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okay! i have finally made decided on a posting schedule and it will be tuesday and thursday like how it was with kinktober for a hot minute!

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

No matter how much he loved his job, the blaring of the alarm still caused Tyler to roll over with a groan, glaring at the offending object. Half-heartedly reaching over to slam his hand down on it, Tyler pushed himself out of the bed and scratched absentmindedly at his chest as he walked into the bathroom to do his morning route. It was the first day of school after all and even though he would mostly likely be covered in paint later, he wanted to look nice for the parents.

Getting dressed in a simple black sleeveless shirt with matching jeans, Tyler decided to throw his floral kimono over it for some color and paired it with his floral vans. Who said boys couldn't wear floral patterns? Tyler snatched his phone up and quickly snapped a picture of himself.

Darling: Do you think the children will think I'm friendly?

He quickly texted Josh, not at all concerned about not saying good morning and all those little things that newer couples do as if to prove their relationship. Josh wouldn't be up until at least nine and Tyler had to be at work by seven. Speaking of, he had to leave soon or he would be late to meeting the parents.

Tyler scrambled down the stairs and gathered his things quickly, making sure to actually grab his lunch. Josh got upset when Tyler forgot to ate and the other teachers were picking up on it. Tyler honestly wouldn't be surprised if Josh somehow told his co-workers to look after him. It was unlikely considering Tyler had never shared which school he worked at. His face scrunched up in confusion when he felt his backside vibrate and pulled his phone out.

Sugar: The friendliest beautiful <3

Sugar: also thanks for the good morning you romantic

Why was Josh up this early? Tyler didn't worry about it too much, quickly bouncing out of the house with an apple in tow and into his car.

Darling: I aim to please with my grand romantic gestures, I'll ttyl about to drive! <3

Tyler spent the twenty minutes it took him to get to work, humming happily to whatever pop song was on the radio and bopping his head. He was a tad nervous, but after five years of this, he was a bit calmer. He really hoped none of the kids started crying or have an accident. It was horrible to see them get embarrassed the first day. Luckily that was why their parents sat in for the first half of the day, to help their child get acclimated in a new environment.

Tyler checked his phone as he walked into the building, grinning at the message awaiting him.



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Sugar: I don't like being up this early

Darling: You look so adorable dude! <3

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