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Warning: Vomiting!

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Why can't I get one break?

Tyler had this thought before he buried his face back in the toilet and released his breakfast into the porcelain bowl. He had just gotten home from his doctor's appointment where he got his cast off and it seems like his body wanted to jerk him around in circles. Why couldn't he just get one break from pain and illness? First it was his period, then the car accident, and now throwing up. It was like the unholy trinity of ruining Tyler's life. At least he had Josh to take care of him.

"Babe, can I come in yet?" Right on cue. Tyler had refused to let Josh in the bathroom, not wanting him to see him getting sick, but the older man had stood diligently on the other side of the door waiting for Tyler to finish. Tyler spit out the after taste of the recent throw up and carefully leaned back to unlock the door for Josh. The other carefully opened the door so he would not accidentally hit Tyler with it and shuffled in quickly. Olivia was over at his mother's house today luckily or she would have been worriedly standing at the door with Josh.

He had a reason to be worried after since Tyler had come through the door, cast-less and smiling brightly before said smile dropped and he took off running upstairs and the sound of retching sounding through the house. Josh had chased him up the stairs, but Tyler kicked the door shut in his face with a hoarse "No" before continuing to be sick. It was terrifying to Josh and he wanted to curl around his boyfriend to make sure he was okay.

"It's alright Ty," Josh cooed, sitting on the floor next to his sweaty boyfriend and pushing said sweaty curls from his face. Tyler's hair was getting long again and Josh loved running his fingers through it. He knew it would be a matter of time before Tyler shaved it off again. Josh would join his boyfriend this time, shaving off his dyed mess of hair and would re-grow it his regular color. He loved the colors, but he wanted to see his dark hair again. So he left his fading blue alone for now and waited for Tyler to decide to shave his head.

"Hate being sick," Tyler whimpered, leaning his arms on the toilet and his head on his arms. It was not the most sanitary of positions, but sanitary did not really matter when you puked your guts out like Tyler just did. Josh leaned into the wall next to Tyler, using his free hand to rub his shoulders gently. There was a bit of puke on his shirt and it made Josh sad to see him like this, looking so weak and defeated like the vomiting had actually kicked his ass.

"I know baby, but hopefully it is over now," Josh soothed, carefully flushing the toilet so Tyler did not have to smell his vomit from where his head was rested. The brunet scrunched his face at the vibrations of the toilet and leaned away from it, deciding that it was worth the pain of moving to curl into his boyfriend. Josh gladly cradled Tyler in his lap, not even caring about the sweat or of the smell of sickness to him. Josh had to take a shower anyhow since Tyler's appointment had been in the morning and he did not even have the chance to change into actual clothes before he got back.

"Wanna get up off the floor?" Josh asked gently when his back let out a cry of protest at the ten minute mark of being on the floor. Tyler was dozing against his shoulder, fingers digging into Josh's bare hips since Josh was not wearing a shirt. Tyler nodded slowly, a whine escaping him when Josh shifted him off of him so he could stand up.

"Shh, I'm right here," Josh whispered, carefully helping Tyler up and aiding him in the movements of washing his mouth out before leading the way to their bedroom. He placed the younger man down on the edge of the bed and carefully got him out of his pants and shirt, tossing them into the laundry.

"Doctor say everything is good?" Josh asked, helping Tyler into a long tank top and fuzzy socks. His knees were red from kneeling on the ground and Josh rubbed his neck gently.

"Yeah, told me to not to do any cartwheels though so there goes my weekend plans," Tyler's voice was hoarse and soft, but there was a cheeky smile on his lips that made Josh smile back at him. He pressed his lips to Tyler's forehead before deciding that he did not want to take a shower or get dressed and simply carried his boyfriend down the stairs and cuddled on the couch.

Neither thought much when Tyler felt better within a couple hours and ate a whole half of a large pizza by himself. Josh was just glad that he was not sick anymore and Tyler was glad that his food was staying down. Together they enjoyed a night of Netflix binging, greasy pizza, and equally greasy kisses. 

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 875

and here's the second chapter of the night! let me know what you like about it! 

until next time,

stay alive sunshines <3

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secret keepers | joshler.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora