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Harry's pov

I changed a soiled diaper plopping the old one in the trash and grabbing a fresh one

Honestly Martha taught me how, as soon as Celeste started to cry and didn't stop crying I knew something was wrong and I couldn't wait around for Alexis anymore I ran over to Martha she knew Alexis was pregnant with my baby but I had to tell her Alexis couldn't come home from the hospital and I didn't want the Baby at the hospital so she taught whatever came up at the moment

It's been 4 days since Alexis was taken but somehow warm bottles of milk show up every few hours to feed Celeste I've never seen them show up I've tried to wait where they usually pop up at but then it just showed up somewhere different I gave up it quickly I really and truly doubt it would be her bringing them here

I glanced at the clock it was feeding time now actually I buttoned her onesie and picked her up she was getting a little fussy I walked out of Alexis's room

I hadn't been back in my room at all other than to gather the sheets and dispose of them

I saw the bottle on the kitchen counter I picked it up feeling the warmth of the milk through the plastic bottle I sat on the sofa and opened the bottle I put the nipple to her lips she wasn't great at latching and that was probably more me than her

Finally she started to suck on it and I relaxed a little more just watching her eat she was so perfect her blue eyes were almost like clear Crystal gorgeous just like her mother, she had a tiny button nose, and she had a birthmark on her chest just a brown spot kinda shaped like a squiggly heart or at least I can see a heart in it Martha said she didn't see it till I traced it out for her

"Celeste" I hummed Alexis picked a wonderful name Celeste was so dilate and soft I'm sure that's not why she chose it but that's what I got from it

I didn't know human beings could be so perfect but Celeste is flawless she's truly without a single doubt the most beautiful girl I've seen in all my time on earth and I think it's because she'll look like her mother she's too young to tell I understand but she already reminds me so much of Alexis it's hard to stay objective on the subject

She finished and I put the bottle down I put her to my shoulder burping her

I got up during the process bouncing a touch as I walked "mummy should be home soon darling"

Alexis's pov

I rolled over in bed looking at the fire I'm not allowed to leave or get up

I'm nothing more than a play thing

Lucy has used me a countless number of times brought his other 'friends' to use me and I don't have a say not like I would really argue it's pointless he'll get what he wants in the end

But I have an advantage this is my body yes but at least it's not the body I have on earth it's hard to explain but whatever happens to this body here doesn't mean I'll go back to earth with the same injuries

He made a conscious choice of that as well he can decide if I stay in my earthly body or not but my earthly body doesn't heal here which is a logical reason why he didn't let me stay in it

I miss my baby and I miss Harry 80% of the tears I cry here are for them the rest are from pain the kind that seep out without control

At the very least I was still sending breast milk for her and I know she's eating

I heard scratches at the door I sat up staring this could be a test Lucy could be doing this for more of a reason to punish me I bit my lip "Leah?" I whispered I earned a howl and a whine

I grabbed one of the blankets wrapping it around me and ran across the marble floors I opened the door and there she was she pounced on me I was happy to see her "oh Leah!" I pulled her in and shut the door I ran back the bed and she followed me I pet her like wild "oooh mama missed you honey!" I kissed her snout hugging her as she panted whimpering I pulled away

"You miss mama? You miss mama?" She whined sneezing in excitement I giggled and rubbed behind her ears "good girl good girl good girl" I praised she put her head to my chest as I scratched her I giggled "I missed you I did I did I did I wish I could take you to earth pretty girl" I pulled her away and kissed her head she then tilted her head she sniffed me mostly toward my stomach

"Oh I had a baby Leah" I knew she wouldn't understand that she kept sniffing then laid down putting her head on my leg I rubbed her tummy

"WHERES THAT FUCKING MUTT?!" the house shook I went wide eyed shit! I put the blanket over her just in time because the door flew open "WHERES THE MUTT?" Lucy in her female form

"That what?" I tried to play stupid though my heart was racing like it was gunna beat out of my chest

"The hound" she growled no doubt hearing my heart beat and deeming me guilty automatically

"I dunno" she walked over her feet thudding against the marble with force enough a human would have broken a bone she ripped the cover off Leah I snatched her up and pulled her against me

"You don't know?!" She laughed an angry howling laugh "that's FUCKING RICH" she growled

"What did she do? she just wants to be with mama" I cooed and kissed her head keeping calm to not worry Leah

She grabbed Leah's hind leg "SHE CLAWED THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR TO GET TO YOU" she yanked her leg making her yelp

"YOU'RE HURTING HER" I grabbed Lucy's wrist

"I'm hurting her?" She grabbed my wrist and yanked it off her she started twisting my hand I gasped "then how bout I hurt you!"

"Ah ah ah Lucy Lucy!" I begged my arm was resisting the motion but she kept twisting "PLEASE PLEASE" my arm trembling in her hold I felt things tearing and ripping "LUCY GOD PLEASE!" I screamed crying

"AHHH FUCKING BITCH" I took a deep breath in relief as her grip slipped from my arm it returned to natural position I looked up Leah had bitten Lucy on her arm Lucy was thrashing and screaming but Leah locked her jaw and wasn't letting go

Then a smell hit me the smell of glorious iron the sweetest honey couldn't compare the freshest fruit couldn't stand up the most savory blood even angelic blood was nothing this scent made my mouth water I felt every last piece of demonic energy still inside me coming forward my eyes darkened I crawled off the bed and walked toward Lucy

She was still struggling to get her arm free "OFF OFFF OFF" she was kicking Leah I licked my lips Lucy looked at me and smiled weakly "hell cat, Baby, get her off me"

I grabbed her neck "you smell so damn good" I slammed her down onto the ground kneeling next to her in the swift motion"Leah OFF" Leah immediately released and backed off I grabbed that injured arm and brought it up to my mouth sniffing my eyes rolled back

"DON'T ALEXIS DON'T!" I held her down against her will to my surprise my natural instinct my pure demonic greed gave me the strength to hold her down "DON'T DO IT ALEXIS DON'T I'M WARNING YOU"

I licked the deep punctures and twitched pulling away in shock the blood burned but holy hell it was so fucking delicious

I sunk my teeth in and moaned drinking

I'd drink until nothing was left

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