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A crash downstairs had Tyler racing from where he was attempting to unpack his clothing in Josh's closet down the stairs. Tyler stumbled down the last three, almost breaking his ankle as he dashed into the living room. There he found Olivia, face wet with tears as she stared over at a box of his books that had probably been the source of the crash. He inwardly winced when he remembered that his photo frame from his college graduation had been in that box was probably shattered, but that wasn't important right now. Now, the sobbing toddler was.

"I didn't mean to papa!" Olivia practically screamed at him, Tyler quickly shushing her as he lifted her off the ground and head to the couch. He checked her over for injuries, besides the obvious cast on her foot. Luckily she'll get it off in the next two weeks and will be back to her overly happy, running everywhere self. Tyler balanced her on his lap, bouncing her gently hoping that it would soothe her.

"Shhh, it is alright peach. It was just some books and maybe a picture frame, nothing irreplaceable," he soothed, rubbing her back gently. He looked over when the door open, Josh carrying in another box of Tyler's belongings. He paused when he saw the two on the couch and quickly placed his load down to see what had happened. Like any parent Josh hated seeing Olivia crying.

"She is okay," Tyler informed him, continuing to rub Olivia's back and shush her tears. "Just dropped a box with my books in it," he continued, Josh coming over to press a kiss to Olivia's hair and then one to Tyler's lips as a silent thank you. Josh always appreciated the help with Olivia and since Tyler worked with kids all day every day, he was well-versed in calming them down. Josh probably would have bribed her with ice cream and Disney movies until she forget about the incident.

"I'll pick them up for you, where do you want them?" Josh asked, easily picking up the spilled box and carrying over to a little desk area that Tyler had set up for himself and had pointed to. He carefully stacked the books up on his desk, letting a small cry of pain when something sliced his finger within the box.

"Daddy!" Olivia, now over her tears, heard the cry and instantly was waddling over to him. Josh had stuck his sliced finger in his mouth as a reflex and accepted the little girl's hug when she wrapped around his waist. Tyler quickly went to get bandages and medicine to keep it from getting infected. Josh reluctantly removed his hand from his lips when Tyler returned and gave him a dirty look.

"Let me wrap it Joshua," Tyler said sternly, quickly wiping away the blood and spit and spraying the cut.

"Big baby," he teased when Josh attempted to pull his hand away, but Tyler's grip was tight. Kids hated getting their cuts cleaned and Tyler had taken many fists to the face and kicks to the stomach to know how to hold a squirming child. Even if said child was actually a thirty year old man. He quickly wrapped it up and pressed a soft kiss to it like he would with his students and smiled brightly.

"There all better," Josh grinned goofily at Tyler, geez how he loved him.

"I wanna kiss Daddy's boo boo!" Olivia huffed at his hip and both men laughed, Josh moving his hand down so she could kiss it like they always did to her cuts. Josh then picked her up and watched as Tyler pulled a picture frame from the mess. The glass was indeed shattered and Tyler was taking great care to not slice his hand open.

"What's that?" Josh asked curiously, never seeing that picture before. It was probably from Tyler's study in his home that Josh had rarely been in. Tyler grinned, carefully taking the picture from the frame and holding it so both Josh and Olivia could see it.

"My college graduation," he begun, a glazed over looking coming to his eye for a second, "these were my friends, Frankie," Tyler pointed to a short man with dark brown hair. 'Frankie' had his arm around a red haired woman that looked familiar to Josh.

"The red head is Gemma, she enjoyed dying her hair just like daddy and she is trans as well," Tyler continued to explain, the name ringing a bell in Josh's head. Only the bell was rusted and far behind other ones that he could not remember why it was important.

Tyler went on explaining about the other two in the picture, Ashley and Jenna. Two women that apparently loved each other and had married straight out of college. Josh made a wise crack about Tyler being apart of the gay crowd which earned him a punch in his good arm, but a fond smile nonetheless. The small family settled on the couch, deciding that the rest of the moving could wait until after The Little Mermaid played.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 852 

so if i ignore my school work and i write chapter 36 today, i will post chapter 33 (start of the drama) today! so be on the look out for that! i also wrote a really cute chapter and found a cute picture for it! so pictures will probably return in chapter 35!

how did you guys like this chapter? please let me know!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines <3

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