
157 7 3

Warnings: Drug Use (marked with ****), hating on debby (but we stan her don't forget ), please be safe loves!

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Waking up in a weird bed with female arms around you was rather disorientating. Tyler had cried himself to sleep and had forgotten where he was until he turned to see Jenna drooling on the pillow next to his head. Last night wasn't just a dream.

He let out a ragged breath, his lungs restricted through the binder that he was going to regret wearing last night. Tyler maneuvered himself out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself and remove his binder. He felt horrible and out of his body and he just wanted to go home. He love Jenna and everything, but what he really wanted was Josh. He wanted his boyfriend and his strong arms. Even though he was furious with him and felt unwanted, he couldn't help but want the other man. He just wanted things to be okay again.

The brunet headed out into the bedroom once more, shaking his head fondly at Jenna's sprawled out form on the bed and took a second to wonder how Ashley slept in the same bed as her. He moved towards his phone and clicked the home button to see if he had any messages. His eyes widened at the amount of them on his home screen.

Ashley : Tell your 'boyfriend' he is toast when I see him next

Ashley : the nerve of people, you know

There were a couple more from her though they were mostly emoji messages full of knives and angry faces. He rolled his eyes at the sight fondly, knowing that she had probably picked that up from Jenna. The next twenty or so were from Josh.

Sugar : Hey...

Sugar : why did a drunk jenna just call me and scream at me?

Tyler glanced up to look up at the empty wine glasses on Jenna's bedside table. She had brought a glass for him, but he did not want to drink. She must have finished both when she was talking to Ashley.

Sugar : she said that you were crying?

Sugar : baby answer me please

Sugar : I am assuming that the "whore-ish goblin" is debby...

Sugar : Tyler, please answer me

Missed call from Sugar

Missed call from Sugar

Sugar : she just called me back and ranted the entire thing to me. Baby, please come home

Tyler shot a look at Jenna before grabbing her phone and unlocking it easily. He knew she wouldn't mind and he had to see what she had told Josh. He clicked her messages and then Josh's thread.

Jen : you are the lowest of low josh dun

Tyler took a second to be impressed with how fluent she was when she was drunk.

Asshole : ?? What are you talking about?

Jen : you ditched your fucking BOYFRIEND for some dirty goblin and then didn't even use your fucking common sense to think of how that would impact him

Asshole : are you talking about Debby? She is just my friend and she said that Tyler was going to do some shopping in town so I didn't ditch him!

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