closer eating at his bottom lip "y-you're okay?" he whispered

She nodded and closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them again showing the yellow green Harry had grown accustom to he felt much more confident now he moved a little swifter he took her hand and bent down kissing it he kissed the back of her hand and all the way up her arm then continued to her neck

"I'm so happy you chose her" she whispered tilting her head to give him more room

Harry nodded "I knew it's what you would want me to do plus I knew you'd be able to take care of yourself make a deal or something I was waiting for you to come home because I knew you would" Harry cooed against her skin

"She's so beautiful isn't she?" Alexis smiled fondly looking down at her daughter

"She is just like you" Harry pulled away and got on his knees in front of Alexis waiting for his attention

Alexis looked down at him almost as if she knew "I've got great news for you honey" she cooed

"Yes?" He smiled back

"I don't ever have to go back to hell again"

His eyes went wide "y-you... you don't really?"

"Yes really Leah bit Lucifer and I smelled his blood and..." she hummed "I drank him dry he's fine I'm sure but I'm practically a full demon now I have unlimited energy"

Harry stood back up and sat next to her he tried to take Celeste Alexis hissed making Harry jump and snatching his hands back

She licked over her teeth clicking "sorry I'm still not used to all the new energy"

"I-I won't try to take her from you" Harry rolled his shoulders calming himself down "I shouldn't be so selfish I'm sorry"

Alexis pulled Celeste off and put her over her shoulder to burp her "well I'll have to put her down eventually just... just not now"

Harry fell asleep waiting for his moment alone with Alexis and she let him she just watched Celeste sleep Alexis had never seen anything so peaceful she held her long enough that Celeste had to be fed again

When the sun rose she went and laid sleeping Celeste in her crib and walked back to Harry waking him gently "Harry, Harry darling" she licked her lips "Angel boy"

He slowly fluttered open his eyes and smiled "you're still here... it wasn't a dream" she shook her head smiling

"No not a dream I'm here and I'm here to stay" she ran her fingers through his hair "I think we should talk"

He nodded eagerly "yes yes please I wanna hear your voice"

She sat back down next to him "how do you feel about Celeste?"

Harry shook his head "I've never loved anyone like I love her" he swallowed hard "I-I feel horribly guilty that I haven't loved her from the start like you have but... the second she was in my arms I could never want anything more"

Alexis put a hand on his chest "I knew it" she rubbed softly "I think we should go out today as a family get Celeste more clothes and bottles and things you've been using the same 4 onesies much too long"

"I'd like that but... money stopped showing up in my wallet I haven't gotten a single bill since... since the day he took you back to hell"

"That's okay I've got money" she pulled him for a soft kiss as she pulled away she hugged him "you did so well as a father Harry really Im so proud" he smiled widely

He pulled her back for another kiss moaning "ooo god I've missed you, your lips, your heat, your touch, your body" he let go of her face and wrapped his arms around her upper torso so there was no getting away from him "I wanna be a family with you I want to marry you"

Alexis smiled against his lips wrapping her arms around his neck inviting his possessive attitude to stay "then marry me what's stopping you?"

He squeezed her pressing his finger tips into her skin just short of bruising he pushed her so she leaned back so she was laid on the armrest of the sofa he laid partly on top of her kissing her deeper

"Then we just need a ring"

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