Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I gasped, "W-What?! Really!?" I squealed, covering my mouth.

Michael chuckled, "Yeah. Our baby is coming home!" He cheered, holding me tightly.

Michael gently picked me up as he spun me around.

I giggled, "Michael, put me down! I'm too heavy for you to be lifting!" I blushed.

Michael gently put me down, "Hell, Mia! You aren't heavy at all!" He smiled widely.

I blushed more. "What are the other reasons?" I curiously asked.

Michael smirked, "You'll see.." He mumbled, turning around as he wandered around the room.

My eyes widened, "Michael, tell me now!" I giggled.

Michael blushed. "I'm still looking for the right t-"

"Michael, if you keep looking for the right time, it'll never come." I firmly said, interrupting him.

Michael smirked, "Okay, okay..." He breathed, walking closer to me.

I smirked as Michael held my hands, swaying them side-to-side.

Michael leaned closer to me, breathing on my neck.

I felt my face grow hot.

"It's a surprise." Michael whispered in my ear.

I bit my lip, not saying anything as I hide my smile.


Michael started kissing my neck.

I softly giggled, "Michael! Not in public!" I blushed.

Michael smirked, our faces almost touching. "We're in a private zone at the moment." He seductively said, biting his lip.

I smirked, "Oh really?" I sarcastically said.

Michael smirked, "Really.." He whispered, kissing my lips with passion.

The door suddenly swung open.

I jumped, turning around fast as I let go of Michael.

Doctor Phillips and Debbie stood there, smiling at Michael and I.

"Oh um... H-Hi." I awkwardly said, feeling my face heat up.

Michael blushed in embarrassment.

"Are you ready to see your daughter again?" Debbie smiled widely.

My eyes widened as I quickly nodded, moving in front of Michael.

Debbie smirked, gently lifting the small blanket which revealed my daughter.

I softly gasped.

My god, she's beautiful..

When she was born, she was so red and fragile and so so small..

Now she looks healthier. 

"Congratulations Mia and Michael." Debbie kindly said, gently handing me Rose.

"Thank you.." I whispered, gazing at Rose in awe.

I felt Michael gently touch my shoulder, "Oh my gosh.." Michael whispered.

Michael softly coughed as he started crying.

I bit my lip, smiling at Michael. "Why are you crying?" I gently asked, feeling a lump in my throat.

"I-I feel so.. S-Rose is so.." Michael said through sobs.

"I... I feel so blessed, I-I mean.." Michael cried more, causing it harder for him to speak.

I smiled, "Don't cry, darling. Y-You're gonna make me...." My voice trailed off as I gently started crying too.

"Y-You said she has no HIV, right?" I softly asked Debbie.

Debbie smiled, "She's clean." She gently said.

I nodded, "Good." I sniffled.

"Good.." I repeated softly.

"You all are allowed to leave anytime." Doctor Phillips smiled.

I looked up at him, "Thank you so much." I softly said.

He smiled warmly at me.

"N-No really, t-thank you." I said through tears.

Doctor Phillips smiled more, "Of course, Mia. This is the part of my job I love." He kindly said, leaving the room.

I gulped, "Oh, Michael.." I cried.

"Yeah?" He softly said, sniffling.

I looked up at him.

"C-Can we go home now?" I whispered.

Michael chuckled, "Yeah." He smiled, wiping his tears.

"We can go home."

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