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Warnings: disregard of pronouns, dysphoria mention, emotional abuse(?), and vulgar language.

Disclaimer: I am a cisgender, bisexual female and so I have no idea what is like to be a trans, gay man so I am sorry if I offend anyone! I'm gonna say this here and I'll repeat it in other chapters where I feel like people can get mad at me for things. If I have gotten something completely wrong/offensive, please give me advice on how to make it better!

please stay safe <3

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Thanksgiving came before either knew it. A holiday to be spent with family and all either of the boys really wanted was to spend it with their little family. Curling together after turkey and mash potatoes, watching Christmas movies because Josh couldn't contain himself any longer. It sound absolutely perfect to Tyler. 

Tyler's mother, Kelly, had another idea of perfect however. Somehow, she had caught wind that Tyler had a boyfriend and wanted to meet him immediately. He had attempted to push it off, hoping (though he felt guilty because of it) the fact that Josh had a daughter would scare his mother off, but that only made her more eager. Tyler had tried his absolute best to keep her at bay, but she finally put her foot down with Thanksgiving. Tyler hadn't spent a Thanksgiving with his family since he was twenty. He didn't appreciate being called a female all night really. Another reason he was nervous about taking Josh to meet his parents.

He had tried many times over the last month to tell Josh that he was trans, but it never felt right or he would chicken out. Now, standing on his parents' doorstep, Tyler was out of luck. He had literally begged all of his family for "just this once please call me a boy, please," But he had no clue if they would actually follow through with it.

"Honey, it'll be okay," Josh whispered, reaching forward to knock on the door before placing a reassuring hand on Tyler's back, rubbing him gently. Olivia was tucked between their legs, leaning tiredly against Tyler's. She had fallen asleep in the car on the way over.

"I know, it's just been awhile," he mumbled back, plastering a shy smile on his face when his mother opened the door and let out an over exaggerated gasp as she pulled him into a hug. Tyler quickly braced Olivia against him so she wouldn't fall before wrapping his mother in an one-arm hug. Kelly soon released him and ushered them into the house.

"It has been too long Tyler! I have missed my baby," Kelly gushed before taking notice of the two extras.

"Oh! You must be Josh!" Kelly squeezed the man into her arms, Josh looking awkward and unsure of what to do. Tyler mouthed 'hug her' at him, while lifting Olivia up onto his hip. The young girl buried herself into his neck, clinging to his button up.

"And this must be little Olive!" Tyler and Josh both let out snorts at Kelly's mix up. Olivia was not happy about it and grumbled 'Olivia' into Tyler's collarbone.

"Olivia mom," he corrected her, though his mother was already off, dragging Josh into the kitchen to gossip over this and that, mostly grilling him on his life. Tyler sighed softly and took a few minutes to breathe in Olivia's scent, a mix of strawberries and crayons, to calm himself down. He jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder and turned to see his own dad grinning at him.

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