#6 Demanded Explanations

Start from the beginning

I said Hi to Joey and surely sounded deflated because I was suppressing my anger. 

As she walked me to the homeroom, she asked, "Nervous?" 

"Yeah," I answered a matter-of-factly. In actual fact, I only knew I had to dress up today, I didn't know what I was supposed to do at all. Dance? Sing? Answer questions about general knowledge? Go through an interview? My thoughts ran wild. 

"Good luck, you'll get the place, babe." she commented as we reached my homeroom. Then, I waved to her and said, "See you in lunch." 

Soon it was the selection. I waited outside the meeting room, along with the other girls. I scanned the area. As predicted, Kelly and Vanessa were both here, the duo applied so much make up their skin was almost as thick as a hippo. Okay that was a little exaggeration but you get what I mean. Their fake lashes were so long that their eyes looked like a whole gush of black. Ugh, I commented in disgust. Heck, I think they worshipped Barbie. Wow I sure was mean. But you should have known what they did to me.

“Wow, look who’s here?” Kelly asked deliberately.

“Elizabeth Watson, do you really think you’ll get selected?” Vanessa sneered and it sent chills down my spine.

Annoying Duo. They can’t stop being cynical, can they?

 I noticed frowns on a couple of people’s faces as they walked out of the room. I told you it wasn’t easy to get selected.

 Only 5 people were selected for this whole thing. I mentally calculated and realised there were about 30 people here.  I bet ten bucks with you fifty per cent of the girls are ‘it-girls’.

"Elizabeth Watson." Miss Guzman, standing at the door, announced my name. 

She was all dressed up in a white cocktail dress. I can't help it but to wonder if teachers were allowed to take part in this selection.

I walked into the room as I my name got called.  As I walked into the room, I gawked at one of the judges. My mouth widened in surprise. Is this a dream?

 Yeah. I saw Richard.

I gaped at Richard as though he was an alien. 

Caught completely off-handed, I regained my composure. Shut my mouth wide-opened mouth, and only manage to plaster a fake smile. However, he was grinning at me, the whole time. He must have saw that one coming. So that's why he knew about the selection. He was the judge and he knew all along. And to think he didn't tell me! 

Boy, he really had plenty of explanations to do!

"So, Elizabeth, tell us about you." Richard started to say, faking a British accent and futilely trying to sound serious. But since my expression just now must have been totally priceless, his voice sounded a little weird. 

"I am Elizabeth Watson, and I am in senior year. I live with my mother near school and her name is Tanya." I tried to sound confident, it, too was a futile attempt as I felt so weird telling this to Richard. He knew way more than this. Heck, he even knew what types of underwear I have, since he had to pack my clothes for me once when we were going to stay over at my aunt's house once. I was too lazy then.

The judges nodded approvingly as Richard muttered something softly to the other three judges and they proceeded to writing down something on the papers in their hands.

Then, I have to pick up 3 books and try to balance them on my head, subsequently walk down the room.

Thereafter, I had to give them my number for further notice lest I got selected.

 As I walked around, I ambled with confidence. If there was one important thing my mom taught me, it had to be teaching me how to walk with books on my head. My mom liked me to be more lady-like, so she used to train me on afternoons when I was in middle school.  I took big strides.

When I was done, the judges looked at me approvingly once again. Beaming, I walked out of the room with pride.

During lunch, I texted Joey to have lunch with someone else because I have decided that I seriously needed to sit with Richard.

Explanations. As much as I detested sitting over there, I had to. They said curiosity killed the cat. Well, maybe curiosity is going to kill me as well.

Joining Richard at the table with a sandwich on my hand, I asked, “Hey! What was the whole telling Gabe to back off thing for? You better clarify with the guys before they think I’m taken! 

“Aren’t you?” he retorted, smirking.

“Since when?” I snarled, not liking his response. To say I was confused was the biggest understatement. What is this boy up to? Nothing is making sense!

I think I was too loud, because after I completed my sentence I notice Kelly and Vanessa shoot a few glares at me. 

“I don’t want you to-” Just as Richard was about to complete his sentence, another voice interrupted him. “Mind if I join?” Turning back, I saw Bryson carrying his tray.



Richard and I said simultaneously. Now Richard wouldn’t allow Bryson to join me for lunch? Wow. Isn’t he overprotective! First, I couldn’t meet Bryson after school. Then, I can’t go for a date with him. Next, I can’t flirt with guys. Now, I can’t even have a harmless meal with him!

 “Join us,” I offered. I’m exceedingly irritated by Richard’s cockiness.

 Stupid conceited egocentric jerk! He had been getting more and more self-confident ever since the breakup!

 Bryson joined in so I could not ask anything more. It was a good thing. I don’t think I could get more irate than this anymore!

 Spiting Richard, I deliberately diverted all my attention to Bryson. Haha. Serve you right.


They were there again. They were waiting for me. Come at me bro! I thought. Then they did it again. They warned me, I should watch out. Graduation was nearing, I don't have to allow them to invade my thoughts anymore. As they walked away, striking to their heart's content, I concealed. It was all hidden. 

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