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Being woken up by knees crashing into his chest was not a pleasant way to wake up, but seeing as Josh got the wind knocked out of him five out of seven mornings a week, he was used to it.

"Daddy wake up! First day of school!" Olivia cheered, bouncing herself on his stomach, the man quickly grabbing her and lifting her off of him before she could do internal damage to his organs.

"No, no school for you! Wait another year before you leave me! You can go to school when you're thirty," he teased, watching her gasp and struggle in his arms, but he held her tightly.

"No daddy! Today is my first day! Come on!" She urged, trying to tug him by his bicep, but it wasn't exactly working when she was in his arms.

"Are you going to go in your jammies?" He asked, standing up with her in his arms. She instantly protested, rambling on about what she was going to wear excitedly.

"And flower leggings, and hair up," she finished, looking at him with such light in her eyes. Josh couldn't even remember a life without Olivia in it. Nor did he want to. He would be dead if Olivia hadn't come into his life. Josh helped her get dressed, tickling her at various points much to the five year old's annoyance. "Gonna be late!" She grumbled, pushing at his face when he messed up her socks. Josh continued to snicker at his daughter and pressed a kiss to her hair.

 Josh continued to snicker at his daughter and pressed a kiss to her hair

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"Where is my flower at?" A voice called through the house, Josh wincing when he heard his front door bang against the wall.

"Go ask aunt Hayley to do your hair okay, O?" Josh smiled, handing her a brush and her hair accessories before letting her run away. He smiled as he listened to his best friend and daughter interact downstairs, heading into his bedroom once more. He quickly got dressed, throwing on a hoodie and some sweats since Hayley was supposed to be dying his hair today and she usually did it messily, but at least it came out fully covered unlike how it did when Josh did his hair.

Once he was fully dressed, he texted with Tyler, his heart fluttering at the adorable man. Only Tyler could wear a floral cardigan thing-y and still look emo. He sent a few heart emojis when he said he would be driving before heading downstairs.

"What color should I dye your daddy's hair, flower?" Hayley had four boxes set out in front of the little girl and Josh let out a snort, pressed a kiss to Hayley's temple as he passed her. She had become his rock in the years of raising Olivia, almost like a mother figure. It still did not cover for the fact that Olivia would never know her mother or have another parental figure, but Josh was kind of hoping that Tyler could be that one day. He was already in love with children and hopefully he wouldn't be too mad at Josh for the secret.

"Pink!" Olivia squealed, bits of toast flying out of her mouth and all over the table. Hayley scrunched her nose up in disgust while Josh high-fived his daughter with a small "sick!" shared between them.

"You both are sick," Hayley shook her head before jumping when she saw the time. "Come on flower, you're going to be late for school! Remember Josh, two o'clock on the dot!" Hayley wagged her finger at him and he nodded before kissing his daughter goodbye and watching his best friend usher the excited girl out of the house. He sighed, grabbing his phone to start talking business. He hated being up early.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Come on Hayley!" Josh whined as the blonde woman got the pink goo on his sweatshirt. It was his favorite one too!

"Stop being such a baby and give me your phone," Hayley snatched the phone from Josh's hand before he could comprehend and turned his face to the side to snap a picture. "For Tyler," she explained, Josh grinning slightly nodding his thanks.

"When are you going to meet him Josh? Like face to face?" Josh tensed at the question, shifting away from her slightly. Why couldn't people just let him have this? He enjoyed their relationship how it was. Sure, he would love to hold his boyfriend whenever the man called him crying in pain, apparently he had some really bad stomach issues, or whenever he was having a bad day, but he wanted it to be the right time. Wanted Tyler to want it to.

"Just leave it Hales, we will when we decide," he ignored her huff in favor of texting Tyler. Apparently the man had his break already. Josh bit his lip when the younger called him daddy, willing himself to behave. Tyler was around for five year old kids for Pete's sake Josh!

Sugar: Don't even start baby boy or you'll be in for a punishment

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Josh had lost track of time when he was doing some paperwork and before he knew it, it was already 2:20. He was supposed to be at the school twenty minutes ago! Josh raced out of his house and into his car, thankfully not getting caught speeding with how fast he was going. He felt horrible, he knew Olivia had problems with abandonment because of Sarah, but he had been trying to get rid of them for her. This accident would reverse so much progress they had made.

The pink haired man hurried into the school, having to ask one of the teachers where to find Mr. Joseph's classroom. Once he was given directions, Josh speed walked to the class. Olivia's teacher must think he is the stupidest father ever. He pulled open the door, not meaning to yank it hard enough to slam, but he only managed a wince before his daughter was running at him.

"Petal!" Josh cheered, lifting her into the air and settling her on his hip. He turned to look at her teacher, at least he was guessing was her teacher, and froze at what he was met with. That floral thing-y with matching floral vans. Deep mocha eyes that usually shined with happiness, now over clouded with confusion. Those endearingly crooked teeth, clamped down onto a plump bottom lip.

"Josh?" His voice cracked slightly, making Josh feel ten times worse than before.

"Tyler?" Josh replied, clutching his daughter closer slightly. His secret was out.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 1,088

And they meet! What do you think is gonna happen? Let me know below!

Also let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas you wanna see!

As always,

stay alive sunshines <3

- courtney

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