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i was proud of myself for how much i wrote today so i decided to post another chapter <3 let me know what you think!

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"No daddy, that's my teacher! Mr. Josef!" Olivia broke through the tension, bouncing on Josh's hip. Tyler bit his lip, watching the cute interaction between his boyfriend and his daughter.

"Joseph," both of them corrected together, Tyler blushed when Josh grinned at him. The pink haired man slowly came closer and reached his free hand out to shake Tyler's.

"Josh Dun, Olivia's father," he said, smiling shyly at his boyfriend, feeling anxious in how his boyfriend will reply to him. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend over this.

"Tyler Joseph, Olivia's teacher," Tyler replied instantly, letting his thumb stroke Josh's reassuringly. Tyler did not particularly like that his boyfriend lied to him for almost year, but he could understand. Children got attached quickly to others after all.

"And I'm Olivia!" The little girl between them cheered, wrapping her arms around Josh's neck and smiling happily. Tyler grinned at the little girl, still not releasing Josh's hand, instead lacing them together.

"Yes, you are flower," Josh smiled, pressing his lips to her head and tightening his fingers in Tyler's hold. "O, Tyler is a good friend of Daddy's too," Josh explained lightly, not really wanting to explain the concept of boyfriends and relationships to his five year old daughter.

"Does that mean he can come get ice cream with us?" Olivia asked innocently, Josh staring at her in shock as how bold she was being. Tyler giggled at their interactions, wanting nothing more than to be nestled into Josh's free side. He had never really thought of a family of his own, having resigned himself to the fact that he wouldn't have his own children after going on T. Now, his heart ached to be apart of the little family in front of him.

"And who said we were getting ice cream, young lady?" Josh tried to be stern, wanting to show that he was a good father in front of Tyler. Usually he wouldn't think twice about ice cream, even letting her eat it for breakfast, but he couldn't let Tyler know that. Not his boyfriend who went to school to know about how to teach children and take care of their well being.

"I am!" Tyler piped up, both of the Duns looking at him. Josh in surprised and Olivia in happiness. "But we are getting some real food first," he stated firmly, watching Olivia pout and Josh grin. Tyler turned to grab his belonging, his fingers growing cold without holding Josh's. He quickly gathered his things, before trotting back to Josh and lacing their fingers together.

"Away we go," he giggled, tugging the older man out of the room, the other two matching his giggles.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

After they ate and had their ice cream, Josh decided to let Olivia run off her extra energy at a nearby park. At least that was excuse he made since he couldn't very well say he didn't want to leave his boyfriend just yet. Josh had grown more confident after their initial meeting, wrapping his arm around Tyler's waist as they sat together on a bench, Olivia running around on the playground.

"It feels really nice to have you in my arms," Josh broke their silence, rubbing his thumb against Tyler's hip bone. The younger man squirmed slightly at the touch, but made no move to push him away. He was rather content with his boyfriend.

"It's nice being in your arms," Tyler replied cheekily, moving closer to Josh and wrapping his arm around his neck to pull him closer. Josh's arm fell in the new position, gently cupping Tyler's thigh, keeping a moderate amount of space from Tyler's backside. He did not want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable, though they had done a lot more over skype.

"How come you never told me you worked at Meadows Ridge?" Josh asked, letting his lips form a pout that Tyler rolled his eyes fondly at.

"How come you never told me you had a daughter?" Tyler shot back, not at all trying to make him feel bad. He was simply curious. He hoped that Josh didn't think he couldn't be trusted with the knowledge.

"Her mother wasn't the nicest of sorts and I just wanted to make sure you were the one before you two met. Obviously that failed because you are her teacher, but I am hoping it works out because she is already in love with you," Josh answered honestly, rubbing his back when the brunet's face scrunched up slightly.

"What about you? Do you think I'm the one," Tyler asked softly, tilting his head forward to rest his forehead against Josh's. The pink hair man smiled happily, caressing Tyler's thighs and back.

"With all my heart," Josh grinned, leaning his head forward a tad and pressing his lips to Tyler's. It was their first kiss and Tyler couldn't have felt more alive. The brunet moved closer to Josh, just short of climbing in his lap and let his fingers tangle in the pink locks. Josh had spilled his secret, so maybe Tyler should spill his before Olivia and Josh get too attached. Tyler pulled back from the kiss, hands coming up to cup Josh's cheeks.

"Sugar, I got something to tell you. I'm," Tyler was cut off when a little ball of energy bounced into both of them, separating them instantly.

"Daddy, I'm tired," Olivia yawned, curling herself into Josh's chest and bunching his t-shirt into her hands. Tyler felt his heart swell at the moment and a selfish part of him, could not let his secret ruin it. He had already grown attached to this man and his daughter.

"We'll leave soon rosebud," Josh cooed, holding her closer to his chest. "What were you going to say, darling?" Josh asked curiously. It sounded really serious, whatever Tyler was going to say.

"I'm really happy," Tyler grinned, standing from the bench and helping his boyfriend up. The rest of their time together was spend in comfortable silence and secret kisses over Olivia's head. It was not until Tyler had gotten home that he realized he had fucked up, big time. Letting out a heart-wrenching sob, Tyler made his way to his bedroom to hide away from the world. He was such a coward.

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Word Count: 1,043

yay two updates! i can't wait for you guys to see where this is going! let me know what you think please! i live for comments!

stay alive sunshines <3 

- courtney

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