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Desperately awaiting the moment we see each other, alone with your smile,

Looking for the moment when we can be ourselves if only for a short while

Spending all day lingering by the phone, your promises ringing in my ears,

Only to get the message that crushes my soul and brings me to tears.

No matter how often I wait, or believe your words, so sweet.

As the twilight comes I find myself alone, unable to believe this defeat.

Your promises are broken even before they are made, for they are not real

Yet I find myself believing them, because you are how I feel.

Disappointment comes when I am the last person you want to see..

Along with confusion when you promise me eternity.

If you love me like the midnight sky, or the tides of the sea

Then perhaps you would like to spend some time with me...

Always words that are shattered, when you find something else to do,

Always a way out, a brighter light, for someone like you.

Your soul invades my mind from the moment I wake until I drift to sleep.

But you can't even keep those sweet words you promised to keep.

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