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all of the same warnings from last chapter somewhat apply to the this one and the next, be safe frens <3

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Josh and Hayley had been discussing their new hair dyes when Josh had gotten the call. Imagine his fear when he heard the very distinct sound of his daughter wailing on the other side of the phone and banging in the background. Hayley had almost called the police as she watched her friend try to get answers from the other man on the phone. All reasonable thought escaped their minds when Josh mentioned Brendon. In a matter of seconds they were out of the house and speeding towards Tyler's school.

This speeding attracted the attention of the police, but Hayley kept on figuring it was the fastest way to catch Brendon then going to the police station after with no proof. Reaching the elementary school, Josh's heart seized in his chest seeing his once best friend pounding on Tyler's car, the windows tinted so they could not see them, but Josh could still hear them crying through the phone.

Hayley had barely slowed the car before Josh was dashing out of the car, stumbling a bit from how fast the car was going, but his anger was fueling him.

"Get away from them!" Josh practically roared, tackling Brendon to the ground and pinning him there. He even threw in a few punches before a officer pulled him off.

"What in the world is going on here?" The officer barked at Josh, another over by Hayley trying to get a similar story. Being this close to the car, Josh could hear his babies' crying tenfold and he couldn't think straight.

"My family," he breathed, pulling out his keys from his pocket and unlocking Tyler's car. He had long ago gotten a spare key to Tyler's car. Opening the door, Josh couldn't fight the tears as the wailing got louder. The officer looked skeptical, his grip on Brendon tightening slightly.

Hayley bounded over to the car, dipping into pull Olivia out. The toddler had to be pried from Tyler, though they did not know who was holding tighter to the other. Tyler let out a similar wail, his eyes screwed shut and reaching for Olivia. Josh took a quick second to press his lips to Olivia's hair before bending over to grab his boyfriend.

Tyler let out an ungodly scream and flailed his limbs, clocking Josh in the jaw and kicking him in his hip but Josh persisted, pulling Tyler from the car and sat him on the ground, making sure he was blocking his view of Brendon.

"C'mon honey open your eyes," Josh whispered, attempting to rub his boyfriend's stomach like he liked, but the brunet let out a terrified whimper and curled away from Josh's touch. The red haired man glared over at Brendon. What had he done to Tyler?

"Tyler please," Josh begged, tilting Tyler's head up. His heart clenched at the sight of his red cheeks, streaming with tears. His hair was messed up as well, he must have pulled on it without realizing.

"It's just me baby boy. It's Josh," he pleaded, wiping some of Tyler's tears. He breathed in relief when those chocolate pools opened and focused on him.

"Joshie," Tyler whimpered, shooting forward to wrap his arms around Josh's neck. The older man fell back on his bottom from the weight of Tyler in his lap, but he held him tightly and rocked him.

"Shhh, I love you so much, you are safe beautiful boy," Josh whispered, confused of why that caused Tyler to let out a heartbreaking sob and bury closer to him. The older man rubbed his boyfriend's back and looked up at the officer, knowing they would probably have to get up soon.

"Can you stand baby boy?" Josh asked after a few minutes, Tyler's sobs quietening and his tears falling silently now. The teacher nodded his head slightly, Josh carefully standing with Tyler in his arms before letting him done. His heart broke when Tyler scrambled behind him and held his hand in a death grip. He was going to kill Brendon.

"Olivia?" Tyler whispered against Josh's neck, too afraid to look for the little girl. Where had she gone? Tyler was worried about her, but not brave enough to move from where he had molded himself into Josh's back.

"Hayley has her," Josh explained, the blonde girl looking up at her name and bringing Olivia over to Tyler. Once set down, the toddler latched onto Tyler's waist, the teacher carefully pressing her behind him and Josh so no one could hurt her. Josh felt a little finger curl into one of his belt loops, one of Tyler's finding one of its own. It made Josh feel (and he felt like an asshole admitting it) important. He was the only thing standing between the nightmare his family had endured and he would protect them this time.

"Now would you like to explain what happened here?" The officer prompted, looking at all of them, but majorly at Brendon and Tyler since they were the main reason they were all here. Tyler pressed closer to Josh, the older man reaching back to rub his side reassuringly.

"You have to tell him bub," Josh replied to the shaking of Tyler's head that the officer couldn't see. Tyler held onto Josh tighter and whimpered. He didn't want to tell Josh about how he had failed. How he had let Brendon touch him. How he had called him a girl...

 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 904

i'm sick and i don't feel like writing, but if i don't then i'm gonna fall behind on this story and i don't wanna do that, but i also don't want to break chapters up so much to where we are never getting on in the story. 

anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter and stay tuned for the next!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines <3

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