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warnings: talk of past abuse, detailed smut!

  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  

"Alright Mr. Dun, little Miss. Olivia has fractured her ankle," Dr. Weekes explained to Josh, Tyler sleepily listening as well. Olivia was still knocked out between them, cuddled into Tyler's side, but holding Josh's hand.

"We'll have to cast it, so I'll let you guys get her situated," Dr. Weekes nodded to the sleeping child. "Do you know what color she'd like?"

"Purple?" Josh asked curiously, brain wracking for the last time he had been in the hospital for a casting - Jordan needed to have his arm casted when he was ten - and the colors they had. The doctor nodded before heading out of the room to let them get Olivia ready.

"Can you hold her up?" Josh asked softly, turning and pressing a kiss to Tyler's head. The teacher nodded, shifting them both so Olivia was balanced in his lap.

Josh made quick work of her sock ( the other already removed when she had her foot wrapped up ) and slowly working her leggings up so they could cast her foot when the doctor got back. Tyler watched carefully, soothing his fingers through Olivia's curls. He furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed strange marks along her legs.

"Josh?" He whispered softly, his eyes not leaving the little leg. The marks spiraled downwards, towards the wrap and then upwards towards her pushed up leggings. Josh hummed, glancing up at his boyfriend.

"What are those marks?" He asked nervously, not wanting to make Josh uncomfortable with asking about his child. They had been dating for a year yes, but at the end of the day Olivia was not his child and he didn't really feel comfortable asking.

"Sarah," Josh mumbled after a few minutes of being silent, not wanting to meet Tyler's eyes. The teacher curled his lips in disgust at the knowledge that someone had hurt their child.

"How?" Tyler whispered back, lifting the little girl into his lap and investigating the marks along her legs. Josh shrugged, climbing back in the bed with his family and wrapping them in his arms.

"Still don't know to this day... Sarah claims she climbed in the oven, but the doctor said that they weren't burns, plus she has more," Josh said sadly, gently lifting up Olivia's shirt to show the similar marks up her tummy. Tyler let out a small whimper, letting his fingers trace the light marks. He had changed Olivia before, but he never seen these marks.

"What a horrible woman," Tyler whispered, leaning down to press his lips to Olivia's head. Josh pressed his lips against Tyler's head, humming in agreement.

"I hope I never have to meet her," he continued, tucking his head into Josh's shoulder.

"I hope neither of you have to," Josh whispered, the somber mode continuing until Dr. Weekes returned to take Olivia to do her casting.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Once Olivia was in her cast and they were given the how to care guide, the small family made their way out of the hospital, Tyler once more driving with Josh in the back with Olivia.

"Papa, can we have pizza?" Olivia's voice drifted up front, still a bit drowsy from her visit to the hospital. Josh had forwent the car seat and cradled his daughter in his lap.

"Of course sweetheart, we'll even get a dessert," Tyler let a smile spread on his lips at her small cheer. Even with today's events, they would be okay.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Full of pizza and freshly cleaned, Tyler and Josh tucked Olivia in and made sure she was comfortable before retiring to their bedroom.

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