Elemental Love

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The other end of the rainbow

The heart of a storm

The look in your stare

Always takes me there

I am in love

With the laughter and the silence.

It's a drop of golden light

In the never ending darkness of night.

The stars they see us

So they shine all the brighter

up in the sky

The clouds are watching you and I.

Do not be afraid

Of the heat beneath our feet,

It is simply the world on fire,

Feeling our desire.

When the rains come

Wrap me in your arms.

Let the water rain down

And don't make a sound.

And when the earth rumbles

With it's fearless might,

Whisper in my ear

That it will always be all right.

With you by my side

Who needs the world??

This feeling that I shout from the battlements

Is expressed by the elements.

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