Catch me

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A gentle touch,

A heartfelt squeeze,

Hold me one more time

Baby... please.

We should run,

To the ends of the earth

And never glance back.

Forget all this was worth.

Wrap me in your arms,

Pretend she was never there.

Whisper in my ear

Act like you care.

Let the fire warm our faces

As you gently touch my skin.

How did this get so out of control?

When did we even begin?

It does not matter in this moment,

But it will in a few.

How can you say to both of us...

I love you??

I know your a cheater.

A liar, so wrong.

But how can I resist this?

Our pulse is so strong.

One of these days,

these walls will come crashing down.

Our lives will shatter,

And this will end without a sound.

So before that happens,

Let our hearts beat in sync.

Lying in your arms,

We are slipping toward the brink.

The question is simple,

I dare not ask...

The answer could kill me

It's not worth the task.

When we fall whom will you catch?

Will I be left to fall?

In the end will it always be her

That you loved most after all?

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