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Before either man could get down to anything, small feet raced down the hallway towards them. The older man huffed in annoyance, though he could never truly be upset with his daughter. He mouthed a countdown to Tyler before the door crashed open on one causing the teacher to giggle at Josh. It showed that this was a pattern and Tyler thought it was rather adorable.

"Ty!" Olivia called, pulling her small form up on the bed and practically knocking Josh out of the way to cuddle into Tyler's chest. Tyler laughed harder, holding her close to him and kissing her forehead.

"What am I chopped liver?" Josh huffed, settling himself next to Tyler, an arm slung across his waist delicately. Even though Josh was a tad annoyed, there is not anywhere else he would rather be than to see his daughter and boyfriend cuddled up together. Josh cuddled into Tyler's other side, slipping his other arm under Tyler's neck to play with Olivia's messy hair.

"Ty, feeling better?" Olivia asked softly, her head turning up to look at him. Some parents might be a bit put off by how quick their child got attached to their significant other, but Olivia spent all of her time with Tyler. Inside of school and out so Josh was not truly concerned. He did miss when he was Olivia's sole source for love and protection, but then again she wasn't just his anymore either. Tyler had become a big part of both of their lives.

"I am love, sorry if I scared you last night," Tyler whispered, rubbing her back gently. Tyler would never want to scare Olivia or confuse her in anyway.

"Why was your mommy a meanie?" Both men stiffened at the question, Josh's arm tightening around his boyfriend and pressing a kiss to his jaw to show his support.

"O, I don't think Tyler wants to talk about it anymore," Josh began, but Tyler waved his hand to dismiss it. It was best that Olivia knew now then find out later. Unless Josh did not want her to know... Tyler looked at Josh questioningly before he said anything to her. At the end of the day, Josh was her parent and if he didn't want her to know, she wouldn't know. Josh nodded for Tyler to continue, rubbing his stomach reassuringly.

"You see love, when I was born I was a girl like you," Olivia's face twisted in confusion, but Josh reminded her not to interrupt Tyler.

"But I later found out that I was a boy in a girl's body and no longer wanted to be a girl. My family doesn't really understand that and continue to call me a girl. They believe I'll be a girl again one day." Tyler explained as simply as he could, resisting the urge to frown.

"That is dumb, you're a boy," Olivia huffed, Josh fist bumping her for her support. Tyler smiled at them both, letting his free arm wrap around the back of Josh's neck. It was awkward, but Tyler was surrounded by his loved ones. His little family.

"She said you can't be a mommy..." Olivia continued on, biting her lip in a habit she had picked up from her father. Tyler smiled sadly, nodding his head in confirmation.

"I can't be a mommy sweetheart," Tyler left out that he could still bear children, but it would fuck with his head a bit too much for his comfort.

"Boys can't have babies like mommies," Tyler explained delicately, not really wanting to get into a birds and bees talk with a five year old.

"But daddy has me!" Olivia argued, sitting up slightly so she was kneeling at Tyler's side. "And I don't have a mommy," there was no sadness in her voice, but it still hurt Josh's heart to have the knowledge that she would grow up without a mom because Sarah was a bitch.

"You do have a mommy, out there somewhere, she just isn't here love," Tyler hadn't the slightest clue who or where Olivia's mom was, so he had to be careful with his words.

"Daddy takes care of you though. He couldn't have given birth to you," Though what an image that made in Tyler's head. Josh pinched his side slightly, seeing the smile on Tyler's lips and knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"So you can't be my mommy?" Olivia's lip quivered, her blue eyes filling with tears. Tyler sat up and pulled her into his lap, rocking her slowly. Josh sat up as well, wrapping himself around his boyfriend and daughter. It felt too much like last night for comfort.

"I can't be your mommy sweetheart but I can be anything else you want," Tyler whispered to her, reaching his free hand and rub Josh's back as well, knowing damn well that he was probably kicking himself right now as well.

"Can you be a daddy?" Olivia whispered back to him, Josh stiffening at Tyler's side, even with the gentle fingers working his muscles. Tyler shifted her in his lap and made her look up at him.

"You have a daddy love, how about I be papa? I'll be just like daddy, but I can't take his name from him, understand?" Tyler explained, Olivia nodding her head before burying her face in Tyler's shoulder. Josh's head ended up in his free shoulder, both of the Duns trembling with tears against Tyler. The teacher simply rubbed their backs, laying down so he could get comfortable.

Olivia ended up on his chest, buried still in his chest while Josh tucked his wet face into Tyler's side, legs tight around Tyler's and holding both Tyler and Olivia close. Others might feel suffocated or too warm, but Tyler felt loved. For the first time in his life since coming out, he felt surrounded by love.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 977

hey guys! so i'm sorry this wasn't post until now! i had an important interview today! (not allowed to really tell you guys about it though) and it snowed like 4 inches of snow so it was stressful getting to and from and my friend missed her interview, but luckily she was able to get another time slot so that was good. i think i did really good and i hope that i get the internship because i'm real excited about it. if not, i'll just try again next year!

any who, how did you guys like this one? let me know please!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines <3

- courtney xoxo

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