6:Same Case

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Harry's pov

Why do people do things like this I can't understand

I'm on my way to a drug den a man named Gary is selling crack he's got 4 girls at his home and today he's got a new batch a new supplier and it's nothing but poison not like it wasn't already poison but this is literally arsenic, salt, with a touch of sugar

He'd be unknowingly killing himself, those girls, and all the people who are buying dime bags

I don't think I venture into the seedy part of town often many people here are on hard times and want to be saved but sadly I'm only one man I can't save them all

I smiled politely at faces as they passed me I got to the house and stepped in the man was using a razor to cut lines

Suddenly Alexis walked out from the hall he obviously had no idea she was here she looked up and saw me I waved at her he looked up and saw me

"Who are you? Who sent you? You a cop?"

"I came to speak with you" I stepped forward cautiously

"You're a cop! Aren't you?!" he jolted standing up his knees hitting the table white powder flying

I shook my head "I'm not I just want to talk can we do that?" I kept my tone calm and steady

"I don't wanna talk I want you out of my house!" He reached in his pocket Alexis held her hands hovering around his neck I shook my head to tell her not to she nodded and grinned her fangs sparkling

"I can help you" I kept going I sat on the love seat a few feet from him "sit" he stared at me he stared for a long time then flinched easing himself down

"Talk about what?" He still sounded on edge

"Drugs" I frowned sympathetically "this can't be what you wanted from life this can't be the only thing that brings you joy"

"You don't know me you don't know who I am what I like" he bit back Alexis put her hands on his hips glaring at him though he couldn't see her

"Your name is Gary, Gary Maltony" I sighed I didn't know much more than that "and what you've got there it's not even drugs it's poison" Alexis walked around the sofa around to me she leaned to my ear

"He's been doing drugs since he was 11" she whispered

"You've started at young age I understand" I said smoothly as he stared and I waited for her to give me more information

"His mother sold her body for drugs" she hissed "his daddy overdosed" I wouldn't say any of that to him I groaned

"You could do better than this Gary you can dump that it's not real it will kill you and the 4 girls you've got here" he slowly raised his head

"And you think I don't wanna die?" He started laughing "All of this was just teasing death I've been waiting Im tired of this god awful world"

Alexis started to giggle behind me and I thought maybe she could have coaxed him into that mind set but he wouldn't have been able to hear her

"You've never had aspirations Gary? Something you dreamed about doing?" He calmed himself down and ran through his sweat soaked hair

"I did but what can I do now?"

"Die" Alexis giggled

"You can quit you can get a job live respectably I can help you I can make it so right now right here if you throw that poison out you'll be clean you won't have to go to rehab I can fix it" I offered and he looked at the powder

"The girls they won't stop Harper whores herself out for this shit" he looked down the hall

"I can help them too" I smiled "I can give you help all you need do is ask for forgiveness pray to god for forgiveness and you'll be healed"

He laughed again "God? You think God will help me that's funny really it is" he shook his head "and to think I considered..." he covered his face laughing

"He's a lost cause Harry" she stroked my hair

"Have you never prayed?" I asked trying to keep from closing my eyes at the soft touch Alexis was giving me

"I have" he blurted "and I believed in the Easter bunny too your point?"

"Just try ask for forgiveness I'll pray with you" he shook his head and rolled his jaw he screamed and kicked the table over spilling the powder all over the floor well there's a step

"Why are you making me do this?!" He howled

"I'm not you're conflicted trust me it will be okay I can't undo what you've already done but I can help put a stop to it now"

He glared "fine FINE" he put his hands together then grunted "how do I do this?" He peeked at me I put my hands together

"Dear father who are in heaven ..." he repeated me then kept going he looked pained having to pray but I smiled widely because he was saved he asked for forgiveness and though he acted like it didn't matter to him I know it was eating him alive

I got up and walked over putting my hand on his head relieving him of his craving for drugs he'd have will, he'd have determination, he'd take care of those girls

As I pulled my hand back he looked up at me as if I was stranger a bewildering figure like he'd never seen "thank you" he whispered

"I am not god I'm not who you need be thanking" I backed up and walked out of the house I smiled as Alexis slipped out behind me

"That was a whole lotta work" she said with hint of disgust in her voice

"Yes well worth it too" I smiled

"What did he do that made him worth being saved?"

"What did he do that made him worth being killed?" She didn't answer and I think because we both had no reason I mean when he would have killed them then maybe that could be her reason but he never killed them maybe that was my reason

I looked down and saw her hand I bit my lip I grabbed her hand intertwining out fingers I wanted her heat

"Are you always cold Harry?" I looked up at her face

"Mostly... but you're just splendidly warm" I looked at her hand again then moved her finger she had a switchblade tattooed on the inside of her middle finger "why a switchblade?"

She shrugged "that's what he killed me with"

I frowned deeply "I'm sorry"

"So I killed him with a switchblade... the one on my finger I ripped him to shreds it was called a wild animal attack" I went wide eyed she turned and looked up at me grinning widely "only if you saw what I did to my parents"

One Hell of An Angel Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon