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i love beebo and i know he'd never act like this, but need drama some how!

Warnings: Attempted assault and sexual assault and some pretty vulgar language! stay safe friends!

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You ready butterfly?" Tyler smiled, gathering his belongings and heading towards Olivia. Over the last couple months she had gotten used to Tyler taking her home and waiting for him to be ready to leave. She even brought her own coloring books from home and would sit on the carpet and wait.

"Yeah!" The little girl shot off the floor and hobbled towards him. Her cast had been turned into a boot since Olivia did not like the cast and refused to use her crutches. Tyler smiled down at her, running his fingers through her hair briefly before crouching down and cleaning her books and crayons up, putting them in her bag and helping her put it on.

"Come on peaches," he smiled, leaning down to lift her into his arms. Tyler held her securely and made his way out of the classroom, locking it behind him. He made his way out of the school, listening to Olivia go on and on about Santa coming soon. It kind of sucked that they made the kids go in the day before Christmas eve, but thankfully the day was short and they could go home to their favorite person.

"Hey, wait up!" A deep voice startled Tyler, his arms subconsciously tightening around Olivia.

"Sorry, the school is closed for winter break, you can call on Monday if you have any questions," Tyler replied, attempting to keep walking. A hand clasped around his bicep and tugged him back. Tyler muffled his cry of pain and tugged Olivia closer to him.

"I don't have a school question. I have a question for you, Tyler Joseph." The man had a serious face on, his eyes settling on Olivia. The young girl took one look at the man and instantly burst into tears, hiding her face in Tyler's shoulder. Tyler kissed her temple reassuringly, wrapping his other arm around her shoulders so she was shielded from the man. Who the hell was this?

"How do you know my name?" Tyler shot, rocking Olivia in his arms. He wanted nothing more than to be away from this man and in Josh's arms. The man simply smirked at him, turning his attention to Olivia.

"My question is who you think you are, attempting to take Sarah's place as Olivia's mother." Tyler's blood ran cold and he gripped Olivia close, the little girl whimpering from the hold, but she was holding Tyler just as tight.

"Who is it, butterfly?" Tyler whispered to the girl in his arms, humming to help soothe her tears.

"Mommy's boyfriend," Olivia mumbled, sniffling into his neck.

"Please, just leave us alone," Tyler told the man, turning to walk away, but the man tugged him again. This time causing Tyler to drop Olivia. The tall brunet quickly lifted her back up and shushed her crying. "I got you peaches, I got you," he promised her, kissing her cheek.

"Does Josh know you are actually a female? That you could never fuck him like the little bitch he is?" The man scoffed, grip tightening on Tyler's arm. The brunet tried to pull his arm back, but it was no use.

"Or perhaps he likes pussy still? Which makes sense, why else would he like someone as plain as you? Must be bomb fucking pussy," the man moved closer to Tyler, the brunet shrinking into Olivia's body. He felt frozen in place, unsure of how to get out of this.

"Mind giving me a taste? I'm sure I'm better than Josh could ever be," the man's hand drifted to the front of Tyler's jeans, fingers pressing inwards. Tyler saw red, bringing his leg up and colliding it with the man's crotch before taking off running.

The man had recovered quickly and already chasing him. He pressed Olivia's face into his shoulder as he raced to his car. He unlocked the backdoor and quickly shuffled inside, locking the door. The man collided with the car, banging his fists into the window. Tyler cradled the wailing toddler in his arms and fumbled for his phone. He did not know why, but he decided that calling Josh was his best option.

"Hey darl... wait why is Olivia screaming, Tyler?" Josh's voice was panicked, Tyler's own breathing rapid. "Ty, please," Josh pleaded through the phone, Tyler trying to focus on his voice instead of the man shaking his car.

"Open up you little whore!" The man shouted at the car, Tyler pressing his head between Olivia's shoulder and the car seat.

"Is that Brendon? Fucking Christ, where are you honey. Come on please tell me," Josh sounded like he was fumbling around on the other side of the phone, getting his own car.

"School," Tyler managed out, jumping away from the window when the man, Brendon, banged on the window behind his head. He dropped the phone on the floor, vaguely hearing Josh screaming for him on the other side, but Tyler couldn't get his breathing under control. He could only focus on Olivia's wails and the shaking of the car.

He did not know how long they were there for, his head pounding and body rattling. Though he was not sure if it was him shaking or the car. Tyler heard the click of the door being open and he let out a short scream as Olivia was pried from his arms, the girl wailing as well.

He had failed Josh. The red haired man trusted him with his daughter and he had not been strong enough. Feeling tight arms wrapping him, Tyler struggled and wailed. He was not going down without a fight.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 934

hi guys! i'm sorry about missing last chapter, i was overwhelmed with moving back home and work and didn't feel like going through and posting or making any chapters! i hope you guys enjoy this drama filled one!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines <3

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