#5 Judgmental till Revelation

Start from the beginning

He looked so forlorn. I can’t help but to feel sincerely apologetic since I kind of ditched him yesterday.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were a jock. Still, kissing me like what you did isn’t really nice of you.”  I felt a wave of contrite swept over me. It was seriously wrong of me to judge him just like that. In fact, he was actually a nice guy.

“I’m going to join newspaper club, with you. Can we hang out some time?”

Feeling baffled, I thought: I was not a popular girl, I’m not hot and that pretty.  I hate dressing up, and I’m a nerd. Why would he like someone like me? I only enjoyed baking and writing, not to mention that I’m not even good at baking. I just enjoyed writing out how I feel and express my emotions through words. I’m not a cheesy writer, I just penned down how I felt at one point of time in my notepad. How is that a charm? I wondered.

Gratified, I grinned at him. “I’m glad you enjoyed reading them,” I felt relieved that I wasn’t targeted by a jock.

Oh god, oh god This hot guy standing in front of you, Bryson Hiller, is confessing to you! He understands you! And he likes you! He could be the one!

I heard a voice in my head say.

Are you crazy? Elizabeth? Richard says he is not very happy with him! Stay away from him!

I heard another voice say.

Who cares about Richard? He’s unimportant! Go for it, Elizabeth!

It was the voice again.

Shut up.

“What?” Bryson looked confused.

Did I just say that out loud? Crap. This is embarrassing. 

“Huh what?” I asked, nervously.

“You kind of told me to shut up.” Bryson looked hurt.

“Oh nothing. And yes, tell me the time and place, I’ll be there.” I replied, totally embarrassed.

“Yes!” I heard him mutter under his breath.

Oh well. What have I gotten myself into? I have to tell Joey and Richard about this.

After waiting all day, it was finally lunch time. As I walked into the cafeteria, my eyes searched frantically for Joey. I needed her advice regarding Bryson. After all, it was my first date in my life. My first freaking date! Okay I’m getting a little agitated here…

“Over here, sweetie!” Joey yelled from her seat. She moved slightly to the right, gesturing me to take the empty seat beside her.

Turning over to look at her, I walked towards her direction. Just then, I heard Bryson’s voice from the back.

“Hey, wanna join me at my lunch table?” Bryson offered. I shook my head. I loathed sitting with in the ‘in-crowd’. Richard had coaxed me into sitting with him, but I refused. What he doesn’t know is that when he is not with me, it-girls like Kelly and Vanessa would throw insults at me. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I don’t ‘aspire’ to be part of them. I do not know about all of them, but I know for myself the two of them are definitely meanies. In their context, they could not tolerate any ugly or fat girls in their eyes. Not that I was ugly or fat, I’m healthy and I look okay. I just lacked the patience to dress up or make up. I feel comfortable, and that’s me. Who are they to judge?

“No. Sorry. ” I gave him a swift reply, without even considering. “Sorry, Joey’s waiting for me there. See you around.” I took big strides.

“Hey! Wait up!” he responded, attempting to tag along with me.

As I sauntered down the cafeteria, I noticed glances on me. Maybe I looked hot today? Eee.

Walking towards Joey, I thought, uh oh. Now I can’t tell Joey about him with his presence. I’ll have to wait till I go to Joey’s house for the makeover to bring this matter up. I’m still unaccustomed to a hot guy trying his best just to have lunch with me. I mean, it’s not that I’m playing hard, it’s just that…well, I’m inexperienced, nobody has ever confessed to me before today. Not like I should be au fait with what to do. What a mess! I feel so insecure right now.

I had a salad for lunch, since I wasn’t quite in the mood. I seriously needed time right now to think about what to do with Bryson, or maybe some advice from Joey would help.

When I reached Joey’s house, I finally felt at home. It has been a long day, trying to avoid Bryson.

“Shoot.” Joey said, looking at me. “Something has been troubling you since morning, what is it?” To my astonishment, she could actually read me like an open book. I widened my eyes and furrowed my brows. “How’d you know?” I asked curiously, as I brought a cushion to my chest, hugging it.

“Easy,” she smirked. “You’ve been looking at your nails. You look at them when you’re troubled, you know.”

She sure knows me, doesn’t she!

She took out the same cream she used yesterday, and gently applied to my hair. While she applied my hair, I explained, “Bryson is Catherine’s cousin. He claimed that he had read all my stories and liked them a lot. From them, he sort of developed a liking towards me..” I paused, sensing that Joey would probably get more excited if I continued my sentence.

“And then? And then?” Joey pressed, getting more impatient by the minute.

“And, he wants to take me out on a date.” I mumbled.

“Lizzy! I told you he is the one! You see, he could understand you! I told you so! He might be your first love!” she smirked, and jumped.

Man, she was agitated.

“Lizzy, go for it! I’ll help you with it. Meanwhile, just act casually if you see Bryson. Dudette, you’ve done well. I was going to keep him for myself, but since you two look undeniably cute together..” she joked.

After she finished applying the cream on my hair, I completed the day’s homework together with her. Yeah, I’m talking about doing homework. I need to do homework, albeit I was a high school senior. After letting everything out, I felt so much more at ease.

After enjoying Joey’s mom, Laura’s splendid cooking, I hopped onto Richard’s car. He called me earlier on to ask if I needed a ride.

“Hello,” I greeted.

“Hey,” Richard imitated. “Sup,” he continued.

“Why can’t you send me to school this morning?” I questioned, out of the blue.

“I went to school early to get more information about this Bryson guy you mentioned,” he stated. “Bryson Hiller, 18. Born in 12th March, 1994, went to Woodway High school. He used to be captain of soccer team, won many awards in poetry. Has a family of 4, including his parents and his sister, Megan, who is 13 this year. Oh yeah and, Catherine is his cousin.” He spoke as he drove down the street.

He won many awards in poetry? I began to feel small. Haha, so he was a jock. I mentally laughed.

“What? You just laughed.” Richard asked.

Oh what a klutz. I just “mentally laughed”. Yeah right. At this juncture, I decided to tell Richard about the happenings of the day instead. However, I didn’t plan to mention about going for the selection. I won’t get selected anyway.

“Bryson claimed that he had heard a lot about me through Catherine, and he had read all my stories in the school’s magazine. He liked them a lot. From them, he sort of developed a liking towards me, he also asked me out for a date.”

“What?” he bellowed. His expression was priceless! “No, you’re not going.” He continued, lowly.

“I’ve already promised.” I replied, not wanting to continue this conversation. I was starting to get a little annoyed. I’m only telling him because he was my friend. Who is he to help me decide? And why should I turn him down? He was quite polite to me, even joining me for lunch. And he truly appreciated my work, which was rare. Suddenly, I realised I wanted to go for the date. A date with hot guy Bryson Hiller is definitely going to be fun. 

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