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Zoe's POV

Zoe has never ran so fast in her life before.

Connor just jumped. Did he even survive? Is he alive? Did she just watch her own brother kill himself a week after they made up for everything? After they got so close?

Thankfully, the rope was a bit long, giving Zoe an extra second to catch her stupid brother. She extended her arms, letting Connor collapse onto her.

She fell back a bit, but planted her feet down. She looked down at her brother to find his eyes closed.

She felt as if the whole world stopped right then and there.

But, she was brought back to reality as Connor gave a low, soft shallow breath.

Quickly untying the rope, Zoe placed her brother down on the bed before pulling it her phone and calling 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A voice answered. Zoe choked back a sob and soon found her voice.

"My brother just tried to hang himself. Please come soon, I don't know if he's still alive. Our address is 9479 Turtlejou Rd, please hurry!" She shouted.

Hanging up, Zoe quickly called Cynthia.

"Mom!" She screamed. "Please, it's urgent! Connor he- he- he tried to kill himself!"

A gasp was heard on the other end before a sob. Cynthia muttered, "okay tell us which hospital it is, bye sweetie, I'm sorry you had to see it."

And then she hung up. Zoe stared at his brother, before her eyes landed on three envelopes.

One of them had 'Zoe' written on it with black marker. Zoe already knew what these were, but before she could read them, sirens were heard.

Everything after was a blur. Connor was being picked up and put into an ambulance. Zoe had followed and answered a few questions on the way.

They put Connor on a stretcher and wheeled him into a room, not allowing Zoe in.

She sighed, still sitting on the waiting chair, and fell asleep.

~Time Skip And Holy Frick Why Are My Eyes Sweating When I'm Writing This?~

Zoe was woken up by a hand shaking her. Looking up, she saw a nurse with a sad smiled.

Zoe had already assumed the worse with that smile.

Did he DIE on me??!!

"Hey honey. We're very sorry," the nurse started. Zoe felt tears appear in her eyes. "but your brother was put into a coma. He might be like that for a...while. But don't worry, he's alive."

Zoe let almost all the worries lift off her shoulders. Almost. He's in a fucking coma, and what if he doesn't wake up?

"Are my parents here?" She asked. The nurse nodded and gestures for her to follow her.

"They're just waiting for you outside. We don't want anyone visiting Connor right, just for today. You can come tomorrow to see him."

Zoe nodded, and spotted her parents next to their car.

Cynthia was pacing back and forth, eyes red from obvious crying and Larry was panicking, but tried to hide it.

"Zoe!" Her mom cried when she spotted the blonde girl. "Oh my baby! Don't worry, I'm sure your brother is going to be perfectly fine. Do you want to go home, clear your mind a bit?"

Zoe nodded, not saying a word. The car ride home was silent.

Way too silent.

Zoe looked at the seat besides her where Connor would sometimes sit and felt her heart swell. Holding back tears, Zoe looked forward and tried to distract herself.

As soon as they got home, Zoe went to Connor's room to grab her letter, not even caring about the others. She wanted to know what Connor had written her.

Opening it up carefully, Zoe began to read.

To: Zoe

Heh, never thought this would happen, right? I want to know that when you're reading this, you'll be drowning it in tears. But that's impossible, I'm nothing. So why should you?

I love you, Zoe. Remember that okay? Don't ever forget it. And don't ever forget me.

I'm sorry for all the years of abuse. I was high, and took my anger out on you, my own little sister. I'm so sorry.

Don't let anyone forget me, please.


Tears had drowned the letter and Zoe dropped it, covering her mouth as she tried to stop the sobs from coming.

Your face can't show.

She stood up, taking the letter with her and into her room.

What you're.

She placing it on her desk, looking at it before climbing onto her bed.


She thought about the past two days and sighed.


She could hear the muffled noises of her parents talking.


Zoe drifted off to sleep, where all she was faced with was nightmares of Connor never waking up again.


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