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"Okay baby, one, two three!" Tyler cheered watching her running across the backyard before doing a cartwheel. Well attempted to do a cartwheel. Him did not really understand the concept that Olivia was flipping and perfectly okay since he tackled her every time she was upside down. This time was no different, the golden retriever toppling over with her.

"Jimmy!" She cried out, laughing as he licked over her face and Tyler quickly took a picture of them both to send to Josh. Tyler and Olivia were currently on spring break from school (which seemed silly in elementary school) and were spending some papa-daughter time with together. The adoption papers had finalized the other day, along with the restraining order that both of them took out against Brendon and Sarah. Tyler had been updated as her guardian in the school system and he had made it abundantly clear to Ms. Jenkins that no one besides him, Josh, or Laura Dun should be taking Olivia out of the building unless they had their permission. She did not wasted a second arguing with him.

"Jim, come here boy," Tyler whistled, snapping his fingers to get his attention. The golden boy snapped his head up and darted towards the older man. For some reason, Jim had really taken to Tyler (almost as much as Olivia) and was either found next to her and him. He would cuddle with Josh sometimes, but preferred to cuddle around Tyler whenever Olivia was at her grandma's.

"Hey baby," he smiled, carefully holding Jim between his legs, fingers clutching his collar to keep him in place.

"Go again peach," he said, watching her take off running again, clutching Jim's collar to keep the excited pup in between his legs. He cheered as she successfully did her cartwheel before letting the puppy go and tackle her once more.

"Papa!" She cried out in exasperation attempting to push the dog off of her. Tyler watched fondly for a few seconds, feeling like he wanted to cry at how adorable they were. If this was what the rest of his life looked like then he was perfectly happy with it.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Olivia Rose, please don't feed Jim your broccoli," Josh said, not even looking up from his dinner to know that his daughter was feeding the dog her unwanted food. He could also hear her pout as she stared him down.

"He's hungry daddy," she replied, Tyler giggling softly into his hand, loving the interactions between his boyfriend and their daughter. He shouldn't be encouraging this behavior but he was guilty of giving Jim more peanut butter than he should have when Josh was asleep.

"I understand that sweetheart, but the broccoli will hurt his tummy," Josh continued, popping another piece of broccoli within his own mouth as he stared down his daughter back. Tyler loved that they stared each other down like siblings did whenever they were arguing about something.

"Broccoli makes my tummy hurt," she shot back, full on glaring at Josh who placed his fork down to glare back at her. Tyler thought that he would have to put them both in corners when Josh stopped glaring and sat back into his chair.

"Yeah, you do get some wicked farts with broccoli," Josh conceded, though reaching across to steal her broccoli before she could give it to the Jim.

"Joshua William!" Tyler gasped, reaching over to smack his arm.

"What? Do you wanna deal with dog farts as well as little girl farts?" He asked, laughing when Tyler smacked him again, but could not keep the smile off his face. Especially not when Olivia started singing about dog farts and Josh joining in.

Tyler's family was a weird one, that was for sure, but he would never change them. Not even for all the non-fart discussion he could be having during his typical Wednesday dinner.

647. trois.

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