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Warnings: explicit talk of drug use, abuse mention, homophobic language

  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  

Do you remember in middle school when they asked you what you wanted to be when you were older? Most would have said a police officer or firefighter, something with heroic aspects to them. Josh Dun had never been able to answer the question. He never knew what he wanted to do with his life. Not when he was in middle school, high school, college, or with his nose buried in cocaine; he had never known what he wanted.

Though if you had told him where he was now, he wouldn't believe you.

At twenty-eight years old, Josh Dun is the co-owner of a hair dye company him and his good friend, Hayley built from the ground up, six years sober, dating the most amazing man and father of a stunning six year old girl of the name Olivia Rose. He had never thought this life would have been possible at the age of thirteen and barely believed it now. Maybe it is best to start at the beginning?

When Josh was sixteen, he realized that his eyes lingered on the boys in the locker room longer than any of the cheerleaders. He had thought something was wrong with him, hell he was on the football team where it was practically a requirement to be a homophobic asshole.

Paralyzed of his fear of getting caught, Josh had started to have sex with any girl who would give it up. He would cover and say that he wasn't into dating for the sole reason he knew that they would never be able to satisfy him long. He may like females as well, but there was no denying that Josh's heart longed to be with a boy.

When he was eighteen, things fell out of place for Josh. He was actually dating this girl, her name lost after years of drug use, but he had loved her dearly and had thought that maybe she could have been the one for him. Until his teammates had embarrassed her in front of the whole school. They had yanked her skirt down in the middle of the field, exposing that she was a he. A transgender. Josh still remembers the horror on her face and the cruel laughter from the crowd.

It did not even connect in his head that his girlfriend was physically his boyfriend. Josh and her were never intimate like that, but it did connect some things in Josh's head. He was not horrified that she was a he, but more so that his teammates could be so cruel to someone. He tried desperately to talk to her, but she was convinced that he had something to do with it. She never spoke to him again and ended up moving to Boston before the school year was out.

Josh lost all his friends after that. He was the new 'fag' in school and was ridiculed because "your chick had a dick!" and any other terrible thing they said about her. He got more shit when he defended her, getting into scraps with anyone who dare say something about her. He realized much later that he was not defending her per say, but the fact she was a transgender.

In his loneliness, Josh met Brendon. Brendon had become his only friend, and his downfall. You see, Brendon had many problems, but instead of dealing with them in healthy ways, Brendon turned to drugs. Josh soon found his solace in drugs. After high school, Josh and Brendon left Ohio for the big city of Los Angeles.

It was true when they said that marijuana was a gateway drug. One week it was a single blunt, then three, next he was putting the rolled up dollar bill to his nostril and snorting the devil's powder. Cocaine. Josh couldn't function without a snort of the powder and was spending any money he had on it. He was on the fast track to death, but something brought him back to reality. Well, someone.

During college, and his drug addicted years, Josh dated a girl named Sarah. She had been the one to actually get him into cocaine, her seductive little smile egging him on and telling him "come on Joshie, it will be fun!" It sure was fun, until she ended up pregnant in his senior year of college. That wasn't enough to snap either of them from their drug habits however. No, Josh did not get smacked with reality until he saw his daughter, born pre-maturely and looking smaller than a football. His little Olivia Rose screaming because her mother had gotten her addicted to cocaine and she was now withdrawing.

Josh decided at twenty-three that he was not going let drugs run his life anymore. So he got clean, putting all his focus into his daughter and her every needs before his. Even when he couldn't move due to his muscles feeling as if they were burning or he had trouble pulling his head from the toilet. He pushed through for his little flower, he had to be there for her. He couldn't let her go now, not after the first time she was placed in his arms.

Josh and Sarah remained together for the first two years of Olivia's life, the woman refusing to give up her party ways to take responsibility for Olivia. Sarah had even tried to get Josh hooked on cocaine again, but the man grew up on the nuclear family model - a mother, father, and baby - and he wanted Olivia to have her mother in her life, even if she made Josh himself feel unsafe.

Josh had drawn the line when he came home to found Olivia screaming in the living room, bruises along her arms and on her cheekbone, alone. He had been furious, scooping the petrified child off the floor and storming upstairs looking for Sarah. He found her in the bed with Brendon, both doped out of their minds. Josh took his daughter and their belongings, going back home to Columbus, Ohio.

Back in Ohio, Josh rekindled an old friendship with Hayley Williams and together they built their hair dye company from the ground up. It made Josh happy, getting to work with different colors and even offered to be a test subject for their dye on many occasions. Olivia had adored helping him dye his hair all shades of the rainbow.

At twenty-seven, Hayley convinced him to get a dating profile, claiming that he needed to "get his dick wet" which had him sneering at her, but actually considering her words. Sometimes he would like to get away from his daughter, don't get him wrong, she was his whole world, but he need conversation other than about tea parties.

That is how Josh met Tyler Joseph, the adorable teacher who loves over sized sweaters and sung beautifully. Josh had fallen hard for the man, him and his endearing crooked teeth. Tyler was not his first experience with a male, cocaine had opened his mind a bit more and he had tried again once he was clean, but it never felt right. With Tyler it felt perfect. That is why Josh asked Tyler to be his boyfriend after a couple months of talking.

Many of Josh's friends thought that it was weird that they had not met in the nine months they have been dating, but Josh was perfectly fine with it. He did not need to be physical with Tyler to know that what they had was real. Besides it was safer to keep people out of Olivia's life so they could not hurt her. Josh knew that Tyler would never a child, but it was a precaution. Olivia had to come before his own wants. Tyler would understand that concept.

Whenever Josh informs him that Olivia is a part of his life, since has neglected to mention that much so far.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word count: 1,316

voila! josh's background! i hope you guys stayed safe and enjoyed this chapter! please let me know what you think! also let me know if you have any scenes you wanna see!

nine days until i see top!

here is what olivia looks like!:

stay alive sunshines <3 until next time! - courtney

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stay alive sunshines <3 until next time! - courtney

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