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"Good morning Mr. Joseph," Tyler's morning lesson was cut off by the principal sticking her head into his room. He turned at the new voice and kept the smile on his face. He never did anything to anger the principal, but she seemed to have a problem with him after the whole Brendon issue. Tyler believed it was because she had found out that he was transgender.

"Ms. Jenkins, everyone say hi," he announced to the class, a mismatch of voices all calling out their hellos. Tyler noticed that Olivia's was much quieter. She had heard about Tyler's heated conversation with the principal and while Tyler tried to keep her innocent, she was way too smart for her own good.

"Can you step into the hall with me real quick?" Tyler's stomach dropped slightly, but managed to appoint Olivia in charge of the class before stepping out into the hall. He was met with bright red hair and couldn't help the grin that slipped on his face, all fear evaporating. He only knew one person with such bright hair.

"Gem!" Tyler beamed, stepping forward to wrap his friend in a tight hug. He hadn't seen Gemma in years, not since he moved back to Columbus. She had gone back to Jersey after college and he had just never gotten to go see her. The other held him tightly, pressing her sticky lips to his cheek when they pulled away.

"Haven't seen you in so long babe, how is life going?" Gemma's accent was strong, but it reminded Tyler of college and it fell over him like a blanket.

"Nothing much career wise, though lots in my personal," Tyler answered vaguely, knowing that Gemma would understand his implications. Whenever they did placement assignments in college the teachers and staff they worked under would always try to weasel information out of their lives and act like they had a right to know. Tyler had been very careful about sharing his personal life at this school. All they knew was that he was transgender, which he had hidden for years before it got out.

They hadn't caught on that he changed his home address or that he was in a relationship. Not that it mattered much since it was his life and business and not anyone else's.

"Later then," Gemma smiled, looking over at the blonde woman who had interrupted Tyler's class. The brunet man had forgotten all about her honestly, but he remembered soon enough that he had a room of thirty toddlers, overlooked by another toddler.

"Nice to see you two are already acquainted," her tone was sour and smile fake, "Ms. Way is going to be one of our new kindergarten teachers and I thought it would be helpful for her to observe your class and see how we do things here at Meadows Ridge. (took me twenty minutes to find the name I used smh)" Tyler nodded his head, already leading Gemma into the classroom full of kids.

The chatter that had formed in the room ceased at the arrival of Tyler and the strange red-haired lady. Many gawked at Gemma's hair and pointed happily. Tyler noticed Olivia's knowing look, she remembered the picture she broke in the den. He would have to introduce them after the day was over.

"Alright class, this here is Ms. Way and she will be hanging out with us for the next couple days, if that is alright with you?" He got a round of cheers and let out a small laugh. He clued Gemma into what he was doing before Ms. Jenkins interrupted and the lesson continued.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"So tell me what's been going on with you Ty," Gemma said quietly, taking a seat next to Tyler behind his desk so they wouldn't disturb the sleeping students. Tyler looked over briefly at Olivia, the girl had taken to sleeping next to his desk at nap time after she found out about him and Josh, but she was knocked out, her leg still propped up. He couldn't wait for her to get that cast off. She was starting to get antsy.

"So I have a boyfriend now and even a kid," Tyler said, grinning madly at Gemma's shocked face. He knew to anyone else that it may seem crazy, but Tyler enjoyed his life. He loved coming home with a child on his hip and seeing his - now blue haired - boyfriend. Coming home to a house that they now shared and cooking dinner for their child. It was something that Tyler would have never thought he could have and yet here it was and he couldn't be happier.

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