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Warnings: Explicit talk of period and sexual content, please be safe frens! 

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Waking up to your boyfriend moaning would be a rather pleasurable experience for most couples. Though when said moans were pain-filled and sounded like a dying cat, all pleasure was thrown out the window. Josh rolled over in bed, sleep crusted eyes blinking rapidly to try and focus on his boyfriend.

Tyler's face was contorted in pain and he was curled in on himself. Josh reached over and stroked his hair back from his face. The blue haired man scanned over Tyler quickly for injury, eyes zeroing in on the red spots on the sheets. He quickly checked his phone and did the math in his head, yeah it had been three months since Ty's last period.

"Honey," Josh whispered, reaching over to rub his side. Tyler whimpered at the touch slowly opening his eyes to look at Josh. Once the situation registered in Tyler's tired mind, he made to move away from Josh, but the other grabbed him quickly and pulled him back.

"Joshua," Tyler said in warning, the movement making him wince as he tried to keep his hips from Josh. To no avail as the other man was stronger than him and resilient.

"It's fine Ty, I promise," Josh soothed, letting his hand rest along his lower back and dug his fingers in slightly to massage Tyler's clenched muscles. The brunet let out a small moan at the touch, burying his face into Josh's chest as the other man rubbed away his aches. Josh may have done some research when he found out that Tyler didn't plan on having bottom surgery. Maybe one day the T shot would get rid of his period, but that didn't seem like a soon occurrence since Tyler had long periods. Well it was three days, but that was long when you were a transgender male who never missed your shots.

"Want to take a bath with me?" Josh asked, keeping his fingers pressed against Tyler's back. Each new press had Tyler moving into Josh's touch and it made the older man rather happy that he could help his boyfriend alleviate some of his pain. Tyler's nose scrunch up at the thought of a bath and sitting in his own mensural blood. Josh chuckled at the other's face before offering a shower.

"Only if you wait for me to say you can come in," Tyler said, worrying his lip as he stared at Josh. The morning light had seeped through the curtains, causing Josh's hair to look pale blue instead of bright cotton candy blue. Tyler could see each of his freckles and the faint lines of his tattoos. It made his heart flutter and he knew he loved this man with all of his heart.

"Anything for you darling," Josh smiled, carefully standing up from the bed and lifting Tyler (ignoring his squeak of course) with him. He glanced over the sheets, noticing the few spots that would easily come out with a wash. He carried Tyler into the bathroom and sent him on his feet, pecking a quick kiss to his lips. He let his fingers rub against Tyler's hips comfortingly.

"Can you stand in the bedroom?" Tyler asked, his nerves showing, but Josh simply nodded and made his way out into the bedroom, leaving the door open so he could hear Tyler when he called him. He kept his back towards his boyfriend purposefully so he could change and get in the shower without Josh looking. He busied himself with stripping the sheets down and changing them so Tyler did not have to be embarrassed when he came back to bed.

"Joshie," Tyler's soft voice floated out from the shower and Josh let another smile slip on his lips as he made his way into the already steaming room. He quickly stripped out of his boxers and put them in the hamper with Tyler's clothing before joining the other man in the water.

"Christ Tyler!" Josh hissed, backing away from the scalding hot water and into the cold wall. "Are you trying to melt your skin off?" He asked, growling at Tyler's giggles and slowly made his way into the water to try an adjust.

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